
Starbucks Ordered To Pay Back $100 Million In Tips

Starbucks Ordered To Pay Back $100 Million In Tips

A California judge has ordered Starbucks to pay its employees more than $100 million in tips and interest that was paid to shift supervisors, says the Associated Press.








Going along with all the recent posts about reciept checking, I’ve been thinking about tricky ways stores could make reciept checking mandatory.  My favorite theory (which I hope never comes to fruition) is the following:


Chase is no longer increasing the rates of cardmembers based on their credit-bureau information as of March 1, 2008.




Dear Consumerist,

Tip: Use One Catch-All Email Address To Collect Restaurant Offers

Tip: Use One Catch-All Email Address To Collect Restaurant Offers

Tracy Ham and Eggs shared a great tip with other readers on our Pizza Hut spam post earlier today: My last decent sized company had a “food@company” email. They opted into everyone deals and menu emails and when we wanted to order something we hit that email and searched for what we wanted.


MyFico Is The Best

8 Ways To Opt Out Of Junk Mail Lists

8 Ways To Opt Out Of Junk Mail Lists

Direct mailers don’t believe in the concept of opting in, so if you want to cut down on the amount of straight-to-the-trash mail you receive, you’ll need to contact them directly and request that your name is removed. ForestEthics—the group behind the Do Not Mail Registry petition we blogged about earlier, has gathered several ways to contact the offending parties.

FDIC Call Center: Former Employee Says It's A Great Place For Bank & Credit Union Info

FDIC Call Center: Former Employee Says It's A Great Place For Bank & Credit Union Info

A former FDIC employee writes that the FDIC’s call center (877-275-3342) is “a tremendously helpful place to get basic referral information if you’re having trouble with your bank, lender, or finance company.” They can’t help you with complaints, but they can route you to the correct agency, provide credit union contact info, and give you the names and numbers of state agencies where your bank is located.

10 Things To Remember When Shopping At Best Buy

10 Things To Remember When Shopping At Best Buy

An employee of Best Buy apparently thinks too many days have gone without us posting something about the store, so he sent in his list of 10 things he thinks every customer should know when shopping there. Items 10 through 7 are all about warranties and service plans, so the usual caveats apply (make sure you know what’s really covered, and that it’s worth the extra cost to you). #4, however, is good to know: “Its pretty much pointless to call Corporate/Customer Service Hotline—they can not override a store’s decision. Best bet is to call or email a District Manager or higher.”


I hate qwest. When i bought my house in july last year i signed up for qwest phone service and direct tv. Well almost immeadately qwest starting billing me for their dial up internet service through MSN also. Well im a system engineer and my 2 roomates are a geek squad supervisor and a pc technician for 3M. Well dial up jsut does not work for any of us have the 12 meg ling from comcast. well after calling and complaining every month from july until december someone finally fixed it. it turned out some guy names fredrick in new york was using my account to get free internet. Well qwest said they would refund me the 96 dollars in charges that had occured from the dial up (which i kept paying or they threatened to turn off all my services on numerous occasions. But at this point i was sick of qwest so i canceled all of my accounts with them when everything i thought was figured out on december 22nd. ( i should note here i went and resigned up for direct tv service but this time i did it directly through direct tv) well last month i get a overdue bill saying that all of my services would be shut off if i didn’t pay…96 dollars so i call them and there is no note of the refund in their system and the confirmation number i have is invalid. so i get transferred to the rep that i spoke to originally he remebered me and said everything would be taken care of. well yesturday night im at work and my fiancee calls me to let me know our direct tv service is shut off. So i call direct tv and they told me yes i am paid up in their system but according to the system i owe qwest 96 dollars from december so they shut off my service. Remeber i have no services with qwest anymore. So i called them today and they cant do anything for me so i have to wait for a manager to call but hes not working until tomorrow at 10am. I contacted the BBB but that could take months, and qwest wont do anything and i will not pay 96 dollars when its qwests mistake. i dont know what else to do here should i contact a lawyer (luckely my brother in law is one). Any one have any advice?


Update: I just got a call from someone named Pat who spoke perfect English who is personally handling my case. It appears Microsoft did realize that it made an error. My emotional bank-account balance for Microsoft is going into the black again!


My friends teased me after I bought my XBOX 360. “Seven in ten die of the red ring of death. It’s only a matter of time,” they said. “It’s working great. I’ll be one of the lucky ones,” I replied in answer to their smirks. They knew me, however. They knew what luck I had with previous technologically inclined purchases (particularly from Apple) and that it was true, that it was only a “matter of time”.

6 Ways To Save Money When Dining Out

6 Ways To Save Money When Dining Out

RacerX at “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Money” has posted the 6 ways he and his wife save money when they go out to eat. Following all of them would make for a noticeably different experience at your favorite restaurant—perhaps more than you’d like. But even adopting a couple of these tips could knock 10% or more off your next fancy meal with the significant other.