time warner cable

Even TWC’s Customer Service System Is Broken

Beth writes in that her Time Warner cable connection isn’t working and they have her account info so bungled that the system won’t even let her connect to a (most likely, incompetent) operator.

Ask The Consumerists: When Is Hi-Def, Not?

Ask The Consumerists: When Is Hi-Def, Not?

Like many others, Andy’s not getting that amazing hi-def signal on his hi-def TV. His 42 inch, plasma, 2 grand plus, hi-def TV.

TWC L3 Rep Responds to Consumerist Posts

A self-identifying Time Warner Cable Level 3 rep calls bunk on our story, HOWTO: Get Actual Customer Support From Time Warner Cable.

TWC Blacksout

Richard called Time Warner Cable to ask when his service would be restored. The rep wouldn’t tell him specifically, or stray from her script, including the part where she upsells him…

EXCLUSIVE: Every Phone Number For TWC Level 3 Tech Support

EXCLUSIVE: Every Phone Number For TWC Level 3 Tech Support

Your Time Warner Cable is messing up. It can’t be fixed by merely turning the modem on and off. You’ve called technical support but they’re useless. You need Level 3 Tech support. That’s the tier at which they can actually help you with the more difficult technical problems.

FCC Good For Something

If you’re pissed about TimeWarner buying Adelphia and cutting your NFL Net coverage, have heart.

TimeWarner’s Adelphia Buyout Continues to Suck For You

You don’t mess with a man’s football.

HOWTO: Get Actual Customer Support From Time Warner Cable

After three months without internet and numerous failed calls to Time Warner Customer support, Mike happened to overhear a rep mention the term “L3.”

Lifehacker Suffers Trifecta of Crappy Cable Companies

Lifehacker Suffers Trifecta of Crappy Cable Companies

Adam Pash, Lifehacker associate editor, moved into a new apartment and signed up for Adelphia internet connection, which promptly had mad troubs. Which is understandable. Adelphia is bankrupt.

UPDATE: Time Warner Cable Hoists Customer on its Own Petard

UPDATE: Time Warner Cable Hoists Customer on its Own Petard

Last week B wrote in about his struggles with Time Warner Cable. His signal was fine until a neighbor got his cable installed.

Time Warner Cable Crosses Wires, Resulting in Large, Incompetent, Electrical Discharge

Time Warner Cable Crosses Wires, Resulting in Large, Incompetent, Electrical Discharge

Two days ago, a Texan walked into his local Time Warner office, dumped his cable box on their counter and announced he was cancelling his service.

Time Warner Cable Hoists Customer on its Own Petard

B’s neighbor in the apartment complex got cable installed. The cable hookups for all apartments are located in a common utility closet. Shortly after his neighbor got his cable installed, B noticed his signal strength was vastly degraded.

Time Warner Cable Install A Sisyphean Ordeal

Time Warner Cable Install A Sisyphean Ordeal

This is pathetic. Time Warner Cable, you are a corpulent prude whore, an easy slut who won’t put out.