time warner cable

Complaints Work! Time Warner Cable Exec Fired After An Avalanche of Customer Complaints

Complaints Work! Time Warner Cable Exec Fired After An Avalanche of Customer Complaints

They have a tall order ahead in repairing strained relations with customers and winning back the more than 10,000 people who have canceled their subscriptions since October.

Time Warner's New DVR Software Is So Horrible That Lincoln, NE Has To Hold A Public Hearing

Time Warner's New DVR Software Is So Horrible That Lincoln, NE Has To Hold A Public Hearing

“There are serious problems here,” Cook [City Councilman] said Wednesday afternoon. “I think Lincoln customers deserve better. They are not getting what they have paid for.” The new guide has been beset with problems since its introduction. Complaints have ranged from the guide itself — ugly graphics, incomplete information, etc. — to problems with slow-reacting cable boxes and DVRs after the software was loaded into them, causing some subscribers to reboot one or more times a day.

Time Warner And The Magical Smoking Modem That Is Entirely Your Fault

Time Warner And The Magical Smoking Modem That Is Entirely Your Fault

I live in Columbus Ohio, and have been a Road Runner subscriber for about 10 years. We also have digital phone from Time Warner (TW provides the RR service in Columbus.) Our digital phone service went out on Monday morning. We called from a cell phone, and they sent out a tech this morning to fix it. He did. At around 3PM, 4-5 hours after he left, the Internet and phone service both went out (The Internet had not gone out on Monday when the digital phone went out.) I unplug the modem, plug it back in; standard stuff. It still won’t assign me an IP. I call them from my cell phone, and they confirm that it is out from their end as well. The person tells me that I can continue plugging it in/out just to test it periodically. I do. When plugged it in at 4:30, however, I hear a crackling noise, and see smoke. My modem has fried. Smells like crap, freaks my 9 year old brother out

Round 4: Exxon vs Time Warner Cable

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Reader Plays Quitsies To Get Time Warner Bill Lowered

Ron got his Time Warner Cable bill reduced by threatening to cancel service.

Time Warner Cable Customer Service Staffed By Crackheads

Time Warner Cable Customer Service Staffed By Crackheads

Jorge writes in about trying to get Time Warner Cable to not charge him for service he already canceled.

Yahoo Blocks Road Runner Customer’s Emails, TWC Tells Him To Call Yahoo Himself

Yahoo is blocking emails sent by Time Warner Cable Road Runner customers who were formerly with Comcast. When consumers complain to Time Warner Cable, the company essentially tells them to call up Yahoo themselves.

Customers Sue Time Warner

Customers Sue Time Warner

Former Comcast and Adelphia customers sued Time Warner last Wednesday over the service disruptions caused when Time Warner bought their networks.

Freaky Thursday: Comcast & TWC To Sell Cellphones, Verizon To Sell Cable TV

Freaky Thursday: Comcast & TWC To Sell Cellphones, Verizon To Sell Cable TV

The crumpet dropped from our gnashing maw when we spied these portents.

Time Warner Won’t Fix Connection Broken For Years

The horror of Time Warner Cable NYC is legion, a textbook example of monopolies abusing consumers customers.

L.A. Vlog Slags TWC Outages

Fed up with the outages caused by the transition between Comcast and Time Warner Cable after the latter bought the former, Orange County resident brainforest recorded a gripe.

Time Warner Cable Takes California

Today, Time Warner Cable starts integrating and consolidating the California cable holdings it aquired from Comcast and Adelphia. If all goes according to plan, this will never happen again:

Happy Day of Labor!

Happy Day of Labor!

Today is a bank holiday for the Gawker Media Network but that doesn’t mean that the fickle wheel of commerce stops keep spinning round. Here’s some updates on consumer’s stories we reported on last week.

UPDATE: Every TWC Level III Phone Number

Hey gang! Remember 27 days ago when posted all those high up Time Warner Cable tech support phone numbers? And everyone was like, dude, this number is disconnected, this area code does not go with this town, and furthermore, you’re a dirty brick licker for posting them? Yeah, those were the days.

Blue Horseshoe Really Does Not Love Adelphia

Blue Horseshoe Really Does Not Love Adelphia

Yet another reason to not sign up with Adelphia…

UPDATE: Time Warner Pays Inexplicable House Call

UPDATE: Time Warner Pays Inexplicable House Call

Dan Edelman gives us an exciting update on the mysterious, TWC tech that visited his house two days ago, without notice and for no apparent reason.

TWC Tells Customer To Shove ‘A Pack Of Matches’ Under Broken Router

TWC Tells Customer To Shove ‘A Pack Of Matches’ Under Broken Router

Short version: Mark got high-speed wireless with Time Warner Cable. They gave him a dirty, fidgety router that if you touch the power supply, it resets. When he got a tech to come back, the tech told him to shove a pack of matches and a bottle cap under the router to keep it from moving.

Time Warner Pays Inexplicable House Call, Consumerist Helps

Time Warner Pays Inexplicable House Call, Consumerist Helps

Dan Edelman, a loyal Consumerist reader, was shocked to hear a Time Warner Cable tech visited his apartment yesterday. Odder than the difficulty in getting one to show up in the first place was that the tech wasn’t asked for. No service call was put in. His cheetos slathered roommate let the guy in without an explanation. The tech puttered around for 20 minutes and left.