time warner cable

Time Warner Cable Promises To Credit You For The Random Bill

Time Warner Cable Promises To Credit You For The Random Bill

I wanted to follow up about the ‘Time Warner Cable Sends You A Random Bill, Can’t Explain Why’ tip I sent in. A Consumerist reader suggested I contact the N. Dallas Time Warner president and provided his email. I did on Sunday (yesterday) and received a call today (Monday) from Barbara at his office.

Time Warner Cable Sends You A Random Bill, Can't Explain Why

Time Warner Cable Sends You A Random Bill, Can't Explain Why

Howdy Consumeristas.

Reach Time Warner Cable Executive Customer Service

Reach Time Warner Cable Executive Customer Service


Comcast Sends Cease And Desist Letter To The NFL

Comcast Sends Cease And Desist Letter To The NFL

Comcast is fed up with the NFL telling its customers to switch providers because the cable company has chosen to offer the NFL network only on their sports tier.

Tech Didn't Show Up? Email Time Warner Cable

Tech Didn't Show Up? Email Time Warner Cable

Reader G writes in with a success story. After her husband took off work to meet a Time Warner technician, they found out that their appointment time had been mysteriously changed. A quick search on Consumerist for some Time Warner executives and a polite email later, G had a technician at her home.

Leaks: "Time Warner Cable Vs NFL Network" Customer Retention Document

Leaks: "Time Warner Cable Vs NFL Network" Customer Retention Document

Time Warner Cable is, like Comcast, currently warring with the NFL network over who should pay for the network. Time Warner, like Comcast, says the NFL channel should be placed on a pay tier so that only the fans who want to watch the games will have to pay the $100 million dollars its going to cost Time Warner to carry the channel.

Cable Companies Will Raise Set-Top Box Rates, Blaming Costs Incurred From FCC Forcing Them To Finally Comply With 11-Year-Old Law

Cable Companies Will Raise Set-Top Box Rates, Blaming Costs Incurred From FCC Forcing Them To Finally Comply With 11-Year-Old Law

Cable companies are using the government’s forcing them to ship new cable boxes with detachable cable cards as an excuse to raise rates on old set-top boxes, AP reports.

Disconnect Fee For Canceling Cable? Oh Yeah? How About I Cancel Internet Too? Oh, Now The Fee Is Gone? OK, Good.

Disconnect Fee For Canceling Cable? Oh Yeah? How About I Cancel Internet Too? Oh, Now The Fee Is Gone? OK, Good.

Exercising your power of consumer choice can yield amazing results, even when doing battle with the Grendel that is Time Warner Cable, writes reader James:

Which ISPs Are Spying On You?

Which ISPs Are Spying On You?

You know, the cynic in us says that the answer to the question “Which ISPs Are Spying On You?” is “all of them,” but Wired actually bothered to ask the 8 largest ISPs about their data retention policies. The sad part? Only 4 responded.

Check Your Time Warner Cable Bill For An Extra $5 Charge

Check Your Time Warner Cable Bill For An Extra $5 Charge

I just got my Time Warner bill in Southern California and wondered why my bill went up by exactly $5. I called customer service and asked them that exact question. Heather informed me that there was a billing glitch which charged an extra $5 and affected numerous people. She said the glitch would be fixed in the next few days but she would credit my account.

Best Of Time Warner Cable

Best Of Time Warner Cable

And he leaves. I scream with rage.”

Time Warner Cable Lies And Says They Showed Up At Your House, When They Really Didn't

Time Warner Cable Lies And Says They Showed Up At Your House, When They Really Didn't

Jon’s was trying to get his cable line repaired with Time Warner Cable. The missed appointments were bad enough, but the worst was when Time Warner tried to argue with Jon that they had shown up for an appointment and Jon wasn’t there and didn’t answer his doorbell or pick up his phone.

Reach Time Warner Cable Executive Customer Service Redux

UPDATE 8/28/07: Barry Rosenblum’s direct line: 212-598-7389

Time Warner Cable Misbills Even Own Company's Employees

Time Warner Cable Misbills Even Own Company's Employees

Ben writes:

Want To Cancel Your Internet? Here's Your Early Termination Fee

Want To Cancel Your Internet? Here's Your Early Termination Fee

Not all ISPs charge ETFs. Here’s a list of different providers and their fees:

Your New Time Warner DVR Comes With Porn!

Your New Time Warner DVR Comes With Porn!

While some of us might consider it “added value” to receive a Time Warner DVR that was already 20% full of the porn that we would eventually be collecting anyway, some people have children and/or don’t feel like watching “Hole Diggers 2.” Shocking, we know.

California City Fines Time Warner Cable $25,000 For Consistently Awful Service

California City Fines Time Warner Cable $25,000 For Consistently Awful Service

“Time Warner has, for a period of time, not lived up to the obligations that are required for the citizens of this community,” said Councilman Keith Millhouse. The city has complained to Time Warner for months without results.

Time Warner Cable: Your Internet Isn't Working So We're Sending A Tech To Disconnect Your Cable

Time Warner Cable: Your Internet Isn't Working So We're Sending A Tech To Disconnect Your Cable

Time Warner Cable in Southern California is completely broken. There is no hope. They’ve fired the head guy, but we think the ship may have already sank. They may as well have let the captain go down with the boat.