You may remember TigerDirect, a consumer electronics seller that has a website and once had stores across the country. They’re probably best known for acquiring the brands and assets of CompUSA and Circuit City when both chains filed for bankruptcy and went out of business. Now competitor PCM has purchased the TigerDirect brand, and appears to be winding down its consumer-facing business… including abruptly doing away with returns. Any returns. [More]

Marketers Make Black Friday A Monthly Occurrence
It seems like a very long time ago that the phrase “Black Friday” referred to the day after Thanksgiving, an important but scary day in the retail calendar that kicked off the Christmas shopping season. Isn’t that still supposed to be the case? Not according to marketers, who have now expanded Black Fridays to every month of the year, because why not? [More]

The Last Vestiges Of Circuit City To Disappear On Dec. 31
It’s been four years since Circuit City, once the nation’s second-largest electronics retailer, filed for bankruptcy. In the spring of 2009, the brand’s new owner, Systemax (you know it better as TigerDirect), resurrected Circuit City as an online-only operation. But it looks like the chain’s name didn’t carry enough worth, and it will soon vanish into history. [More]

TigerDirect Won’t Accept My Coupon Because It Just Won’t
Jeff got a coupon with his last order from TigerDirect, and decided to use it to order some new speakers. Only the coupon didn’t work. The only explanation he could get from TigerDirect as to why the coupon wouldn’t work? Because it just won’t. They won’t accept it, despite having mailed it to him and everything. [More]

Nomadic And Crashing With Friends? No Computer Parts For You
Joshua is a functioning adult with plenty of money to spend at TigerDirect, but they don’t want to sell computer parts to him. That’s because he leads sort of a nomadic existence. The billing address for his cards doesn’t match his address history in the various “public records” databases. He could fix all this by sending in his photo ID, a utility bill, anything that proves that he is where he says he lives. But he’s crashing with friends, and that doesn’t get your name on the power bill. [More]

Florida AG Sues TigerDirect For 'Continually Blaming Customers' For Rebate Delays
Waiting for a rebate from TigerDirect? Good luck with that. In a suit filed last Friday, Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum is charging the company with, among other things, promising customers that rebates would arrive in about 8-10 weeks of submission, when in fact “a vast number of customers experienced delays ranging from one to more than eight months, before receiving their promised rebates, if at all.” The suit also charges TigerDirect with engaging in “deceptive and unfair trade practices.” Reborn As… Circuit City! is back, and it looks eerily familiar. The zombie website is now controlled by Systemax, the same folks who own Tiger Direct. Though the new site may look similar to the old, no doubt part of Systemax’s goal to keep alive a “proud brand that America has grown to count on,” it isn’t nearly as consumer-friendly as we would like…

TigerDirect Parent Company Buys Circuit City Website
Systemax Inc., parent company to discount electronics retailer TigerDirect and the new owner of CompUSA, has purchased Circuit City‘s brand, trademarks and e-commerce business, to the surprise of exactly no one.

What The Hell? Why Are There CompUSA Stores?
Wired is reporting that there are about 30 CompUSA stores — run by the folks behind TigerDirect. CompUSA cannot be killed! It will rise again!

Is The Patriot Act Stopping Gateway From Fixing Your Laptop?
Gateway claims that the Patriot Act is holding up delivery of the part needed to fix Redwoodflyer’s laptop, which has been broken since October. Seems believable to us!
TigerDirect bought CompUSA, and just announced a grand re-opening of 15 stores and the regular opening of one store.

TigerDirect Screws Up Order, Then Screws Up Customer Service Response
Matt bought a camera from TigerDirect. He monitored the status of the order online, and saw that it was marked “shipped” a few days after he placed the order, so he returned the other, more expensive, camera he’d bought at Best Buy. Unfortunately, the TigerDirect camera never arrived.

CompUSA Employees Jerking Off As They Await Store's Death
Now that they’re either liquidated or being sold to TigerDirect, it’s getting pretty chillax around CompUSA land. Here are some pictures reader Jon snapped when he went to snag some computer deals. In the left you can see a CompUSA employee whiling away his last remaining hours by playing a first-person-shooter. In the right, you can see the manager of the store talking to his friends and buying tickets for rap concerts. Jon says he stood in the computer section for twenty minutes before anyone helped him. Jon isn’t mad, really, as he got some good deals, “but what an interesting way to close out the store,” he writes on his blog. What was that, something about not with a bang, but a whimper? Full size pics inside.
”Everything will be brand new.” – Gilbert Fiorentino, CEO of TigerDirect, on his company’s takeover of the remaining CompUSA stores. [Miami Herald]

Tiger Direct Sales Contest Thinks Pimps Are Funny
It’s really funny to rape women, beat them, force them to have sex with other men for money, and then take all their money. Which is why this internal sales promotion for gadget seller TigerDirect is so awesome! Start by selling a customer a notebook computer, then PIMP it up with all sorts of accessories. In turn, the more you sell, the more you get entered into a raffle to win some PIMP prizes so you can PIMP out your crib with pimpin’ a new computer and a pimp 50″ plasma TV with surround sound and a Logitech Harmony 1000 Universal Pimp Remote Control! The promotional flyer proclaims, “Now you have a controller in one hand and a cup full of Gin & Juice in the other. You got the nice gifts and the greens $$$$$$ in your pocket. Now you’re OFFICIALLY PIMPING!” Pimps are a hilarious American icon of entrepreneurship! PIMP PIMP PIMP! Full promotional flyer and contest rules, inside…

TigerDirect Will Take Over 16 CompUSA Stores
TigerDirect has gone through with its plan to purchase CompUSA, including its website, inventory, and “16 of the best CompUSA retail stores,” according to an email sent by CEO Gilbert Fiorentino to TigerDirect employees. The tipster writes, “This also includes Tiger absorbing a fair amount of their stock, though most of what’s in the stores IS going to get cleared out.”

TigerDirect Unlawfully Restrains And Verbally Abuses Customer For Not Submitting To Receipt-Showing Demands
I was visiting a Tigerdirect (Large Electronic Retail Store) in Naperville, IL today (8/23/07)(8/22/07). All was going well until after I had paid for my merchandise and tried to leave.