Steve flew down to Tampa to watch his Raiders play the Buccaneers. After cheering for the away team, he was handcuffed, detained, frisked, and ejected with no explanation. He’d like one.

Tampa Bay Handcuffs And Ejects You For Rooting For The Opposing Football Team

United Adds $800 In Fees To $560 Trip, Loses Customer For Life
And let’s not forget the exorbitant booking fee for using miles for one of our tickets. The actual FLIGHT was only $280 round trip per ticket, but with the booking fee TO USE THE MILES TO PURCHASE A TICKET, we wound up paying over $500.

5 Sites For Finding Cheap Travel Tickets
Lifehacker’s readers voted on their 5 favorite, and sometimes, unsung, travel deal websites. Here’s what they came up with:

Ticketmaster Is Evil And Must Die
Ticketmaster is an evil monopoly that steals cash from defenseless consumers. They are infinitely more evil than their hated 30% surcharge would suggest, and they must be destroyed.

Get A New Sprint Line, Get Free Companion Airfare Ticket
Just found an extra deal for today from Sprint: Get a new Sprint phone line and get a free airline companion ticket, up to a $500 value. Get two tickets, up to a $1,000 value, with activation of a BlackBerry on a BlackBerry Plan or a Simply Everything Plan.

Delta is selling airline tickets from New York City to Chicago for $79 each way. You must depart October 11th and return between October 13-14th. [TravelZoo via their Twitter feed]

Update: Orbitz Sent Reader To Collections For Ticket They Never Sold Him
Here’s some updates on the post about reader Josh, whom Orbitz wanted to make pay for a ticket they never sold him and he never used. Turns out that between when he sent his original letter to us in February and when we posted it, Orbitz sent him to collections. But now that his story got on here and Digg, Orbitz’s ass-covering machine has been activated…

Personal Finance Roundup
8 ways to ruin your chances to retire [Bankrate] “You can stay shackled to a job until your last gasp if you follow these steps.”

7 Unexpected Rules For Saving On Airfare
With the tightening economy, airfare feels more painful than ever,you can avoid paying more than absolutely necessary with these seven tips…

Travelocity Stole $2,594.55 Of My Honeymoon Money!
James booked two flights for his honeymoon with Travelocity, but when it became obvious that their visas weren’t going to come in on time, James asked Travelocity if he could reschedule. They assured him that he could, so James followed their instructions and FedExed his tickets back to Travelocity. He then waited for them to call to complete the transaction. They called 2 days after he was originally scheduled to leave and left a message saying that he could now reschedule. When he called them back, Travelocity said that they’d neglected to inform the airline that he was going to be rescheduling, so they’d been marked as “no shows” and were out of luck… and out of $2,584.55.

9 Ways To Save At The Movies
Summer means movies, but don’t get stuck paying $12 per ticket or $7 for a bag of popcorn. Instead, check out these nine ways to slash your movie budget without missing any summer blockbusters.

Accurately Compare Airline Fees With Handy Charts
Finding a competitively priced airline ticket is tricky enough without each airline having its own myriad of fees and individual policies. Fortunately, the Airfarewatchdog blog lists most of the fees for the major airlines in one place. Combine it with their checked bag fee chart, and now you know all the fees. This makes meaningful comparison much easier. Otherwise, you might have to go through the entire ticket purchase process before you could figure out your total including fees. They are also “the only site that lists low airfares on all airlines, including Southwest. And [they] include special fares that you can only buy on the airline’s own sites.”

The paper airline ticket has officially died. [USAToday]
How Do The Detroit Lions Feel About Season Ticket Holders? "F— 'Em"
Kevin Furlong is a season ticket holder with the Detroit Lions. As masochistic as that sounds, it seems that Kevin didn’t appreciate an email that the Lions inadvertently sent him concerning a problem with his tickets. The email read: “Lance…he is not talking about you here. Mark was asked to speak to these people and he said no. F… ’em until next year.”