The price of the EpiPen emergency allergy medication soared by 400% to 600% over the last decade, in part due to a lack of competition. In February, the FDA rejected a potential competing injector from Teva Pharmaceuticals, but now the company says it still hopes to get an EpiPen alternative in pharmacies — at some point in the next two years. [More]
the waiting game

Roku Boxes Will Let You Know When It’s Cheaper To Stream New Movies
If you’re willing to wait out the initial on-demand release of a new movie, you’ll likely be rewarded with a price drop. But it can be annoying to remember to check to see whether it still costs $6.99 to rent that video. The folks at Roku are hoping that a new price-tracking feature will ease that particular pain. [More]

Family Faces Lien On Home Because City Doesn’t Have Time To Look At Building
Here in Philadelphia, buildings with multiple apartments must hire private trash collectors to haul away residents’ garbage or face fines. But one family says it’s been having a dilly of a time trying to convince the city that they are the only tenants of the building and that they shouldn’t face a lien over $1,197 in fines that should never have been assessed. [More]

Best Buy Has Had My Returned Order For 11 Weeks But I’m Still Waiting On My Refund
Back in early May, Consumerist reader JR decided to buy a microwave off, which should have been a simple process. Little did she expect that she’d end up paying for two microwaves and waiting nearly three months to get a refund. [More]

Shocker: Having Fewer Air-Traffic Controllers On The Job Results In Flight Delays
We probably don’t need to tell you, especially if you’re reading this on your phone while waiting for your flight, but when you cut the hours of the people whose job it is to control air-traffic, you’re probably going to end up with some traffic jams. [More]

FAA Warns That Upcoming Furloughs Could Affect Thousands Of Flights Per Day
With a slew of air-traffic controller furloughs set to kick in on Sunday, the Federal Aviation Administration has given the airline industry the heads-up that these staffing shortages could affect upwards of 7,000 flights every day at the nation’s busiest airports. [More]

Do You Always Wait Until You're Eligible To Upgrade Your Phone?
Later today, Apple is slated to introduce its latest iPhone, which inevitably leads to fans of the popular device clamoring for an upgrade while they glare with disappointment at their iPhone 4S, asking “Why did I ever think I could love you?” But will people wait until they are eligible for an upgrade from their wireless carrier, or will they just say “screw it” and pony up some extra cash to have the newest and shiniest phone? [More]

Unruly Spirit Airlines Passenger Leaves Travelers Stranded For More Than 10 Hours
A Spirit Airlines flight from L.A. to Ft. Lauderdale had to make an unexpected — and incredibly prolonged — stop in Houston on Sunday, all because of an unruly passenger. [More]

Which Online Retailers Have The Fastest & Slowest Delivery Times?
Today is Free Shipping Day, which is pretty self-explanatory, but free shipping doesn’t mean good shipping. That’s why the folks at STELLAservice wanted to know which of the top 25 online retailers were able to get you your order in a timely manner. [More]

Reasons Not To Buy Video Games At Launch
The video game hype machine is geared to spend months — and sometimes, years — getting fans to want to line up at midnight sales and pounce on titles as soon as they become available. But it seldom makes financial sense to jump in immediately. You can stretch your gaming dollar by refusing to buy brand-new stuff. [More]

Study: Waiting For Installers, Service Techs, Deliveries Costs $37.7 Billion/Year
As I’m sitting here waiting for my new washer/dryer to be dropped off — They are still within the not-at-all-narrow 6-hour window of delivery — I stumble upon this new study that attempts to put a dollar value on the time spent idling while waiting for everything from cable installers to home deliveries. [More]

How Long Should I Wait For Time Warner Cable To Hook Up My Internet?
Isaac signed up for Time Warner Cable internet at the beginning of the month. And he waited. And waited. And the company pushed his start date back again and again and now tells him he’ll have to wait nearly two weeks from when he signed up for a tech to visit him. [More]

DOT: No Exemptions For New Tarmac Rules
Remember a few weeks back when a bunch of airlines asked the FAA for a temporary exemption to the new rules about how long planes can wait on a tarmac? Earlier today DOT secretary Ray LaHood told them to go take a flying leap. [More]

Redbox Bows To WB's Demand It Wait 4 Weeks To Rent Its DVDs
Warner Bros. has already gotten Netflix to wait four weeks before renting the studio’s DVDs, and now it’s worked out a similar deal with Redbox, Deadline Hollywood Daily reports: [More]