
Boiler Room Made Flesh

Boiler Room Made Flesh

So, we put out the call for something as good as the AOL cancel call. Mark steps up with a link to his buddy Aaron’s site who hosts a call between himself and a Boiler Room type crapola stock seller, Josh.

Calls From a Stranger, No More

Calls From a Stranger, No More

Well, at least it will now be illegal. Last week, the House passed H.R. 5126, The Truth in Caller I.D. Act, outlawing misrepresenting one’s identity on caller ID, colloquially known as “caller ID spoofing.”

Verizon is Dyslexic

Verizon is Dyslexic

Crossing Swords With Sprint PCS

Crossing Swords With Sprint PCS

Gregg wasn’t paying attention. Slowly, every so surely, his Sprint bill had crept up until it was charging him $100 for a data service he never used. After four months of inattention and automatic credit-card bill payments, his overpayment mounted to over $800. The low-level CSR argued with Greg that it was his fault so he leapfrogged her and did battle with the supervisor. We’re making it sound more exciting than it really is, after all, Greg says in his intro:

Vonage Bleeds, Consumerist Feeds

Vonage Bleeds, Consumerist Feeds

The buzz this morning is that Vonage could be a sweet “acquisition target” i.e. dismembered whale lumbering through shark waters i.e. their recent stock drop could have takeover kids licking their mandibles. Maybe their new daddy is someone willing to give their call centers a hot beef injection? (We mean that in the best way possible…)

T-Mobile Rep Parries Consumerist Complaint

T-Mobile Rep Parries Consumerist Complaint

Back in February, we ran Sam C’s complaint about a T-Mobile price increase for text messages, raising it from five cents to ten cents per message. On the page detailing the change a footnote remarked how long the “discounted” price would remain in effect. Our complainant compared it to the novel 1984, wherein, “Winston notes that people had demonstrated to thank Big Brother because their chocolate ration had been increased to 20 grams. (when it had actually be reduced to 20 from 30).”

The News: Hungover, Hating Self, World

The News: Hungover, Hating Self, World

• CMP Media trying to >prevent anyone from using the term Web 2.0. God, at least somebody is. [NYT]

Ask The Consumerists: Who Owns Our CSR Records?

Ask The Consumerists: Who Owns Our CSR Records?

Question: when your call is recorded for “quality control”… who owns the call?

Vonage is Boneage

Vonage is Boneage

If V for Vonage then C is for crappy customer care.

IRS Tells NSA How to Do Its Job

IRS Tells NSA How to Do Its Job

The IRS just fact-checked the NSA’s wiretapping ass.

Pith & Vinegar

• My wireless network could kick your wireless network’s ass.

UPDATE: Win $1000

We want you to have $1000 and will give you a prize for just trying to collect it.

HOWTO: Win $1000

1) Print out this page.

Dial M for Murder

If you’ve ever wanted to kill someone for yakking on their cellphone, watch out. They may be packing heat.

Free Calls With Skypeout

Free Calls With Skypeout

Skype is now free to use to make calls to any phone, be it mobile or landline, within the US and Canada.

Verizon Sued $5 Billion for Phone Record Sale to NSA

Verizon Sued $5 Billion for Phone Record Sale to NSA

Leaving nary a moment to spare, two public interest lawyers filed suit against Verizon on Friday for $5 billion, for gross violation of citizen’s privacy in the telcos’ sale of phone records to the NSA.

A Million Little Phone Records

Finally! Something else to be mad about besides gas.

BREAKING: NSA Has Massive Database of Americans’ Phone Calls

BREAKING: NSA Has Massive Database of Americans’ Phone Calls

Good thing we installed that intricate secret network of tin cans and string. Reports USA TODAY: