
Cingular Removes Racist Ringtone

Ring ring! Who’s there? Cultural insensitivity, that’s who.

Make Anonymous Cell Phone Calls

With cellphones, now everyone’s a walking caller id. Here’s how to make a call on your mobile without revealing its number.

Net Neutrality as Told By Gun Wielding Halo Maniacs

Here’s a funny window into the issue of net neutrality, depicted by characters from the shoot-em-up smash hit, Halo, spotted here.

Cingular: We’re So Union

Cingular: We’re So Union

If you’re a union member, you can get 5% off your Cingular cellphone plan. That’s because Cingular is a unionized wireless company, according to this sub-level of their cingularswitch website.

LG Says Life’s Good in the Ghetto

LG Says Life’s Good in the Ghetto

This is an LG billboard in Caracas, Venezuela, shot from one of the city’s worst slums.

Mobile With a Capital T And That Spells Trouble

My T-Mobile horror story is actually related to our business account. I work for a relatively small telecom company (we don’t do wireless) and for about a year my job here was to dispute any errors in billing with our vendors (sad that that’s a full time job).

UPDATE: Calls From a Stranger

Reader Ben reports that 1) he received another strange Spanish phone spam scam call, this time from 401-200-9876 and 2) he still doesn’t speak Spanish.

UPDATE: Calls From A Stranger

UPDATE: Calls From A Stranger

Remember that strange Spanish phone spam scam that was going around? Two weeks after we first started reporting it, and hundreds of people complaining about it, it’s still going on. And from the same number, 305-503-8068 .

Verizon Shoots Foot to Spite Face

Verizon Shoots Foot to Spite Face

Like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a cellphone to work the way its supposed to, some users can’t get high-rez pictures off their high-end Verizon phones. To protect its “Get It Now” multimedia revenue model Verizon cripples the Motorola’s capabilities by implementing a 300kbps transfer limit.

Sprint Won’t Let Soldier Cancel Cellphone

Sprint Won’t Let Soldier Cancel Cellphone

We must be a tabloid, we’re getting our stories from Sploid:

Telepickpocketing Phisers Fry Consumers

Telepickpocketing Phisers Fry Consumers

LIke a malignant pile of pustulent bacteria, scammers are constantly evolving.

Man’s Airline Complaint Resolved (What a Juicy Headline)

Man’s Airline Complaint Resolved (What a Juicy Headline)

Unfortunately for us, Dave went through the airport yesterday. After a surly customs agent behaved in an uncouth, yet ironic (situationaly speaking) manner, he called customs to complain.

Renegotiate Your Cellphone Bill

Here’s some some salient pointers on doing battle with your cellphone company to get your cellphone contract to not feel so terribly much like a roll in the ol’ iron maiden.

Scammers Exploit Caller ID to Steal Personal Info

Scammers Exploit Caller ID to Steal Personal Info

Dan writes in a story of a lady pretending to be Capitol One and asking for his social security information. The callerID showed up as a number registered to Capitol One.

UPDATE: Calls From A Stranger

UPDATE: Calls From A Stranger

Courtney tips that she’s received a Spanish spam call, this time from 301-392-8219, based out of La Plata, Maryland and registered to Verizon. We’ve also received reports about 305-503-8068. If anyone gets calls from these numbers, report it to your cell phone company and even the police. The police have the ability to access the records to trace these calls back to their source.

HOWTO: Block Text Message Spam

HOWTO: Block Text Message Spam

On Tuesday, several readers wrote in complaining about receiving text message spam. Toby says that T-Mobile’s customer service refunded the 20 cents the spam cost as well as showing him how to keep future unwanted messages away. He writes:

Nu Txt Msg Scm

Nu Txt Msg Scm

We received two complaints today from Elizabeth and Melba who received a a new text message spam/scam.

UPDATE: A Big Break in ‘Calls From a Stranger’ Story

UPDATE: A Big Break in ‘Calls From a Stranger’ Story

More answers and more questions about our mysterious phone spammer.