
Verizon FiOs Install Results In Gas Line Breach

Verizon FiOs Install Results In Gas Line Breach

One Verizon FiOs install results in breached sewer pipe. Another, a breached gas line. There was no explosion, or even smoke. Some unpleasantly scented puffs of air, though. Guess they’re getting better. What do you expect to happen when you have guys drilling through stuff? Accidents, that’s what. Unfortunate and statistically insignificant accidents. It all comes out in the wash. Like blood. Blood comes out in the wash, right? Still, it’s almost like some of these guys have no idea what they’re doing. “It’s true QAM.” Yes, we have true qualms.

Opt Out Of Verizon's Scheme To Sell Your Personal Info To Marketers

Opt Out Of Verizon's Scheme To Sell Your Personal Info To Marketers

Verizon Wireless customers who don’t feel like having their personal information and account information sold to marketers can opt-out by calling 1-800-333-9956. A notice tucked into our recent bill told us we had 30 days from receiving the notice to do it. Considering that Verizon just sold 1,000,000 old accounts to a debt-collecting agency who tried to bully people into pay debts that were already paid off or never incurred in the first place, calling this number might be a wise move.

Verizon Doesn't Care If It Eats Up All Your Vacation Days Waiting For Installations

Verizon Doesn't Care If It Eats Up All Your Vacation Days Waiting For Installations

To whom it may concern:

Claim Your $100 Early Adopter iPhone Credit

Claim Your $100 Early Adopter iPhone Credit

If you bought the iPhone before the price drop, Apple has an easy site where you can claim your $100 credit.

Which Cellphone Company Is Best About Fighting Text Message Spam?

Which Cellphone Company Is Best About Fighting Text Message Spam?

Cellphone text message spam is still rare, but annoying, especially as each one usually costs you. If you’re experiencing a deluge, often the only way to fight it is to turn off text messaging entirely, but which providers let you?

44% Fewer West Virginia Payphones Since 1998

The number of payphones in West Virginia has decreased 44% since industry deregulation in 1998, according to reports by the state’s Public Service Commission.

Verizon Is Taking My Phone Away Because It Doesn't Have GPS?

Verizon Is Taking My Phone Away Because It Doesn't Have GPS?

Hello Ms. Marco,

When Travelling Internationally, Pop Out The iPhone SIM Card To Check Email Without Huge Roaming Charges

A handy tip that could’ve saved a couple people a few thousand dollars *cough* And This Is Your $4190.76 iPhone Bill *cough* iPhone/AT&T $3,000 International Roaming Bill Serves As Cruel Warning…or you can always just get a prepaid local SIM card, providing you’ve already unlocked your iPhone, of course.

Earthlink's Worthless Customer Service Drives Man To Record And Post Calls

Earthlink's Worthless Customer Service Drives Man To Record And Post Calls

Unfazed by the idea of giving money to a company run by Scientologists, Steve signed up for Earthlink DSL back in May ’06. 4 months ago, his DSL started cutting in and out and he got static on the landline. Perhaps his router was possessed by body thetans. As Steve’s calls to customer service got more and more hopeless, he began recording and posting them online. Selected highlights…

Steer Clear Of The Call Forwarding Scam – Don't Dial *72

Cook County prison inmates posing as Sheriffs are scamming St. Louis households with calls that start with a request to aid someone who has just been in an accident by calling a number that starts with *72. The prefix activates call forwarding, allowing all incoming calls to ring at an alternate number; the calls are then billed to the victim.

Verizon Spins Causing Electrical Fire During FiOs Install Into Sales Pitch

When will Verizon wonks learn that it’s in incredibly bad taste to insert a sales pitch in the middle of your apology for yet another FiOs technician causing yet annother electrical fire at a customer’s home?

The good news is that Wilen loves his FiOS service…now that it is up and working. As a friend wrote to me earlier, “If he had this sort of problem when it was installed, and still likes FiOS this much, it must be a great service!”

Never, it seems, never.

Verizon Techs Blow Out AP Reporter's Electrical Box During Installation

Verizon Techs Blow Out AP Reporter's Electrical Box During Installation

Verizon FiOs techs have flubbed another install, hitting an electrical wire and leaving the electrical box smoking. This time, the customer was an AP reporter. Oopsy poopsies!

Comcast Testing "Do-It-Yourself" Phone Install Kits

Comcast Testing "Do-It-Yourself" Phone Install Kits

Let’s face it, you are probably smarter than your last Comcast technician—at least, you probably think you are.

Verizon Keep Spraying Our Sidewalks With The Same, Three, Permanent, Dots

Verizon Keep Spraying Our Sidewalks With The Same, Three, Permanent, Dots

David would like to know if Verizon Fios techs can’t afford glasses. Otherwise, why would it be necessary to spray paint their sidewalk three times within the past year? The dots are supposed to indicate where to dig up to install the vaunted “last mile” of information HOV lane, but it really seems like overkill. After all, it’s not like they need to be concerned about the dots deteriorating. “It never goes away,” David writes us. “Brushes, power washing, passage of time — nothing.”

AT&T: If The Stylus On Your Phone Breaks, Your Warranty Is Void

AT&T: If The Stylus On Your Phone Breaks, Your Warranty Is Void

Reader Rob has an AT&T 8525.

T-Mobile Refuses To Process Your Credit Card Order, Then Processes It Anyway… After You've Gone To Another Company

T-Mobile Refuses To Process Your Credit Card Order, Then Processes It Anyway… After You've Gone To Another Company

T-Mobile refused to process reader Lucas’ girlfriend’s credit card because she couldn’t verify some of her personal information (she’s moved a lot and doesn’t remember the addresses of old dorm rooms, ect.). After she was rejected she went to another company for her phone… only to find that T-Mobile decided to process her order.

Get Easy Reverse Phone Number Lookups With Sullr

Get Easy Reverse Phone Number Lookups With Sullr

Sullr is a free and simple online site that lets you to do reverse phone number lookup without wading through ads or come-on pitches.

Verizon's Cancels Service Because You Called South Korea

Verizon gets skittish if you call South Korea or Arabic countries, and if the “High Toll” department doesn’t correctly report that they were able to get in contact with you to verify you intentionally made the call, you could find your service disconnected.