

Target To Hire Fewer Seasonal Workers This Year

Target is in the middle of ramping up for the all-important holiday shopping season by hiring a slew of folks to slip on a red shirt for a few weeks, but the retailer says it expects to hire 2,000-12,000 fewer seasonal employees this year than it did in 2011. Target also says this shouldn’t be seen as a bad thing. [More]

(The Joy Of The Mundane)

Geek Squad Expands To Target And eBay

Have you recently gone to make an electronics purchase somewhere other than Best Buy, but found yourself wishing you could engage the services of the Geek Squad onsite, or buy one of their special Black Tie warranty plans? If you’re one of the regular readers of this site, probably not. But plenty of other people do, and the Nerd Herd is expanding outside of the walls of Best Buy. [More]

Seems legit.

Target Sells Lots Of Reservation Cards For ‘The Avengers’ Blu-Ray, Forgets To Order Discs

Target stores offered customers the opportunity to reserve their copy of the super-awesome Blu-Ray box set of “The Avengers” by purchasing reservation cards in advance. What the stores forgot to do, though, was actually stock the discs. It’s fine if they want to only get a few copies of a hot new movie in and sell them to employees’ nephews or people banging on the door at opening time or whatever. It’s not cool to sell reservation cards that you don’t intend to honor. [More]

Diapers, diapers everywhere...

Explosion At Japanese Chemical Plant Results In Run On Diapers In North Texas

Over the weekend, there was an explosion inside a chemical plant in Japan. So it only makes sense that the parents of youngsters in North Texas are buying oodles of diapers. [More]


Leaked Target Training Script Shows That The Company May Not Know What The Word “Amazing” Means

For millions of people, Target is seen as many things — convenient, low-priced, reasonably tasteful — but we have a hunch that most Target shoppers would use the word “amazing” to describe the Target shopping experience. And they certainly wouldn’t use it over and over and over again the way a leaked Target employee training script does. [More]

Target Creates “Shoppable” Film To Sell You Target Products While You Watch

Target Creates “Shoppable” Film To Sell You Target Products While You Watch

Are you sick of movies that try to ruin solid product placement with things like plot, action, and characters? Do you also ache to see B-list TV actors cashing a paycheck by appearing in extended commercials for a discount retailer? Then the folks at Target have got the show for you! [More]

It’s Time For Another Visit To Target’s Reality Vortex

It’s Time For Another Visit To Target’s Reality Vortex

We’ve known for a long time now that Target has a very loose grip on reality. Here are three more pieces of evidence that the discounter just isn’t in the same reality as the rest of us. [More]

Target Realizes Spain Is No Longer A Dictatorship; Pulls Shirt With Franco Flag

Target Realizes Spain Is No Longer A Dictatorship; Pulls Shirt With Franco Flag

While it’s nowhere near as embarrassing as the Walmart Nazi skull shirt fiasco of 2007-08, the folks at Target are more than a little red in the face after having to pull a shirt featuring the former flag of Spain, which is now closely associated with murder-happy dictator General Francisco Franco. [More]

Target Just Can’t Stop The Crazy Prices

Target Just Can’t Stop The Crazy Prices

Sure, we’ve explained the apparent insanity of Target’s prices, but the crazy just keeps on coming. Here are a few examples from our stuffed-full Target is Crazy mailbag. [More]

Target: We’re Out Of Scales, So Just Buy A Mirror

Target: We’re Out Of Scales, So Just Buy A Mirror

Hmmm, what should one do if Target is out of scales?

Amazing Curtains Block More Than 100% Of Light, Create Singularity

Amazing Curtains Block More Than 100% Of Light, Create Singularity

Geoffrey went to Target in search of light-blocking curtains but when he got there, he found more. Ever so much more. Target now gives customers the tools to create a singularity in their very own homes.

Target Ships Clock in Box Fit For Human Habitation

Target Ships Clock in Box Fit For Human Habitation

We love to report on comically overpackaged mail-order items and Target’s reality vortex here, but I didn’t think that the two would coincide. A wedding gift that John and his fiancée received proved me wrong. In the photo are the gift, the box it was shipped in, and the lovely bride. Who fits in the box along with the clock. (Paging Dr. Seuss?)

RESOLVED: Target Targets Handicapped, We Target Them

Last Monday, lovely reader Lexi wrote us about Fran, the Target store manager who publicly harangued her sweet, handicapped mother. We called Fran a cunt. We asked people to call and complain. It’s a testament to how much goodwill Target has that many of you played devil’s advocate for Fran.

Target Targets Handicapped, We Target Them

Target Targets Handicapped, We Target Them