Geek Squad Expands To Target And eBay Image courtesy of (The Joy Of The Mundane)

(The Joy Of The Mundane)
Their services will be available to eBay buyers, and Geek Squad outposts will soon open at all of the Denver-area Target stores. Geek services will also be available at one Target store in Minneapolis, hometown of all three companies: Geek Squad, Best Buy, and Target.
“Who thought this was a good idea?” writes tipster Amy. Well, it could be that the Geek Squad’s brand is strong separate from Best Buy’s. Brick-and-mortar retailers can’t complete with online-only retailers on prices alone all the time,but they can offer support, onsite services, and juicy, profitable extended warranties and protection plans. Expanding to eBay also represents an opportunity to sell Geek Squad services to people who may never set foot in a Best Buy.
The key is to make sure that the geeks look out for the customer’s best interests, and not those of parent company Best Buy. “Target is probably not interested in having Geek Squad refer business to Best Buy away from Target’s electronics sales,” Geek Squad founder Robert Stephens told Bloomberg News.
Geek Squad expands beyond Best Buy [Bloomberg]
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