
(Beth Lennon)

Report: More Holiday Credit Card Breaches To Be Revealed

It’s bad enough that some 110 million Target customers may have had their credit card info stolen, or that some Neiman Marcus shoppers are falling victim to ID theft following a data breach. A new report says there are a few other retailers waiting to reveal the bad news that they too were victims of credit card hackers. [More]

Target Data Breach Possibly Hit 110 Million, May Include People Who Didn’t Shop During Holidays

Target Data Breach Possibly Hit 110 Million, May Include People Who Didn’t Shop During Holidays

What we thought was getting worse just keeps getting worser: This morning we heard that the data breach at Target had hit 70 million customers, instead of the 40 million originally reported by the company. And now that number is not only possibly up to 110 million, but it could include people who didn’t even shop during the holidays, which is when Target said the leak happened. [More]

Target Data Breach Manages To Keep Getting Worse; Now It’s 70 Million Customers’ Data Stolen [UPDATE]

Target Data Breach Manages To Keep Getting Worse; Now It’s 70 Million Customers’ Data Stolen [UPDATE]

UPDATE: The bad news just keeps on rolling in. Reports now indicate the 70 million customers whose names, addresses, and e-mails were breached are in addition to the original 40 million stolen credit cards, bringing the total number of affected folks potentially to as many as 110 million. [More]

Mean ol' Stupid Shipping Gang.

Target’s Stupid Shipping Gang Subjects Tweezers To Extreme Solitude In Mostly Empty Box

It’s a cruel, cold world out there. If you’re a lucky pair of tweezers, you don’t have to go through that alone. If you’re unlucky enough to be sent away to your new home by Target’s Stupid Shipping Gang, you’re Consumerist reader Nix’s sad, lonely tweezers. [More]

Police Credit Target Worker’s Keen Eye For Odd Behavior For Cracking Kidnapping Case

Police Credit Target Worker’s Keen Eye For Odd Behavior For Cracking Kidnapping Case

A Target employee in California is really taking her loss prevention specialist title seriously: Police say she helped crack a recent kidnapping case wide open when she noticed a customer acting a bit off in her store. The worker took down the man’s license plate number and ultimately, helped return a little girl to her family. [More]

Target Will Honor Gift Cards It Failed To Activate During Holiday Season

Target Will Honor Gift Cards It Failed To Activate During Holiday Season

Hot on the heels of a massive data breach that compromised credit and debit card information for some 40 million U.S. customers, Target has confirmed reports that some gift cards sold during the recent holiday shopping season were not activated properly by the retailer. [More]

Target Confirms PIN Data Also Stolen In Credit/Debit Card Hack

Target Confirms PIN Data Also Stolen In Credit/Debit Card Hack

After days of denying a report that hackers had stolen encrypted PIN data from some 40 million Target shoppers, the retailer has finally admitted that yes, this information was indeed collected during the 3-week-long data breach. [More]

Christmas Gift Of iPod Was Actually A Box Filled With Erasers

Christmas Gift Of iPod Was Actually A Box Filled With Erasers

One San Diego man obviously isn’t a regular Consumerist reader. He bought his wife an iPod for Christmas, and she opened it up to find…four erasers and some specially-cut index cards filling up the spot that’s supposed to cradle the iPod. They’re probably very nice erasers, but you can’t play music on them. Light percussion, maybe. [More]

Even With 10% “Our Bad” Discount, Target’s Sales Down After Credit Card Disaster

Even With 10% “Our Bad” Discount, Target’s Sales Down After Credit Card Disaster

Over the weekend, Target went into damage-control, attempting to lure customers back into its retail stores by offering a 10% discount to everyone — not just the 40 million customers whose credit card numbers were stolen between late November through mid-December. But even that apparently wasn’t enough to bring customers back during the last-ditch holiday shopping weekend. [More]

(Ron Dauphin)

Stolen Target Credit Card Info: The Perfect Holiday Gift For the Criminals On Your List

Merry Christmas, and be sure to check your online statements: security investigations reveal that the tens of millions of credit card numbers stolen from Target shoppers in the weeks since Thanksgiving are indeed flooding the black market and making their way around the world. [More]

Look On The Bright Side, Target: At Least These 3 Credit Card Hacks Were Bigger Than Yours

Look On The Bright Side, Target: At Least These 3 Credit Card Hacks Were Bigger Than Yours

Target is probably having a very unmerry holiday season right now dealing with the credit card breach that likely affected about 40 million accounts. Target might be the retail version of a sad Charlie Brown at Christmas right now, but hey, it could be worse. No, really. [More]

Target “Deeply Regrets” Letting Someone Steal 40 Million Credit Card Numbers From Customers

Target “Deeply Regrets” Letting Someone Steal 40 Million Credit Card Numbers From Customers

In case they missed the news last night, Target customers around the country are waking up this morning and learning that they may be one of many millions of consumers whose credit and debit card information was compromised during the course of a nearly three-week-long security breach at the retailer. Big Red, you’ve got some explaining to do… [More]

Happy Holidays: Target & Secret Service Investigating Credit/Debit Card Breach

Happy Holidays: Target & Secret Service Investigating Credit/Debit Card Breach

Because it’s not the holidays without family, friends, gifts, reindeer, and news of a massive breach of credit and debit card records, the folks at Target are reportedly looking into the possibility that its customers’ information may have been compromised during the busiest shopping season of the year.
UPDATE: The U.S. Secret Service has confirmed to the Wall Street Journal that it is investigating the data breach, which is believed to have taken advantage of a vulnerability in the network of some 40,000 card-scanning devices used at Target stores nationwide. [More]

To Someone At Target, This Sign Makes Sense

To Someone At Target, This Sign Makes Sense

Attention hibiscus fans: we’re very sorry to inform you that you missed this sale within Target’s reality vortex that ended on Saturday. You know, in case you needed to stock up on sugar/salt scrub at 0% off. [More]

Egg Pricing At Target Doesn’t Even Pretend To Make Sense

Egg Pricing At Target Doesn’t Even Pretend To Make Sense

Reader Daniel sent us what looked like a straightforward case of fuzzy math. At his local Target, a half-dozen eggs cost 99¢, while a dozen of the same exact eggs cost $2.09. Or do they? [More]

Retailers Try To Win Over Employees Who Work This Thanksgiving

Retailers Try To Win Over Employees Who Work This Thanksgiving

The Thanksgiving barrier has been breached by retailers, and the previously untouchable holiday is now just another day on which to have a big sale. In an attempt to win over employees who may not be too thrilled about having to eat Thanksgiving dinner at noon so they can make it to work on time, some stores are providing perks to workers who sacrifice their Turkey Day in the name of doorbuster deals. [More]

At Target, A “Free” Gift Card For Reserving A PS4 Actually Costs $25, Can’t Be Used For PS4

At Target, A “Free” Gift Card For Reserving A PS4 Actually Costs $25, Can’t Be Used For PS4

Everybody wants a piece of the valuable pie that is the new PS4, so how do retailers distinguish themselves from each other and make sure you buy the console from them instead of another store? For one, Target offered what at first seemed like a pretty good deal: Reserve a PS4 from Target and pay $25 to do so, and receive a $25 gift card when you pick up the system. Sounds great, right? Maybe not so much, as we’re hearing from some very dissatisfied readers. [More]


Target’s $200 iPad Trade-In Deal A Victim Of Its Own Awesomeness

Last week, there was a great promotion at Target. Target Mobile locations always accept electronics trade-ins, but they offered a special deal in order to move some iPads. Customers could trade in any working iPad, dating back to the positively ancient iPad 1 from 2010, and get a minimum of $200 on a Target Mobile gift card. That’s a good deal, and it was very popular. [More]