taking it seriously

Initial Questions Offer Hope That FCC Isn’t Going Easy On Comcast/TWC Merger

Initial Questions Offer Hope That FCC Isn’t Going Easy On Comcast/TWC Merger

While the FCC’s public comment period for the Comcast/Time Warner Cable merger remain open through Monday, the commission has already sent off its first round of questions to the companies involved. And judging by both the quantity and quality of the things being asked, it looks like the FCC isn’t ready to rubber-stamp the deal. [More]

The Onion Reacts To Facebook’s Hand-Holding Of Your Idiot Friends

The Onion Reacts To Facebook’s Hand-Holding Of Your Idiot Friends

Earlier today, Facebook confirmed it was rolling out a system that labels links from The Onion and others as “satire,” so that your idiot friend from high school would (hopefully) realize that the President didn’t run over Jimmy Carter with his car, or that Dick Van Dyke may not have been the Zodiac killer. Oddly enough, the esteemed news source’s response to the Facebook announcement is much closer to truth than it is to satire. [More]

(Alan Turkus)

Here Are Some E-Mails To Consumerist That We Don’t Understand

Here at Consumerist, we receive a wide variety of e-mails: reader complaints, pleas for help, links to news articles and blog posts, bafflingly irrelevant press releases, grammar corrections, insider confessions, and funny photos. We read and appreciate all of it, but sometimes we receive messages that we simply don’t understand. [More]

Muslim Complains TGI Friday’s Contaminated Her Drink With Bacon

Muslim Complains TGI Friday’s Contaminated Her Drink With Bacon

Most people are really happy about the current trend to put bacon in every food item, but do you know who isn’t? Vegetarians, vegans, and people whose religions prohibit them from eating pork. Like the Muslim woman who ordered her Cobb salad without bacon, please, and claims that she ended up with bacon crumbles in her straw, instead. [More]

The winner.

A Quest To Find The Best $1 Fast Food Burger

You’re hungry. You’re stranded in suburbia. You only have a few bucks in your pocket. Which fast food dollar-menu burger should you choose? To find out, you’d need $6 (plus tax) and to drive all over town taste-testing the dollar offerings from every chain. Do you want cheese? Bacon? Flavor? Two patties? Fortunately, someone has done the legwork for you, without setting foot outside of his car. [More]


Whole Foods Apologizes After Guard Says Autistic Customer Belongs On A Leash

When a Milwaukee woman attempted to apologize and pay for some food that her autistic brother had eaten without paying for, she might have expected to be given a hard time. But we’re pretty sure she wasn’t expecting to be told her brother belongs on a leash. [More]

News Team To Home Depot: Fix Your Customer's Problems

News Team To Home Depot: Fix Your Customer's Problems

WBAL news in Balitmore did the usual investigation into Home Depot’s notoriously crappy contractors and were hit with a tsunami of similar complaints after the story aired.