

T-Mobile Can’t Provide Me With A Free Micro SIM That’s Micro, Or That’s Free

Teri is a T-Mobile customer, and she needed a micro-SIM for her new unlocked Nexus 4. This is supposedly a free item when you order it from T-Mobile’s website, but is not free when they send you the wrong SIM, and you call to complain and get them to rectify the situation. Then it costs $27. [More]


T-Mobile Promises Not To Extend My Contract After Replacing Phone, Extends Contract

Philip’s wife’s phone wasn’t working very well. It would power-cycle and drain its own battery, and her texts get delayed. So he set out to get her a new phone, but this was a bigger challenge than he had expected. A replacement phone without extending the family’s contract apparently wasn’t an option. He managed to get a comparable new phone at no cost without extending his contract by calling the retention line to cancel, but this concession came with a price. [More]

Consumerist reader K.N. was soooo close to being served by T-Mobile, only to be denied.

This T-Mobile Chat Transcript Shows Why Online Customer Service May Not Be A Huge Improvement

More and more businesses are pushing customers toward online chat as a preferred form of customer service. Best Buy even ditched its e-mail contacts in favor of chat. But is chat really any better? [More]

(Ron Dauphin)

T-Mobile CEO Says Shared Data Plans Could Be Felled With All That Porn You’re Watching

Everybody likes a CEO that says outrageous things and talks smack about the competition while wearing the “Look, I’m a regular guy like you!” outfit of a T-shirt and blazer. The above reasons are all part of why John Legere of T-Mobile scored a win with his recent Q&A session during the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. And also he mentioned pornography, a guaranteed ear pricker-upper. [More]

(Ron Dauphin)

T-Mobile Gives Us 1 Bar Of Service At Home, Still Charges $600 ETF To Leave

JD and his family moved to a different town in the same state, but T-Mobile didn’t have great reception in their new home. They had only one bar of service, but T-Mobile customer service staff assured the family that the service would get better. It didn’t. When his wife’s phone broke, they upgraded her phone and his son’s phone after assurances from the salesperson that having new, advanced smartphones would improve their reception. They did not. What the family would really like now, a year later, is to quit their T-Mobile contract and get on with their lives. That’s not an option without an early termination fee. [More]


Best Buy Screws Up, Now I Can’t Get A T-Mobile Account

More than a year ago, Consumerist reader Freddy took advantage of a Best Buy/T-Mobile promotion and switched to the carrier’s family plan. But his family immediately disliked the phones that came with the deal, so Freddy canceled the switch within 30 days and everything seemed okay. [More]


T-Mobile Doesn’t Believe Loyal Customer Will Really Leave

So long, T-Mobile! Mark was looking for a new phone to replace his, and has been a loyal T-Mobile customer since 2007. What’s that worth to Big Pink? Not all that much. He saw a great deal reserved only for new customers. Here’s the catch: that deal included a nice price on a smartphone and a $50 per month unlimited no-contract plan. They weren’t about to let a contract customer move on to a dissolute, contract-free lifestyle. No way.  [More]


Will Eliminating Phone Subsidies Save T-Mobile?

Remember the heady days before Google’s Nexus One launched, when we wondered whether a search engine company might be the one to save us from handset subsidies tied to onerous contracts. Two years later, we haven’t quite been saved yet, but one mobile carrier announced bold plans to get rid of handset subsidies. Simply put, the idea of a T-Mobile iPhone is tempting for many, but would you pay as much as $800 up front for one? [More]

(Ron Dauphin)

Apple-Loving T-Mobile Customers Rejoice: Your iPhones Are Arriving In 2013

As I say when I’ve missed two buses and three trains only to arrive for the last five minutes of the open bar, better late than never, eh? And so it goes for T-Mobile customers who have been greedily eyeing Apple’s iPhone for the last four years while not being able to buy one compatible with their wireless carrier’s service. It might be late, but it’s not never — the iPhone is officially coming to T-Mobile in 2013 [cue “The Final Countdown” by Europe]. [More]


T-Mobile Saves The Day When Samsung Won’t

We often write about oddball, 1-in-1,000 customer service horror stories. For most consumers, their feelings about a company is often related to how it responds to everyday concerns and complaints. [More]

(oh, poppycock)

Report: Cops Want Wireless Carriers To Save Text Messages, You Know, Just In Case

That thing you texted to that person the other night which you deleted out of overwhelming shame the next day? Messages like that could be pored over in the future by cops if various law enforcement officials have their way. They’re reportedly asking Congress to make wireless carriers record and store customers’ private text messages for at least two years, in case police need that info for a future investigation. [More]


Is The iPhone Finally Coming To T-Mobile?

It’s been about a year since T-Mobile customers’ hopes of getting access to the iPhone were dashed when the company’s merger with AT&T fell apart. Now come reports that they might finally be able to have the Apple device as early as next week. But some say that just won’t happen. [More]

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Uncover Ancient, Indestructible Nokia Phone

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Uncover Ancient, Indestructible Nokia Phone

Do you ever get nostalgic for old technology, missing your Nokia dumbphone from 2001 or your Sony Mavica camera that saved photos to 3.5-inch floppy disks? Thanks to hidden caches of treasure in Walmart’s vast warehouses, you don’t have to. Wally World puts these items, brand-new and shrinkwrapped, on the shelves at comically high prices. Brave Consumerist readers seek out these rare finds and send their discoveries to us. We call these brave souls the Raiders of the Lost Walmart. [More]

(Ron Dauphin)

Man Claims He Was Stabbed By T-Mobile Employee During Dispute Over His Bill

Sure, there are times when we’re arguing with a customer service rep or a grumpy sales associate where it feels like discussions are about to erupt in fisticuffs, but usually it’s all a bunch of hot air. Not so for one T-Mobile customer who claims he walked away from a bill dispute at a store with a stab wound to his abdomen. To be clear: He didn’t feel like he’d been stabbed in the gut, he actually had been. [More]


T-Mobile Tells Me I Can Cancel Son’s Line With No ETF After His Move – Now I Can’t

Mobile phone carriers are supposed to let you out of your contract without an early termination fee if you move outside of a coverage area. That’s a theoretical exercise as far as Tom is concerned. His son uses one of the lines on his family plan, and moved outside of a coverage area. Should be easy enough to end that line without an Early Termination fee, right? Nope. [More]

(JD Hancock)

AT&T And T-Mobile Briefly Reuniting In New York, New Jersey To Help Storm Victims

It’s been almost a year since the FCC and Justice Dept. ripped AT&T and T-Mobile apart, ending the lovers’ foolish hopes of a life of marital bliss. But regulators can only keep true love down for so long, as the two telecoms have announced they will share their networks in storm-damaged areas of New York and New Jersey where customers have been left without bars on their phone. [More]

(So Cal Metro)

T-Mobile Assumes I Owe Them Money Just Because Of My Name

If you work in the collections department for a wireless company and you’re trying to contact a delinquent customer but don’t have a home phone number for him. What to do? If you’re T-Mobile, apparently you just find someone else with the same name and assume he’s the guy. [More]