

Will A T-Mobile/MetroPCS Wedding Be Good Or Bad For Consumers?

If you’ve been to enough weddings, you’ve inevitably sat through some nuptials that you knew would only result in bratty kids and constant bickering. So now that T-Mobile and MetroPCS want to take their brief love affair to the next level, it’s time to start thinking about whether this marriage deserves a blessing or an intervention. [More]


MetroPCS Board Checks “Yes” On Note Asking If It Likes T-Mobile Enough To Merge

Kids move so fast these days! Just yesterday we noted how T-Mobile was busy wooing MetroPCS, as its parent company Deutsche Telekom was hoping the company could just move on from that whole “jilted at the altar by AT&T and the DOJ” thing. And now (cue the knowing “ooooohs“) the board of MetroPCS says it’s all in favor of merging with T-Mobile. But how will it find a dress in time?!?!? [More]

(So Cal Metro)

T-Mobile Moving On From AT&T Affair, Now Wooing MetroPCS

Almost a year after the FCC and DOJ came running up the aisle of the AT&T/T-Mobile wedding, offering up numerous reasons why the couple should not be wed, T-Mobile is already updating its OKcupid profile and going out on coffee dates with a younger, less-experienced beau: MetroPCS. [More]

T-Mobile: Sorry You Lost Your Job And Had To Move, Here’s Your $500 ETF Bill

T-Mobile: Sorry You Lost Your Job And Had To Move, Here’s Your $500 ETF Bill

Walter’s wife was laid off from her position in Chicago, and she needed a job. She found one in a different Midwestern city: Omaha. She doesn’t seem to have any complaints about Omaha, except for the thing where she has next to no cell phone service. This still isn’t enough to get her out of her contract with T-Mobile, and she’s on the hook for her entire early termination fee, plus her whole non-prorated last month of service. [More]