Yet another company with the potential to tick off a lot of consumers has slipped a consumer-unfriendly mandatory binding arbitration clause into its user agreement. This time, it’s the ticket re-selling marketplace StubHub, but there is a way for users to opt out of this clause. [More]

New Circle In Hell Opens Up For Scalpers Selling $60K Tickets To Sandy Benefit Concert
You want to go see the Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, Kanye West, Billy Joel and more? Sure you do, so do I. But to the scalpers that are trying to turn a profit by reselling tickets to a star-studded benefit concert for victims of Hurricane Sandy, I have one thing to say to you: You are slime. [More]

10 Examples Of Why Companies Should Just Avoid Twitter Altogether
People talk about the risk posed by the immediacy of the Internet. Items can be posted with little thought about consequences, or made public by accident, and no matter how much deleting or editing you might do, the truth — as the kids say — is out there. Nowhere is this danger more evident than the Twittersphere. [More]

Rushing To Buy NFL Tickets Now May End Up Sacking Your Wallet
With the NFL lockout no longer in place, fans have been rushing to scoop up tickets. But experts say that frugal football fanatics could save more by waiting out this first wave of ticket-buying. [More]

Poor Attendance And Online Ticket Sales Are A Baseball Fan's Dream
Major League Baseball teams can try to raise their ticket prices to increase revenue, but supply and demand ultimately determine their prices. Seas of empty seats at baseball games and stockpiles of marked-down tickets available on sites such as StubHub can make for ridiculously cheap tickets, especially in cities with bad teams. [More]

Baseball Tickets Become Affordable Again As Recession Hits Scalpers
Following up on yesterday’s roundup of recession-related deals, here is an article from Forbes on how scalpers, season ticket holders, and teams themselves are cutting deals on baseball tickets, with below-cost tickets, BOGO deals, and cheap food.

Help, StubHub Never Delivered My Tickets!
Vinay’s StubHub tickets to see Lady Gaga never arrived in his inbox, but StubHub insists that they delivered the goods and refuses to issue a refund. StubHub’s only communication with Vinay was a short confirmation email promising that the real tickets would arrive via SubHub’s e-LMS system. The tickets still hadn’t arrived the day of the concert, and armed with only a confirmation email in hand, Vinay was turned away from the venue.

Worst Company In America: eBay VS GE
An internet auction giant, payment processor and ticket broker? Or the parent company of CNBC, retail store card giant, maker of light bulbs and appliances… No, we don’t mean the Sheinhardt Wig Company…

StubHub Releases Names Of 13,000 Ticket Resellers To Patriots
The New England Patriots last week received the names of 13,000 people who bought or sold Pats tickets through StubHub. Season ticket holders are rightly concerned that the Pats may now revoke the subscriptions of those who circumvented the Pats’ own Ticketmaster-run system.

StubHub Becomes Official Scalper Of Major League Baseball
Private ticket sales will emerge from the shadows under a five year agreement signed by Major League Baseball that will make StubHub the only official site where fans can buy and sell baseball tickets amongst themselves. 25 of the 30 MLB teams already run secondary ticket trading sites, but starting in 2008, they will consolidate under a StubHub-run, MLB-branded site. Some teams are less than excited.