You won’t get the best deal booking your hotel room through third-party sites like Expedia or Travelocity, according to an anonymous hospitality industry insider. Inside, four excellent reasons to book directly with a hotel to guarantee the best rooms at the best prices.

Regulators Seek WaMu Suitor
Regulators are trotting around Washington Mutual trying to get banks interested in buying it. It’s sort of like in the old days when the local beauty queen, last scion of the largest landowner in the county, would get maimed in a horrible combine accident and the town elders would trot her catatonic body around to arrange a marriage so all her fields wouldn’t turn fallow and destroy the local economy for years to come. Wasn’t that given treatment in Faulkner? As I Lay Hemmoraghing Equity?

Airlines Have Bumped 343,000 Passengers This Year
Over a quarter-million passengers were bumped from flights in the past eight months, a number that is set to grow as airlines try to boost anemic profits by slashing fleets. The Department of Transportation requires airlines to compensate bumped passengers with cash or vouchers, but savvy passengers can leverage their situation to negotiate heftier payments…

Biodegradable Coffins, "Composting At Its Best"
Biodegradable coffins allow you to rest in peace without putting a permanent dent in the planet or your wallet.

Recalled Date Rape Drug-Filled Toy Looks Pretty Cool
This is but one of millions of magical scenes you can create with Bindeez, a popular Australian toy whose beads were found to be metabolizable into rave party drug GHB. Low doses of GHB are said to induce, “euphoria, increased enjoyment of movement and music, increased libido, increased sociability and intoxication,” the same feelings we’re getting by looking at the splendor-laden craft project!

StubHub Releases Names Of 13,000 Ticket Resellers To Patriots
The New England Patriots last week received the names of 13,000 people who bought or sold Pats tickets through StubHub. Season ticket holders are rightly concerned that the Pats may now revoke the subscriptions of those who circumvented the Pats’ own Ticketmaster-run system.