UPDATE: On Thursday morning, AT&T said that the walkout was over. [More]

Why Your Social Media Feed May Be Filled With Pledges To #DeleteUber
Over the weekend and this morning, your social media feed may be filled with friends urging others to #DeleteUber and stop using the ride-hailing service. How does a popular app go from top of the heap to boycott target in just a few days? [More]

Fast Food, Airport, And Health Care Workers Stage Nationwide Walkout
The threatened strike of low-paid workers at Chicago’s O’Hare airport didn’t happen at Thanksgiving time as originally proposed, but did occur today as part of a nationwide series of strikes. In some cities, protesters blocking public streets were arrested, but the predicted disruption of air travel at the country’s busiest airports didn’t happen. [More]

In Time For Black Friday, Judge Issues Restraining Order Against Striking Pilots At Amazon-Backed Cargo Line
About 40 hours after pilots at Amazon-backed cargo airline ABX went on strike, threatening to throw a wrench in the holiday shipping plans of the country’s largest online retailer (and others), a federal judge has granted a temporary restraining order against the striking pilots. [More]

Lufthansa Pilots’ Strike Cancels 876 Flights, Affecting 100K Passengers
If you’ve got tickets to fly with Lufthansa on Wednesday, well, you might be facing a kink in your travel plans: the airline has canceled 876 flights amidst a 24-hour pilots’ strike. [More]

Chicago O’Hare Airport Workers’ Strike Won’t Happen Over Thanksgiving
If you were worried that strike at one of the nation’s busiest hub airports would complicate complicate your holiday travel plans, you’ll likely be relieved to know that the employees’ walkout won’t happen until after the Thanksgiving travel period. [More]

Striking Jim Beam Workers Accept New Contract
If you were worried that a walkout at two Jim Beam distilleries in Kentucky was going to threaten supplies of whiskey, rest easy: striking workers voted today to accept a new contract from parent company Beam Suntory. [More]

Video Games Could Be A Lot Quieter If Voice Actors Go On Strike
Along with intense graphics and dramatic sound effects, the human voices of video game characters are vital to the gaming experience. But the voices behind some many popular video game titles may soon fall silent as they prepare to go on strike if their union’s demands aren’t met soon. [More]

No Strike For Macy’s In NY After Company Reaches Deal With Workers’ Union
Macy’s hasn’t had to face a workers’ strike since 1972, and it looks like that streak won’t be broken, now that the company and the union representing thousands of workers in the New York City area have reached a tentative deal. [More]

Labor Board Orders Walmart To Rehire 16 Employees Fired For Striking
In 2013, a group of Walmart workers chartered buses and traveled to the retailer’s Arkansas headquarters to protest what they believed were inadequate wages and unfair treatment of employees. Several people involved in that event were subsequently fired, but a federal labor court now says Walmart must rehire, and provide back pay to, 16 of these workers.

Lufthansa Crew Strike Cancels 290 Flights, Affects 37,000 Passengers
As expected the cabin crew union strike at Lufthansa began to disrupt the travel plans of tens of thousands of passengers early Friday morning, with the airline canceling nearly 300 flights. [More]

Lufthansa Strike To Cause “Significant” Travel Disruptions Starting Friday
Two months after more than 1,000 Lufthansa flights were canceled because of a pilot strike, the airline is bracing for “significant” disruptions with a new crew member strike set to start Friday. [More]

Strikes Canceled By Security, Baggage Handlers At JFK, LaGuardia
Passengers set to fly in and out of New York’s LaGuardia and John F. Kennedy airports tonight and tomorrow no longer need to brace for travel disruptions related to a planned strike by contracted security workers, baggage handlers and wheelchair attendants, after the employees reached an agreement with their security services provider. [More]

Baggage Handlers, Security Workers Set To Strike At New York Airports, Could Disrupt Travel
The fight for higher wages could disrupt travel for Delta Air Lines and United Airlines passengers flying in and out of New York’s two largest airports starting Wednesday night, as a union representing some security workers, baggage handlers and wheelchair attendants approved a strike. [More]

Allegiant Air Pilots Plan Strike For Thursday; Could Ground 250 Flights
Earlier today, we reported that the pilots of Nevada-based budget carrier Allegiant Air took their beef with the carrier to the public by posting an open letter to passengers voicing their concern about carrier’s stance on safety standards and treatment of employees. Now, the pilots say they’re prepared to go on strike Thursday, a move that has the potential to ground 250 flights. [More]

More Fast Food Strikes Expected For Thursday
Getting a Big Mac, Whopper, Baconator, Double Down, or Chalupa might be a bit of an inconvenience on Thursday, as supporters of the movement for higher pay and union membership for fast food workers say employees will strike in 150 cities. [More]

Will Fast Food Workers Around The World Strike On May 15?
In an effort to raise awareness for their goal of higher wages for fast food workers, labor organizers announced today that May 15 will be a day full of walk-offs, with workers at McDonald’s, Burger King and other eateries striking in 150 cities on six continents (sorry, Antarctica). [More]

NLRB May Prosecute Walmart For Alleged Retaliation Against Protesting Workers
For the last few years, a number of Walmart workers have pushed the nation’s largest retailer for higher wages and the right to unionize. During this time, some employees have alleged that management has retaliated against workers who have protested the store or walked off the job temporarily to strike. Today, the General Counsel for the federal National Labor Relations Board issued a statement saying he has investigated these claims and may have to prosecute the company. [More]