If you’re the kind of person who thinks very carefully before rating anything you watch on Netflix — carefully weighing factors like plot, direction, and cinematography — prepare yourself for a bit of a change: The streaming service is doing away with its five-star rating system in favor of a “thumbs up/thumbs down” approach. [More]
streaming content

Netflix Engineers Dream Up ‘MindFlix’ Device That Would Let You Browse Movies With Your “Brain”
Because you will probably wear out your thumb endlessly scrolling and scanning through Netflix offerings to find something to watch, engineers at the company have cooked up a concept that would allow you to do all of that browsing without lifting a finger. [More]

Netflix Will Now Let Android Users Download Content Onto SD Storage
Now that Netflix has finally opened the doors to offline viewing, subscribers have the ability to download content and watch it later. That’s all well and good if you’ve got plenty of space on your device, but not so useful if you don’t. [More]

Report: Apple Wants To Release Movies On iTunes While They’re Still in Theaters
Recently, 21st Century Fox, Warner Bros., and Universal Pictures all confirmed they’re looking to offer high-priced, home-video rentals of new movies soon after they’re released in theaters. And according to a new report, Apple wants a piece of that pie. [More]

Rumor Has It: Disney Interested In Buying Netflix
In the world of media companies, the water cooler is always a busy place — and it’s been hopping lately over rumors that Walt Disney Co. is thinking of buying Netflix. [More]

People Aren’t Watching Live TV As Much, But They’re Still Watching A Lot Of TV
In case you hadn’t noticed, Americans watch TV a bit differently today than they did 50 years ago. But just even though many people aren’t sitting down to view programs live as they air — or even soon after on a DVR — they’re still getting their fill of TV content. [More]

Netflix Wants Half Its Library To Be Original Content
There are basically two ways Netflix can get streaming content: it can either license TV shows and movies, or it can make its own original stuff. The company would like that balance to be an even split, with one executive saying Netflix is working toward the goal of having half its library be original content over the next few years. [More]

Comcast Would Rather Be More Like Tesla Than Netflix
While it remains to be seen what Comcast’s Next Big Thing will be — though it probably won’t be a streaming TV product — there’s one thing the company knows for sure: it doesn’t want to be anything like those Netflix guys. [More]

Apple Getting Into TV With Reality Competition Show About App Developers
If hours spent staring at your iPhone/Apple Watch/iPad/Mac isn’t giving you enough from Apple, the technology giant has a new offering in the works, with its first TV show, a reality competition featuring app developers duking it out for featured placement in the App Store. So it’s like Game of Thrones, just with more branding, a bunch of people wielding tech instead of swords, and no brutal battles to the death (we think). [More]

You Might Be Able To Watch Some Netflix Content Offline By The End Of The Year
After a few months of wondering whether Netflix may usher in a new offline viewing era, reports are circulating now that say the feature could be launched by the end of the year. [More]

Netflix Mulling The Idea Of Offering An Offline Viewing Option
With Amazon launching new month-to-month Prime membership options, which include access to its streaming video and music libraries, and upcoming price hikes for its own streaming service, Netflix seems to be feeling the heat of competition burning just a little bit hotter. [More]

T-Mobile Adds Amazon Video To Binge On, Claims Users Are Streaming Twice As Much
Three months after launching its Binge On streaming streaming video program, which doesn’t count content from certain partners against a customers’ monthly data allotment, T-Mobile has made new deals with Amazon and others to include their content. Additionally, the company claims that Binge On has doubled the amount of video its customers are watching. [More]

Hunger Games, Transformers Movies Will Disappear From Netflix After Company Decides Not To Renew Epix Deal
While there’s always plenty of streaming content to watch on the Internet these days, if you’re a fan of Hunger Games or Transformers flicks, better watch them on Netflix now, while you still can: the subscription streaming service says it won’t be renewing its deal with Epix, the cable provider with domestic streaming rights to those movies in the U.S. And in a bit of very interesting timing, Hulu and Epix announced their own deal, one that will stream new releases from a Lionsgate, MGM and Paramount starting October 1. [More]

Hulu Scores Deal For Streaming Rights To Every Single Episode Of ‘Seinfeld’
One of the best things about hanging on to that TV cord? Flipping through the channels with the knowledge that at some point, likely very soon, you’ll land on an episode of Seinfeld. Cord-cutters can get in on that feeling now as well, as a report says Hulu has signed a deal to snag reruns of Seinfeld. [More]

Google & NFL Strike Deal To Bring NFL Content To YouTube
Just in time for the Super Bowl this weekend, the National Football League has decided to play nice and share with others, announcing a partnership with Google this week that will bring game highlights to a YouTube channel and search results. [More]

Netflix Will Stream ‘The Interview’ Starting This Weekend
What’s that? You aren’t the type who finds reading quarterly financial parts titillating? Totally fine, because other people are around to read them and pull out the fun parts, like the fact that Netflix is bringing The Interview to its streaming library starting this weekend. [More]

Lionsgate Launching Streaming Movie Subscription Service In 2015
If all your friends were launching standalone streaming entertainment, would you? It seems the peer pressure bug has been biting some of the major players in media, after HBO, CBS and Univision all announced recently that they’d be offering content directly to consumers on a subscription basis. And now movie studio Lionsgate is joining the fray with its own online subscription service, launching next year. [More]

Netflix Wants You To Tell All Your Facebook Friends What To Watch
Everyone’s got one — the movie that makes you who you are, the one that turned on all the lights in your brain and opened your mind to a new reality, one that can only exist upon viewing that particular film. So when your best friend/boyfriend/wife/second cousin Thurman admits to have never seeing The One Movie Essential To Your Being, you insist they must watch it and be enlightened. And now Netflix wants you to put that pressure on your Facebook friends with a new social recommendation feature. [More]