While there’s always plenty of streaming content to watch on the Internet these days, if you’re a fan of Hunger Games or Transformers flicks, better watch them on Netflix now, while you still can: the subscription streaming service says it won’t be renewing its deal with Epix, the cable provider with domestic streaming rights to those movies in the U.S. And in a bit of very interesting timing, Hulu and Epix announced their own deal, one that will stream new releases from a Lionsgate, MGM and Paramount starting October 1. [More]
easy come easy go

Hunger Games, Transformers Movies Will Disappear From Netflix After Company Decides Not To Renew Epix Deal

Thousands Of Students Taunted With Accidentally Doubled Financial Aid Deposits
Checking your bank account and finding thousands of dollars more than should be there is always a happy moment — well, at first, until you realize that the unexpected windfall is actually just one big mistake. That’s what happened to thousands of students at University of California, Los Angeles, last week. [More]