Two years after federal prosecutors charged FedEx with being criminally complicit in the transporting of illegal drugs from online pharmacies, the case is finally going to trial. In this morning’s opening statements, lawyers for the Justice Department urged the court to not be swayed by the famous brand name on the side of the planes. [More]
special deliveries

UPS Drives To Your House Specifically To Not Deliver Packages
The UPS driver servicing Valerie’s neighborhood has a very shaky understanding of what his or her job actually entails. Every time that a package is Valerie-bound, on the very first delivery attempt the driver slaps a final notice on the door and returns the packages to the sender. (She didn’t mention whether they even bother to ring the doorbell.) Local management doesn’t seem to care, UPS corporate doesn’t seem to care, and Valerie can’t even avoid ordering things through UPS, since her baby registry is with a company that only uses them to ship. [More]

Cop Delivers Baby In McDonald's Bathroom
Of all the things you’d expect to find in a McDonald’s bathroom, the miracle of birth isn’t high on the list. But Newark, N.J. is a place where miracles happen. A police officer came to the rescue of a woman in labor at the restaurant, delivering the two-months-premature boy. [More]

Here's Your Virtual UPS Advertising Junk Box, Enjoy
Rhett writes, “I noticed your article UPS Now Delivers Bonus Junk Mail Packages and today, it started. I received a package from UPS Monday of this week with no bonus advertising. Today (Wednesday), this is what was on my front step.”