For better or worse (mostly worse), I’ve always been a big fan of soda, so when I was a senior in high school in Florida in the early ’90s, I was over the moon that my area would get to try Crystal Pepsi before some other parts of the country. Then I tasted the underwhelming clear cola for myself. Now, more than 20 years later, Pepsi gets to introduce a new generation of cola lovers to that same unique disappointment, with a limited time re-release of Crystal Pepsi that we’re pretty sure the world could have done without. [More]

It’s True: Crystal Pepsi Is Coming Back For All Those People Who Forgot They Hated It The First Time Around

SodaStream Extending Promo Offer That Gives Keurig Kold Customers Free Sparkling Water Machines
If you own a soon-to-be obsolete Keurig Kold machine and haven’t snapped a photo of yourself with it to get a free sparkling water machine from SodaStream, there’s still time: SodaStream has extended its promo a few more weeks. [More]

Here’s What You Should Know About Philadelphia’s New Tax On Soda
Philadelphia is just the second municipality in the United States (after Berkleley, CA) to pass a tax on sugary beverages, though dozens of places have tried it. Well, okay, but what does that mean for soda drinkers in Philadelphia, and could your city or county be next? [More]

Court Won’t Stop San Francisco’s Mandatory Warnings On Soda Ads
In 2015, San Francisco enacted a new city ordinance requiring warnings on ads for soda and other sugary drinks. With the new rules set to go into effect later this summer, a number of trade groups are suing the city to overturn the law. The plaintiffs had hoped to get an injunction preventing San Francisco from enforcing the warning label requirement, but today a federal court said the city can go ahead with the ordinance for now. [More]

Pepsi To Appeal To Different Set Of Millennials With New “1893” Cola
Mention any cool brand to a bona fide hipster and you’ll inevitably get an earful about how that product sucks now and was so much better blah blah blah. But even the oldest hipster still hanging on to the refurbished sugar warehouse “space” his parents bought him two decades ago isn’t old enough to remember the original Pepsi formula. [More]

You Can Now Make Your Own Pepsi At Home With A SodaStream
SodaStream recently said it’d be focusing more on sparkling waters than on competing with traditional sodas, but it seems now that even if it did want to beat Big Soda, it’d rather just join’em, instead: after a limited trial run of Pepsi-flavored caps in Florida last year, SodaStream is expanding the partnership to offer the caps filled with Pepsi and Sierra Mist flavors to everyone. [More]

Diet Pepsi Sweetened With Aspartame May Be Sold Online
Earlier this year, PepsiCo announced that Diet Pepsi, long sweetened with aspartame (some of us still call it by the brand name NutraSweet), would be switching over to sucralose (which you’ll find in Splenda). But just in case people still crave that distinctive aspartame taste, Pepsi’s CEO says the company will find a way to make it available. [More]

Health Group Remakes Iconic Coke Ad With People Suffering From Soda-Related Diseases
From fast food restaurants removing sugary drinks from kid’s menus to city governments considering taxes on soda, the soft drink industry has been the target of a crusade to end – or at the very least reduce – consumers’ love affair with fizzy, sugar-laden drinks and raise awareness of the negative impact such calorie-filled beverages have on one’s health. Today that mission continued with the release of a video that aims to curtail the incidence of soda-related disease by turning the most iconic soft drink commercial on its head. [More]

SodaStream Isn’t Scared Of The New Keurig Kold Machine
Whenever there’s a new kid on the block, those who already live there are bound to notice. But despite the upcoming arrival of the Keurig Kold (yes, that’s what it’s called), which makes colas and sodas, SodaStream’s CEO isn’t worried about the competition moving in on the company’s turf. [More]

For Better Or Worse, Crystal Pepsi May Be Coming Back
Back in 1992-93, my senior year of high school, every supermarket and convenience store in the Orlando area seemed packed to the gills with Crystal Pepsi. But almost as quickly as the clear cola appeared on the scene, it had vanished into the ether to join other failed fizzy drinks in the soda afterlife. But some still hold fond memories of Crystal Pepsi’s brief time among mortals and it looks like the product may be due for a return from the grave. [More]

San Francisco Officials Considering A Health Warning On Ads For Sodas, Sugary Drinks
Although a proposed tax on sodas and sugary drinks didn’t fly in San Francisco, officials are now mulling the idea of slapping a health warning on advertisements appearing within the city limits for sugary beverages. [More]
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Pepsi Considering A Line Of “Craft” Fountain Sodas Made With Sugar
In the race to create sweet, carbonated beverages people actually want to drink, PepsiCo is looking into peddling a line of “craft” fountain sodas made with sugar, instead of the high fructose corn syrup used to sweeten many other beverages you might find on tap. [More]

No Tax On Sugary Drinks In California After State Assembly Committee Vote
California lawmakers trying to get a $0.02 tax imposed on sodas and other sugary drinks in the state have come up empty, after the proposed measure failed to pass an Assembly committee. Supporters said the law would help curb high rates of obesity and diabetes, while some critics said it wouldn’t properly address health issues and would hit low-income residents the hardest. [More]

Americans Losing Taste For Artificial Sweeteners, Pepsi Retakes #2 Sales Spot
Recently released data about the beverage industry tells us some interesting things. Plain old high fructose corn syrup-laden Coke is the top-selling soda in the United States, but its calorie-free cousin has to give up its silver medal: Regular Pepsi is now the #2 seller out of all fizzy non-alcoholic drinks, following an overall trend against diet sodas. [More]

The Impossible Quest For A Low-Calorie Soda That Tastes Good, Seems Natural
Teams of scientists all over the world are working to harness compounds from a South American plant to solve one of the greatest challenges of the modern world. No, they’re not working to cure cancer or invent a car that runs on maple syrup. Scientists all over the world are trying to create a sweetener that’s calorie-free and considered “natural,” but is also palatable. [More]