Florida SodaStream Users May Soon Be Able To Create DIY Pepsi At Home

Before Pepsi and Mountain Dew fanatics go rushing out to buy a SodaStream, be cautioned that this is only going to be a “small-scale, limited-time test” when it launches in the coming weeks.
“There are currently no discussions between SodaStream and PepsiCo concerning any other form of broader business collaboration,” SodaStream said in a statement about the test.
While Pepsi says that SodaStream is only “one of several companies we’re talking to about potential ideas for the future.”
The test will reportedly occur in the Orlando and Tampa areas and will begin in the coming months. Which means it’s time for me to send out Facebook messages to all my fellow Winter Park High alumni asking them to be on the lookout for this stuff so they can tell me whether it’s any good.
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