The Peekaru is a Snuggie-like fleece ensemble for mommies and daddies to carry their babies in. One version is sleeveless and covers the baby entirely, with just its face sticking out of a portal. Now, the question is, does the Peekaru make wearers look more like: a) Krang b) Quato c) Master Blaster or d) Kane? Photos so you can make an informed judgement inside.

Snuggie Addresses Fake "Rebate" Check Story
Allstar Products, the company that makes Snuggies, sent out a clarification today regarding that weird $8.25 check that some customers were receiving in the mail. As far as they’re concerned, it was a small promo and they were upfront about everything—the check “is not a rebate, nor was it ever represented as a rebate.”

Warning: Read The Fine Print Before Cashing An Unexpected Rebate Check
At first, it looks like a rebate check, but read the fine print. It says if you endorse and cash the check, you are signing up for a marketing service called “Great Fun.” Then, your credit card will be charged $149.99. That subscription will renew annually unless you cancel it with Great Fun.

Weezer Introduces Weezer-Branded Snuggie, A Piece Of Us Dies Inside
Weezer frontman Rivers Cuomo has decided to follow his rock heroes Kiss down the road of poor merchandising decisions and is partnering with everyone’s favorite wearable blanket to introduce The Wuggie. This is actually happening.

Wearable Towel: Summer's Answer To The Snuggie
It’s too warm out now to use your Snuggie, but you just don’t look weird enough around the house. What to do? The alert trendspotters at Gawker brought this exciting new product to our attention. Meet the Wearable Towel! The towel with arm openings! There’s even a Snuggie-style commercial on the site, which, mercifully, I can’t embed here. Sorry, it’s on YouTube. I have to inflict it on you.

Video: Consumer Reports Tests The Snuggie
We can yuck it up all we want about The Snuggie meme, but how does “the blanket with sleeves!” stand up to Consumer Reports rigorous testing procedures? In this delightful and informative video, Meg Marco and Ben Popken journey to the Consumer Reports labs to find out the straight dope on the fleecy wonder that has captivated the nation.

Snuggie Pub Crawl Attacks Chicago, Saturday April 18
In that strange hinterland between the awesome and the horrific, there will be a Snuggie pub-crawl in Chicago on Saturday April 18th. People in Snuggies – for the uninitiated, blankets with sleeves – will travel from bar to bar, leaving a trail of slaughtered pints in their wake. It’s strictly BYOS, bring-your-own-Snuggie. All hail The Warm Bringer.

Help! I Accidentally Ordered $127 Worth Of Snuggies!
Reader Laura’s mom wanted a Snuggie for her birthday, so she tried to order one. There was a 2-for-1 deal, so she ordered it — thinking she could use a Snuggie, too.

Capital One Card Lab Intolerant Towards Snuggie Cult
Reader Ed reports that the Capital One Card Lab custom credit-card maker keeps rejecting his request to put a picture of himself wearing a Snuggie on his credit card. After the jump, the rules for which photos are not allowed. I’ve bolded the ones that might apply. Ed thinks he might have gotten tripped up on the “Controversial subject matter such as political or religous statements and/or images” clause, i.e. Capital One thinks Snuggie is a cult.

You Say Snuggie, I Say WTF Blanket
Though you may know and love and/or fear it as The Snuggie, it’s marketed some states north of Minnesoata and east of Kentucky as The WTF Blanket. Here is its ad [NSFW], which, according to unconfirmed outsider sources on non-attribution background, could be angling to snatch up one of the the last Super Bowl ad slots using a modified eBay snipe-bot. [via Bon Jour, Pee Wee]

Snuggies And ShamWows Beseige Nation's Cheap Airwaves
The economy is ‘sploding so that means it’s infomercial mating season. Prices for airtime are dropping as bigger advertisers pull their spots, so the Billy Mays of the world are now getting slots during 30 Rock commercial breaks. At the same time, more people are watching TV because they don’t have money to go out and it helps anesthetize them to the pain of reality. Thus, the rise of the ShamWow and the Snuggie, a super slurping sponge cloth, and a blanket with arms, respectively. Let’s take a closer look.
Now You Can Crochet Your Own Snuggies At Home
If a Snuggie is just a blanket with sleeves, doesn’t it follow that as the crazed hybrid of a blanket and a sweater, it makes an ideal crochet project? One yarn manufacturer thinks so, and has released a free pattern which, coincidentally, requires at least $21 worth of their cheap acrylic yarn.