It’s a question that has torn this nation apart for far too long, dividing families, rending marriages in two, leaving scars that may never heal on the flesh and in the souls of good Americans: Is the Snuggie a blanket that just happens to have sleeves, or is it a garment, like an oversized bathrobe that you wear backwards? While it may not change your deeply felt personal opinion on this matter, a federal court has made its opinion known. [More]

Your New Stormtrooper Snuggie Comes With A Surprise: It Strips You Of Your Right To File A Lawsuit
Until the other day, Consumerist reader Jeff had completely forgotten about that cute Stormtrooper Snuggie someone gave him for Christmas. When he finally opened the box, there was the Star Wars-themed sleeved blanket, and a slip of paper giving him the bad news: He had, without doing a thing, given up his right to sue the Snuggie’s manufacturer. [More]

Marketer Of Snuggies, Perfect Brownie Pans, Others Must Pay $8M For Allegedly Deceiving Consumers
The marketer of popular “as-seen-on-TV” products such as Snuggies, Magic Mesh door covers and Perfect Brownie Pans must pay $8 million to resolve federal and state charges it deceived consumers with promises of buy-one-get-one-free promotions and then charged exorbitant fees for processing and handling, nearly doubling the cost of the products. [More]

The Snuggie Is Back, Somehow Even Worse Than Before
The Snuggie, a thin fleece blanket with sleeves, reached a special height of pop-culture relevance back in 2009, but they’ve never really gone away. (Though some may have dissolved into piles of Snuggie lint.) Sleeved blankets have remained on the market all this time, and now they’ve taken kind of a weird turn into costume territory. If you’ve dreamed of lounging on the couch while pretending to wear a tux, the new generation of Snuggies are for you. [More]

The Snuggie Macarena Dance Haunts My Dreams
Just because you can write a song about Snuggies and set it to the tune of “Macarena,” that doesn’t mean that you should. Yet the evil geniuses behind the Snuggie have done so, and inflicted it on the Internet. And the airwaves. [More]

Snob Snuggie Combines Style, Warmth And Smug Self-Satisfaction
There is the Snuggie that you wear while watching American Idol and eating Cheetos. That’s the regular, plebeian fleece Snuggie. Then there is the Snuggie that you wear while reading continental philosophy and eating havarti with dill on organic rice crisps. That is the “happiness in bed” sleeved blanket. Or, as Buzzfeed calls it, the Snob Snuggie. [Sleeved Blanket] (via Buzzfeed) [More]

PajamaJeans Help You Pretend You're Wearing Jeans
Sometimes you need to leave the house, for instance to go to the supermarket or to attend a job interview, and let’s face it: that’s when the Snuggie fails you. Until they make the formal Snuggie, there’s at least PajamaJeans. They’re like sweatpants, but disguised as jeans. Sadly they’re only for the ladies right now, so guys will have to stick to sweatpants when they give up on life. [More]

Bundle Up With The Hoodie Footie Snuggle Suit!
You can’t get me, Mr. Blizzard! I’ve got my new Hoodie Footie Snuggle Suit. It’s a voltron of my most comfortable items: my favorite slippers, warmest hoodie and coziest blanket into one giant cushy blanket suit. And it’s got thumb holes! Here’s the ad: [More]

35 Most Ridiculous SkyMall Items
This list, compiled by BuzzFeed, features not one but two variations on the snuggie — the “poshAir” sleeping bag, which is sort of a reverse snuggie, and the “saimese slanket,” which is a snuggie for two. [More]

Sorry We Missed The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Snuggie
We work hard to bring our readers all Snuggie-related news, and were remiss in not reporting on an exciting product from Hot Topic before it finally disappeared from the market. Shortly before the holidays, Hot Topic introduced the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Snuggie Funky Cozy. They sold out. For obvious reasons. [More]

Another Snuggie Hybrid: The Bathrobe Jumpsuit Blanket Thing
Sometimes I say to myself, “I like to wear a bathrobe and sweatpants around the house, but putting on two different articles of clothing is too much work.” Peering into the minds of people like me who are cold, lazy, and have given up entirely on the outside world, JC Penney has introduced the Snuggle Suit. [More]

Snuggie Mates With Snowpants, Evolves Legs
Japan has raised the stakes in the couch potato wars, and is producing a sleeping bag with legs. It’s like a snowsuit. For grown-ups. Except you can’t use your arms. [More]

The Necky: A Smaller, Stupider Snuggie For Your Neck
The Necky is apparently for the person who keeps strangling himself when he tries to tie his scarf. There’s nothing I can write about this that would make it more absurd than it is in real life, so just go watch the video if you haven’t already. [More]

White Castle Couch Pouch: For When You've Really Given Up
Sure, there’s the Snuggie. If you’re the enterprising sort, there’s the homemade Snuggie. There’s even a Snuggie for your best friend. But when you’ve truly, truly given up on both physical activity and on life, forget a blanket with sleeves. That’s not hardcore enough. What you need is a sleeping bag with sleeves. White Castle is here to help. [More]

The Dreamie: It's Like A Snuggie That You Sleep In
I often tell myself, “Self, I love to travel, but I hate forcing myself to sleep in places that don’t have satin sheets.” That’s where the Dreamie comes in. It’s like the secret hybrid of a sleeping bag and a Snuggie. Only in satin. And you, blessedly, can’t walk around in it.

28 Cash-Saving Ways To Get Your House Winter-Ready
Brrrr! It’s getting cold and it’s time to get the ol’ homestead ready so Jack Frost isn’t picking your pocket through your unsealed windows and faulty furnaces. In the comments section on the popular “9 House Fixes To Save $ Before Winter Starts” post you guys left lots of great ideas on how you’re getting prepared this winter, so here’s 28 of the best of them so we can all learn and save together.

Sweat Off The Pounds With The Snuggie Sauna
A New York spa is offering clients a Snuggie sweat lodge that allegedly burns 600 calories in fifteen minutes. We’re going to be sick.

Snuggie Fashion Show Takes NY Fashion Week By Storm
What’s better than a fashion show? A multi-species fashion show. When the makers of the Snuggie decided to introduce new colors, prints, and fabrics, they knew just how to do it. Where else but a Snuggie show during New York’s Fashion Week?