When you’re having a hard time getting a good night’s sleep, you might reach for the pill bottle for a simple, chemical solution. And you’re not alone — according to a new survey from our colleagues at Consumer Reports, more than one-third of adults who complained of sleep problems at least once per week said they had used an over-the-counter or prescription sleep drug in the previous year. [More]

How To Quiet Down Your Snoring
Snoring is an excellent way to make significant others, not to mention everyone around you on long flights, despise you even more than they already do. To show some courtesy for those surrounding you during slumber, it’s up to you to make sure your sleep doesn’t prevent others from resting. [More]

10 Guilty Pleasures You Shouldn't Feel Too Guilty About
Cholocate, wine, massages, sex… sounds like a hell of a Tuesday night. To some people, these indulgences fall under the heading of “vices,” but the folks at CNN say they’re all actually part of a healthy life, so long as you don’t overdo it. [More]

Sleeping Passenger Left On Plane Wakes Up, Sues United
The woman United left sleeping on the plane for four hours after touchdown in Philadelphia is suing the airline, AIRwise reports, citing the Detroit Free Press. [More]

Can't Sleep? Try Behavioral Changes Before Sleeping Pills
The health blog at the New York Times points out that there are all sorts of behavioral changes you can adopt to fight insomnia that have been proven to work—they just sound so ordinary and common that people either don’t think they’re effective or assume pills will work better.

When Business Traveling In London, Watch Out For Naked Sleepwalkers
Travelodge, which runs more than 300 budget business hotels in the UK, is training its staff on how to respond to the 70% surge in the past year of naked men sleepwalking through their hotels: “One tip in the company’s newly released ‘sleepwalkers guide’ tells staff to keep towels handy at the front desk in case a customer’s dignity needs preserving.” The sleepwalkers have been reported asking questions like, “Where’s the bathroom?,” “Do you have a newspaper?” and “Can I check out, I’m late for work?”

Don’t Overpay for a Mattress
How does the IRS sleep at night? Well, they don’t spend too much on mattresses for one thing.