So there’s Siri, holding court in the cafeteria and straight up lovin’ it: Everyone’s asking her questions, and how to do stuff and being like, “But what do you think about this, Siri?” Suddenly everyone is buzzing about the new kid, this Google Glass guy who says he knows a thing or two about this and that. And Siri, apparently, is not taking to sharing the virtual assistant throne well. Or rather she’s taking it with just a grain of sass. Glass sass. [More]

Google Goes Voice-To-Voice Against Siri With Update To iOS App
Google Now, the company’s answer to Apple’s Siri voice-activated “assistant,” has been available for around nine months on (some, but not most) Android-based phones and tablets. But today, iPhone and iPad users will have the option of chatting with Siri or Google Now, as it rolls out as part of a software update to the Google Search app on iOS. [More]

Watch What You Whisper: Your Secrets Might Not Be So Safe With Siri
When you ask Siri late on a Friday night how to craft the perfect booty text, it’s not like the iPhone’s digital assistant is going to run off and tell your friends. But oh, she remembers what you tell her. As for how long she holds onto that info, well, it’s unclear. And that uncertainty over Apple’s data retention police is giving privacy advocates a severe case of the frownfaces. [More]

Siri's Definition Of An Apple Store Is Very Generous
After seeing yesterday’s iPhone 5 announcement, Consumerist reader Ed thought he’d ask his wife’s phone for a little buying assistance. [More]

Siri Isn’t Great At Chinese, Especially When It Comes To Questions About Tiananmen Square
Apple’s Siri seems to be struggling a bit with her Mandarin skills, with some Chinese-speakers complaining that her accent is clipped and clinical in comparison to her flowing English. Other reactions to Apple’s newest features for Chinese Siri not only include criticism of her grasp of the country’s languages, but also deal with how she handles questions about Tiananmen Square. [More]
Sorry, Scottish iPhone Users, Siri Doesn't Understand You & Has Never Seen 'Braveheart'
Siri, the voice-activated personal assistant on the iPhone 4S, knows to chide you gently when you swear at her, and she can handle complicated questions about the meaning of life and whether love is real. But faced with a thick Scottish burr, Siri fumbles. [More]

Kid In Store Asks Demo iPhone A Question, Siri Tells Him To "Shut The (Bleep) Up"
We knew it was just a matter of time before Siri got fed up with the whole nice, iPhone voice-activated assistance thing and showed her true colors. A young boy in London was trying out one of the phones in a store and asked Siri, “How many people are there in the world?” and got quite the potty-mouthed response. [More]

Why Siri Won't Help You Find An Abortion Clinic
Siri, the helpful virtual assistant in the iPhone 4S, will help you find the nearest Thai restaurant, tell you your nearby options to get an oil change and suggest places to get a haircut. What she reportedly won’t tell you, for now, is where to find an abortion clinic. [More]