While we’ve seen our fair share of break-ins and burglaries, this one might take the cake for specificity: a pricey mannequin was rendered legless in Ohio recently, after a guy allegedly broke into an adult novelty shop and boosted the top half of the $2,000 figure. [More]
sex toys

Food Cart That Also Offers Sex Toys Shut Down For Some Reason
When you’re selling things from a mobile storefront, there are certain rules and regulations that your city will most likely make you abide by. To wit: selling sex toys alongside hot dogs, candy, and other snacks from a food cart just won’t fly in downtown Evansville, IN. [More]

Georgia City Sued Over Law Requiring Prescription To Buy Sex Toys
A man and woman in Georgia have filed a lawsuit against the city of Sandy Springs, GA, attempting to challenge a city ordinance that requires a consumer get a prescription from a doctor in order to purchase sex toys. [More]

Apply For A Job Or Shoplift A Sex Toy, But Not Both During Same Shopping Trip
It’s good to multi-task and combine errands in one trip, saving time and fuel. It isn’t such a good idea to get drunk, then visit a sex shop in order to steal an “adult toy,” then apply for a job at the same shop. [More]

This RAID Controller Looks Suspiciously Like A Sex Toy
Consumerist reader Ben was just minding his own business, shopping on Amazon for a RAID controller for his server when — what the holy heck, is that a huge pink plastic phallus? [More]

TSA Finds Your Vibrator In Checked Suitcase, Leaves Creepy Note
Bad: Having the TSA pawing through your checked luggage. Worse: The suitcase they chose to open includes a sex toy. Worse still: the person who went through your bags leaves a leering note. Specifically, they scrawl “GET YOUR FREAK ON GIRL” on the notice of inspection.

Woman Sues After Sex Toy Causes Pain, Bleeding
A Northern California woman is suing a sex toy manufacturer, saying she was hospitalized with pain and bleeding after using the device with her boyfriend. The woman wants damages from the company for personal injury, negligence, and breach of warranty. [More]

Soap.com Wants To Fill A Different Kind Of Easter Basket This Year
Jim stopped by online personal-care superstore soap.com (now part of Amazon) and typed in the seemingly innocuous search term “Easter.” The site returned a page full of sex toys are are decidedly rabbit-themed, but not traditional Easter gifts. (This post contains small images that may not be safe for work, depending on where you work.) [More]

Recycle Your Sex Toys, Get A New One For Free
You recycle your other used electronics, so why not recycle your unwanted sex toys, too? Dreamscapes, LLC is providing an incentive for consumers to do just that. As long as they wash them really, really well first.

WISdomestics Blames Competitors For Its Own Misleading Vibrator Copy
Jen ordered a product on Amazon, but what arrived in the shipment was significantly less than what was promised.