Fed up with what he views as crappy treatment from the TSA, the owner of a restaurant near Seattle-Tacoma International Airport has decided to put all TSA agents on his No-Eat List. [More]

Yellow Pages Sues Seattle For Letting Residents Opt-Out Of Getting Phone Books
A few weeks ago we wrote about the recently passed ordinance in Seattle that would create a do-not-deliver list for residents who no longer want to receive the doorstop that is the phone book. Now we hear from the Yellow Pages Association that they have filed a lawsuit alleging that the regulations violate their right to free speech. [More]

VIDEO: Inside The Boozy Future Of Starbucks
As we reported several months ago, Starbucks is attempting to reinvigorate its image with shops in Seattle that aren’t just aesthetically different than your average ‘Bucks, but which also dole out beer and wine. Now USA Today has ventured inside of one such Seattle shop to see the results. [More]

Seattle Residents Will Soon Be Able To Opt Out Of Getting Yellow Pages
Back in May, we asked readers if they still used the White Pages and an overwhelming 87% of you said no. Soon, those of you in Seattle who no longer use the phone book will be able to opt out of receiving the annual doorstop. [More]

Loan Applicant Receives Rejection Letter Calling Her 'One Crazy Ass Bitch'
When the owner of a Seattle beauty salon had her application for a loan from the Rainier Valley Community Development Fund denied last year, that was bad enough. When she later received what appeared to be a second rejection letter for the same loan application, she discovered that the reason for her inability to get the loan was that she is a “crazy ass bitch.” [More]

Airport Security Supervisor Pleads Guilty To Stealing $20K Worth Of Stuff From Luggage
It’s bad enough that airlines are charging exorbitant fees for checked luggage; travelers shouldn’t also have to worry about sticky-fingered airport employees swiping stuff from their suitcases. [More]

Seattle Cop Gives Parking Ticket To Corpse, Doesn't Notice He's Dead
A parking enforcement officer apparently lacked the ability to distinguish between the sleeping and the dead after she gave a ticket to a man who had shuffled off this mortal coil hours earlier. [More]

Seattle Bar Owner Will Buy You A Steak Dinner If You Quit Chase
Don’t like Chase? You’re not alone. If you haven’t already dropped the bank but are willing to let them go, you might be on your way to a free steak dinner. [More]

Recently Deceased Soap Business Says Chase Killed It With Bank Error
Bliss Soaps in Seattle is owned by a guy whose family has been making soaps for three generations. The four-year-old business recently had to shut its doors — allegedly over a bank error that froze its accounts during the holiday season. Now there is a goodbye sign on the door and a possible lawsuit pending against Chase. [More]

Cul-de-sacs Are Making Us Fat
Are the disconnected cul-de-sacs so popular in suburban development actually strangling their communities? [More]

Woman Arrested For Squatting In $3.3 Million Mansion
If you’re going to live in a house that doesn’t belong to you, why not make it a luxury home? After all, there are more than a few of them sitting empty these days. And that’s exactly what a woman in Washington state had been doing, at least until she got caught. [More]

Should Plastic Shopping Bags Be Banned?
There’s a growing movement in the United States, especially in coastal communities, to curb the use of plastic shopping bags. In fact, both San Francisco and North Carolina’s Outer Banks are among those communities that have already passed laws forbidding plastic bags. A statewide ban made it to the State Assembly level in California and at least one politician in Seattle is pushing for an end to their use. [More]

American Airlines Jet Goes Muddin', Gets Stuck
Talk about having one of those days… A jet belonging to American Airlines spent eight hours mired down — literally — at Sea-Tac International Airport outside of Seattle on Saturday after it got stuck in six inches of mud. [More]

Super Fart Spray Forces Walmart Evacuation
A Seattle area Walmart was evacuated this weekend after a man released “stink bombs” and “super fart spray,” according to the police. 75 customers and employees were forced to flee the stinky Walmart after the suspect threw vials of foul-smelling liquid onto the floor and sprayed a can of a product called “Super Fart Spray.” After apprehension, the 51-year old man said he did it as joke and he thought it would be amusing. He was not arrested. [Seattle P-I] (Thanks to GitEmSteveDave!) [More]

Starbucks Birthplace Coffee Tastes Just As Burnt As Everywhere Else
I visited the epicenter of Starbucks this weekend. It’s a nice little store that adheres to the Pike Place Market historic district guidelines. The logo on the exterior is the original brown, nippled mermaid. Inside, it’s not that large and theres a converted tackle supply shop feel to the place. The ceilings are made of painted white wood slats with lots of low white lights hanging. Otherwise, the coffee tasted exactly the same. Yes, no matter which corner in America you visit, whether the first store or the last, you can be assured of enjoying a consistent, smooth, burnt flavor.

Customer Claims McDonald's Gave Her Mucus-Filled Iced Tea
Say you’re driving along sipping your iced tea when you suddenly realize that your mouth is full of something slimy. You would probably freak out. One McDonald’s customer says this happened to her and she is definitely freaking out.

Meet The First Stealth Starbucks: Seattle's 15th Avenue Coffee and Tea
A few weeks ago, we shared a story about Starbucks opening new stores that are not branded “Starbucks.” The idea is to recreate the flavor and feel of the independent coffeehouses your neighborhood used to have before Starbucks came along. Shortly after that, the first non-Starbucks Starbucks, 15th Avenue E Coffee and Tea in Seattle, opened for business. What’s it like?

The Only Thing Left For Starbucks? To Just Stop Being Starbucks
Starbucks just keeps trying to reinvent itself — and it seems that they’ve tried everything. The only thing left to do is just to stop being Starbucks. So that’s what they’re doing.