A woman looking for tell her husband “I told you so” amid a disagreement over whether or not lotteries are a waste of money was denied that moment recently — but she’s probably fine with it, considering she won $1 million in her effort to prove her point. [More]
scratch off tickets

Woman Wins $1M Twice With Scratch-off Tickets Purchased From Same Store, 19 Years Apart
Some people are lucky enough to win a million dollars in their lifetime, and others are freakishly fortunate enough to win that much money twice: a Massachusetts woman pulled off quite a feat recently by winning the $1 million prize on a scratch-off ticket, 19 years after her first $1 million win. [More]

Guy Who Chucked Winning Lottery Tickets Saved From Eternal Regret By Convenience Store Worker
We’ve all had that moment: something you need is suddenly missing — a receipt, a paycheck, your kid’s birth certificate — and a horrible thought strikes you — “Did I throw it out?!?” A Georgia man had the weight of certain lifelong regret sitting on his shoulders when he realized he’d chucked two lottery tickets worth $10,000, thinking they weren’t winners. [More]

Last-Minute Father’s Day Gift Of Scratch-Off Ticket Reaps $1 Million Payout
While it might seem like picking up Pop a lottery ticket for Father’s Day is the kind of thing you do last-minute, well, it might be. But even last-minute selections can reap big rewards: A dad in Pennsylvania received $1 million in a Father’s Day card from his daughter, after her gift of a scratch-off ticket turned out to be a winner. [More]

Everyone Wants To Be The Guy Who Bought Two $1M Lottery Tickets In Three Months
How many $1 million dollar lottery tickets have you bought lately? None? Then you’re right there with the rest of us lagging behind an Indiana man who somehow managed to win not one million-dollar jackpot, but two in a span of only three months with his lucky buys. [More]

How To Beat Scratch Lottery Tickets
WIRED reports how a geological statistician figured out how to beat a scratch-off lottery ticket game, discovering a simple trick hidden in the numbers that let him pick winners 90% of the time before scratching the tickets at all. What’s more is that the exploit he stumbled across can be repeated again and again against so-called “extended play” or “baited hook” tickets, spreadsheet-like scratch-offs featuring rows and rows of numbers and near-miss combinations. [More]