Imagine you’re holding a package of cigarettes you’re thinking about buying. Which would encourage you to quit: a label with a written warning, or a label with a photo of a throat cancer patient and former smoker who’s had a larygnectomy? According to a new study, labels with photos that show the harm done by smoking are more effective at dissuading people from lighting up. [More]
it could happen to you

Guy Buys Lottery Ticket With $20 He Found On The Street, Wins $1 Million
Here’s yet another story that’ll make you want to go out and buy a lottery ticket, even though let’s face it, this kind of thing will likely never happen to us: A guy who found $20 on the street and used it to buy a lottery ticket has won $1 million as a result of his lucky break. [More]

Guy Who Chucked Winning Lottery Tickets Saved From Eternal Regret By Convenience Store Worker
We’ve all had that moment: something you need is suddenly missing — a receipt, a paycheck, your kid’s birth certificate — and a horrible thought strikes you — “Did I throw it out?!?” A Georgia man had the weight of certain lifelong regret sitting on his shoulders when he realized he’d chucked two lottery tickets worth $10,000, thinking they weren’t winners. [More]

Last-Minute Father’s Day Gift Of Scratch-Off Ticket Reaps $1 Million Payout
While it might seem like picking up Pop a lottery ticket for Father’s Day is the kind of thing you do last-minute, well, it might be. But even last-minute selections can reap big rewards: A dad in Pennsylvania received $1 million in a Father’s Day card from his daughter, after her gift of a scratch-off ticket turned out to be a winner. [More]

Tomorrow Someone In Florida Will Lose The Chance To Collect $16M In Lottery Winnings
If you live in Florida you might want to start checking under the car seats, between the couch cushions and in the pocket of those pants you haven’t worn in awhile — there’s a $16 million Powerball jackpot sitting around just waiting for someone to claim it. But time is running out. [More]

Woman May Have Scored Renoir Painting For $60 In Lucky Flea Market Find
There’s always that hope among flea market shoppers and garage sale pickers — maybe I’ll get a really lucky score today and uncover something priceless no one else has noticed. Most of the time that feeling peters out when walking away with a gently used coffee maker, but one woman reportedly scored a painting by Pierre-Auguste Renoir for a paltry $60 at a flea market. [More]

Scientists Say Elderly Get Scammed More Because Their Gullibility Detectors Wear Down With Age
The elderly have long been desirable prey for scammers — but why? Is it because they’re perceived as lonely or their access to disposable income? A group of scientists have introduced a new theory in a study of older people that says it’s just because our gullibility detectors simply get worn down as we age. [More]