
FTC Cracks Down On Bogus Mortgage Relief Lawsuits

FTC Cracks Down On Bogus Mortgage Relief Lawsuits

If you live in an area hit hard by the collapse of the housing market, you might have received a letter from a company promising that if you join other struggling homeowners in filing lawsuits against your lender, you can get mortgage relief, a cash reward and maybe even the title to your home. What it doesn’t mention is that you could end up being scammed out of thousands of dollars. [More]

Florida Police Bust Garages For Illegal Tows, Insurance Fraud After Owners Seen Flashing Cash On Facebook

Here’s a helpful hint to anyone wishing to run a million-dollar insurance scam — don’t post pictures on Facebook of you and your friends waving wads of cash. [More]

Scammers Using Real Vacation Rental Info To Trick Victims Out Of Thousands

As people have gotten wiser to the obvious hallmarks of online scams, the scammers have had to step up their game in order to keep making a dishonest buck. And now that people begin thinking about their upcoming summer vacation rentals, these scammers are prepared with the latest in darned-close-to-realistic-but-still-fake realty listings. [More]

Beware Of Scams Arriving In The Form Of Fake Costco

Beware Of Scams Arriving In The Form Of Fake Costco Checks

Yesterday, we discussed the fun that could be had at Costco with a fake shopping list. Today’s story involves a fake check that looks like it comes from Costco but is just a variation on a classic scam. [More]

Inmate Ran $1 Million Credit Card Scam Using Cell Phone
& Secret Shoppers

Inmate Ran $1 Million Credit Card Scam Using Cell Phone & Secret Shoppers

Armed with only an illegal cellphone and a cadre of secret shoppers, an inmate at the nation’s largest single federal prison was able to coordinate upwards of $1 million in credit card fraud in the outside world. [More]

Allegedly Scammy Roofers Set Up Website To Warn People About Scammy Roofers

Allegedly Scammy Roofers Set Up Website To Warn People About Scammy Roofers

Earlier this week, lawyers for the state of Illinois accused a roofing company of swooping into storm-damaged areas, selling its services to homeowners in need and then leaving shoddy, incomplete or never-started repairs in its wake. It’s a scam that is all too common following a devastating natural disaster. Just ask the defendants, who had a warning about such bad behavior on their own website. [More]

Tips For Avoiding Medicare Enrollment Scams

Tips For Avoiding Medicare Enrollment Scams

It’s almost time for Medicare’s Annual Election Period (Nov. 15 – Dec. 31) and with the recent changes to healthcare laws, some scammers are attempting to take advantage of people’s uncertainty. [More]

Don't Fall For The Facebook 'Dislike' Button Scam

Don't Fall For The Facebook 'Dislike' Button Scam

Ever since Facebook introduced the “like” button for comments, photos, status updates, etc., many users have expressed the need for a “dislike” button to level things out. Now unscrupulous marketers are using peoples’ desire for a dislike button to their own advantage. [More]

Beware Of Coca Cola Facebook Scam

Beware Of Coca Cola Facebook Scam

Are any of your Facebook friends posting status updates about how they’ve been turned off from drinking Coca Cola after watching some video? Yes, there’s the rare chance your friend has gotten sick of the “Buy the World a Coke” jingle, but it’s more likely that their account has been hijacked (or rather, “clickjacked”) by nefarious, nerdy forces. [More]