As if Samsung hasn’t had enough problems involving explosions or fires when it comes to its devices: A fire began in the backroom of one of the company’s retail stores in Singapore early today. [More]

Samsung To Sell, Rent Refurbished Recalled Galaxy Note 7 Smartphones — But Not In The U.S.
Samsung has millions of recalled Note 7 smartphones sitting around gathering dust (and hopefully not exploding), and now the company says it may sell refurbished versions of the device (which, again, hopefully won’t explode), but that it won’t be selling these recycled products in the U.S. [More]

Why Are So Many Tech & Telecom Companies Bad At Respecting Your Privacy?
The 21st century world is all about data: who has it, how they use it, when they share it, and how much they make from selling it. Despite the proliferation of terms of service and privacy policies, the companies responsible for handling our data are largely doing a poor job of telling us what they do with it. [More]

Samsung Launches Bixby, Its Answer To Siri & Alexa
Move over Siri, Cortana, and Alexa, there’s a new voice-controlled artificially intelligent assistant in town: Samsung’s Bixby. [More]

Google Says Android, Chrome Vulnerabilities Detailed In WikiLeaks Documents Resolved
A day after Apple and Samsung announced that they had fixed or were working to fix vulnerabilities referenced in WikiLeaks’ data dump of alleged “Vault 7” CIA documents, Google has followed suit, noting that it has addressed any exploitable vulnerabilities in its Android and Chrome OS devices. [More]

Apple, Samsung Say They’ve Already Fixed Issues Revealed In WikiLeaks Documents
The recent WikiLeaks data dump of alleged “Vault 7” CIA documents put some people on edge. Did, as WikiLeaks contends, the government already have tools to remotely bypass encryption on iPhones or turn your Samsung TV into a listening device? For their part, Apple and Samsung say they have already fixed — or are working to fix — the vulnerabilities referenced in the leaked docs. [More]

Samsung Washing Machine Repair Woes? Tell Us About It
Dozens of owners of Samsung’s recalled top-load washing machines have shared their frustration over the recall process, from difficulty in contacting the company to continuously canceled repair appointments. But there have also been consumers who were able to complete the recall. To that end, we’d like to hear about your experience after the repair. [More]

U.S. Safety Regulator: Dish Network Techs Shouldn’t Upsell TV Service While Fixing Samsung Washers
We recently reported that Samsung had contracted with Dish Network to do in-home repairs on the millions of Samsung top-loading washers recalled in 2016. We also heard from a number of people who said that the Dish techs tried to upsell them on satellite TV service while they were doing these washing machine repairs. Dish downplayed this sort of in-home marketing, but the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission says repair techs should be focused on their work. The CPSC also says it investigating at least one incident that appears to have occurred after a washer was repaired. [More]

Samsung Washing Machine Owners Complain Of New Problem After Recall Repair
In addition to the Samsung washing machine owners who say they have been unable to get their recalled appliance repaired, Consumerist has heard from owners who’ve successfully had their washers fixed, but now claim to face a new problem: The clothes are now soaking wet when they come out of the wash. [More]

Why Is Samsung Sending A Dish Network Tech To Fix My Washing Machine?
The mechanic at your local garage might also be savvy enough to fix your furnace, but you probably wouldn’t expect the furnace company to send her out to your house to do a recall-related repair. So why is Samsung sending out Dish Network techs to fix defective Samsung washing machines? And why is Dish okay with techs using this opportunity to upsell satellite TV service? [More]

Samsung Vice Chair, Four Others Indicted On Bribery & Embezzlement Charges
A week after a South Korean court approved a warrant for the arrest of Samsung vice chairman Jay Y. Lee in connection with a bribery case, the executive and four others were officially indicted. [More]

Court Grants Warrant For Samsung Vice Chair’s Arrest Related To Bribery Case
A month after Samsung’s vice chairman avoided arrest in connection with a South Korean bribery case, a court has approved a warrant for Jay Y. Lee’s arrest. [More]

Samsung Trademarked “Hello” In Europe. But What Does It Mean?
Apple has the iPhone and Siri, Amazon has Echo and Alexa, and Google has Home and Ok Google. Now it appears that it is Samsung’s turn to wade into the connected device and virtual assistant world, as the tech giant recently filed a trademark in Europe for a system dubbed “Hello” that sounds a lot like the already crowded field of digital assistants. [More]

Factory That Made Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Batteries Catches Fire (Yes, Really)
It sounds like something straight out of The Onion, but it’s true: A factory in China that manufactured batteries for the now-defunct Samsung Galaxy Note 7 line of phones — all recalled due to their propensity for the batteries to burst into flame — itself suffered a fire this morning. [More]

Are You Having Trouble Getting Your Recalled Samsung Washer Fixed? Tell Us About It
Late last year, Samsung announced its second major recall in less than a year by calling back more than 2.8 million top-loading washing machines after customers complained about violent, almost explosive vibrations. While the company promised to fix the devices or provide refunds to owners, three months later, things apparently haven’t gone as planned, leading to a class-action seeking lawsuit. To that end, we’d like to hear from people who have experienced problems with Samsung’s recall process. [More]

CPSC: Risk of Fire Is Real, And We Really Need To Modernize The Standards For Lithium-Ion Batteries
You’re probably within the explosion radius of at least once device containing a rechargeable lithium-ion battery right now, maybe even holding it on your lap or close to your face. Elliot Kaye, chairman of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, wants to make sure that all of the rechargeable devices in your life are safer and less likely to burst into flames than they are now. [More]

Samsung Investigation Reveals New Details About Note7 Battery Failures
Samsung says two different battery flaws were to blame for the fires that plagued its flagship Galaxy Note7 smartphone throughout the fall, leading to two separate recalls and, ultimately, the permanent withdrawal of the model from the market. The details are being released after an internal investigation, following weeks of speculation by reporters and analysts about what the company’s report would conclude. [More]