People come in different shapes and sizes, and companies make products to fit us. Well, the products are supposed to. Reader Chris got a wonderful desk chair designed for people who are, as he puts it, “big and tall” for Christmas. Christmas 2011. When it broke, he was stuck: surely the warranty was up and the retailer wouldn’t take it back. Right? [More]
sam’s club

Sam’s Club Manager Makes Up Own Return Policy, Won’t Take Back Cracked TV
What kind of difference can a local store’s management make? A bigger one than you might think. Shanna ordered a new television online from Sam’s Club that arrived broken. For the sake of convenience, she went to exchange it at the local store after figuring out that it fit in her car after all. The problem was that that store’s management made up its own return policy that has no basis in the actual policies of Sam’s Club. [More]

Sam’s Club Reinstates Oversold Black Friday Orders, Makes Up To Sad Customers
Remember the Black Friday deal at Sam’s Club where too many orders came in for the best deals, and there wasn’t enough merchandise to fill them all? Well, Sam’s Club is doing the right thing for those customers, reinstating the canceled orders and even sending free memberships and gift cards to customers who went and found the same items elsewhere. [More]

Sam’s Club Offers Great Thanksgiving Week Deals, Abruptly Cancels Orders
Is Sam’s Club the new Best Buy? Last year, Best Buy canceled orders for many of their hottest doorbusters just before Christmas, leaving customers sad and giftless. If that’s Sam’s Club’s plan, at least they’re operating on a shorter timeline before canceling their hottest deals. Readers report to us that Sam’s sold and then canceled these deals all in the space of Thanksgiving weekend. [More]

Warehouse Store Sample Server: I’m Not Here To Give You A Free Lunch
Shoppers at Costco, Sam’s Club and other warehouse clubs are likely quite familiar with the many sample servers situated around the store, handing out freebies to eager customers. One such sample server has penned an open letter to warehouse club shoppers saying that he loves his job, but there are some things you all do that really get under his skin. [More]

I Can’t Get Sam’s Club To Take My Money
Rhoda wanted to get the new Halo 4 edition of the Xbox 360, and she wanted to get it from Sam’s Club. Presumably, she’s a member, and she says that she has ordered online from Sam’s before. But something about this transaction made the store’s computers unhappy, and the order wouldn’t go through. She called up the company to verify the order and tried again, only to face even more rejection. [More]

Sam's Club Absolutely Must See Your ID For One-Day Pass; Can't Say Why
Claudia is a Costco member, but when Sam’s Club advertised a one-day shopping pass in her local paper, she went to see what Sam’s had to offer. What the ad didn’t mention was that a photo ID would be needed to get the pass from the store’s customer service desk. Which is interesting, since you can actually print a pass from the Sam’s Club web site, presumably without holding your driver’s license up to the screen. [More]

Huggies Trumpets New Lower Price, Doesn't Brag About Box Having Less Diapers
Huggies doesn’t mind patting itself on the back for a “new lower price” on a bulk box of diapers, crowing about the dollar less they’re charging customers at Sam’s Club. But as Jay found out, they’re not as chatty about the fact that the price is for less diapers. Zap! Grocery shrink ray! [More]
Shoppers Give Costco Highest Overall Marks Among Major Retailers
Our pals-in-arms at the Consumer Reports National Research Center recently asked more than 26,000 readers to rate their shopping experiences at the nation’s top retailers — both in-store and online — and in spite of being a members’ only warehouse store, Costco came out looking the best. [More]

Sam's Club Pulls Lego Bible Due To Complaints
The author of The Brick Bible, which uses Lego blocks to tell biblical stories, says Sam’s Club has yanked his product from shelves because customers complained it is too vulgar and violent. He says he feels as though he’s being singled out because his book simply contains literal depictions of Bible stories. [More]

4 Things You Might Not Know You Can Save On At A Warehouse Store
The typical mental image of shopping at a warehouse store like Costco or Sam’s Club is shopping carts overflowing with bulk packs of toilet paper and kitty litter. But those who have actually shopped at these places know that you can purchase a lot more than just huge packages of the bare necessities. And in addition to the stuff you’d find at most superstores, warehouse clubs may have some additional perks you won’t get too many other places. [More]

Get Your Christmas Creep Gift Cards At Sam's Club
If you’re planning to give a Sam’s Club gift card to someone you care about (or someone to whom you’re obligated to give a gift) this winter gift-giving season, Sam’s Club has you covered. Now. In mid-August. “It’s going to be over 100 degrees outside ALL WEEK..and has been the past 2-3 weeks,” writes Joel, the blogger who noticed these cards at his local Sam’s. “100 degree heat, drought, and Christmas Gift cards. Go Texas?” [More]

Buying A Verizon Phone Through Sam's Club Has No Activation Fee, Except For How It Does
Lisa bought a Droid X for her daughter on her family plan, going through the Sam’s Club Mobile website. Now, the site promised a deal where there was no activation fee, so she was confused when she opened her first bill and saw a $25 activation fee. Sam’s Club has refunded the fee to her, but she won’t see it back for another three months or so. [More]

Jennie-O Recalls 55,000 Pounds Of Turkey Burger Because Salmonella Isn't Very Good For You
Lots of people are always going on about how turkey burgers are healthier for you than beef, but that doesn’t appear to be the case for the nearly 55,000 pounds of raw turkey burger that Jennie-O has had to recall over worries about possible salmonella poisoning. [More]

Man Scores 100% Discount On Electronics By Making Fake Receipts At Home
Here’s a story that should let you check off both the “receipt-checking” and “I make my own at home” boxes on your Consumerist bingo card. A man in New Mexico was recently arrested for allegedly forging receipts to steal goods from Sam’s Club and other stores in his area. [More]

Suspected ID Thief Helps Police By Posing For Sam's Club Photo
If you’re going to use someone else’s identity to go on a shopping spree, you might as well go hog-wild and hit some upscale stores. At the very least, don’t go shopping at a discount warehouse store where you’ll need to have your picture taken for your membership card. [More]

Scott Rolls Out Tube-Free Toilet Paper To Reduce Waste
The toilet paper business is going down the drain — literally. Starting this week, Kimberly-Clark has begun selling Scott Naturals Tube-Free toilet paper that won’t have you throwing out or recycling anything when the roll is finished. [More]