A refrigerated pre-packaged salad makes a nice and healthy lunch, even if it has a few cheese curls on top as a garnish. It’s definitely not a healthy lunch if it can possibly make you sick with Listeriosis, and that’s the case for 30 tons of salad bowls that used cheese that’s part of the Deutsch Kase Haus recall. [More]

Dole Found Listeria In Salad Processing Plant As Far Back As 2014, Kept Shipping Veggies
Is it a crime for a company or its representatives to keep on shipping food products that may be dangerous to the public if they know that the items may be contaminated? Dole’s Springfield, OH processing plant has started shipping salad again, but new evidence shows that the company kept shipping lettuce even as it was aware of Listeria contamination in the building as far back as 2014. [More]

Woman’s Burger King Salad Comes With Lettuce, Chicken, Cranberries…. And A Razor Blade
One might choose to order a salad from a fast food restaurant in the hopes of enjoying a slightly healthier meal (though they’d probably be mistaken). But even if you select a salad that has fewer calories than a Whopper, you don’t want to bite into sharp metal objects. [More]

Restaurants Making Big Money Off Diners’ Decisions To Eat Healthy
“Do you want fries with that?” used to be sort of a no-brainer question because, yes, of course, we all want fries with that, no matter what “that” is because fries are delicious. They’re what you eat at a fast food joint, right? Not so much anymore. Sure, people still love fries, but they also love healthier items and non-sugary drinks. And that’s actually profitable for fast food chains, so everyone’s happy. [More]

SouperSalad Store Shuts Down After Blade Found In Salad
Waiter, there’s a blade in my salad. Albuquerque health inspectors slapped a red dot of shame on a SouperSalad restaurant after they followed up complaints from a diner who said he found blades in his greens. [More]

Chili's Salads Come From Where?
David writes in with what may be the most questionable piece of Chili’s advertising since Mike Myers — as Fat Bastard in Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me — co-opted the “I Want My Baby Back” ribs jingle to express his fascination with eating infants. [More]

39% Of Bagged Salad Is Gross, Some Has Poop
As we told you earlier this month, sister pub Consumer Reports tested 208 bagged salads and found 39% had excessive bacteria, including fecal contamination. That means there’s poop in the greens. And now there’s something you can do about it. [More]

Who Keeps Pooping In My Bags Of Salad?!
In my household, there’s an ongoing argument about whether bagged salad can be eaten straight from the bag, or whether it should be washed first, or why did we buy this bag of salad instead of more beer. When not championing beer, I’ve always come down on the don’t-bother-washing side, but I might finally agree to change my food prep habits after this recent Consumer Reports study that says 39% of bagged salads are contaminated with bacteria. [More]

Walmart Refunds For Dead Frog Found In Salad
“Oh my God, I see eyes!” screamed Carla Hill after opening a bag of greens from Walmart.

The Myth Of Salads: Why Why Fast Food Salads Aren't Necessarily Going To Help You Lose Weight
Ah, salads. The food of the perpetual dieter. You all know a few fast food salad eater. She’s the girl at your office who eats nothing but salads and yet never seems to lose any weight. He’s the guy who eats a salad because he’s on Atkins, but it doesn’t seem to be working. Why is that?