In our December recall roundup, bodybuilding supplements contain steroids, caramel-filled chocolate bites have peanut butter in them, and fungus-contaminated probiotic powder had a horrible, tragic result. Also, maybe people should reconsider this whole thing where we buy commercial bean sprouts. [More]

Safeway Employee Convinces Shoppers To Not Fall For $4K Scam
If you work at a store and some customers come in trying to put thousands of dollars on prepaid debit cards, you’d probably get the sense that something is amiss. The question is: Do you do anything about it or just help them put the money on the card and hope they aren’t being scammed? [More]

Some Costco and Safeway Tomatoes Recalled For Possible Salmonella Contamination
If your garden’s plentiful supply of tomatoes is running low and you thought, “Hey, I’ll just run to Costco to stock-up on some Fresh Roma tomatoes,” then you better rethink that strategy. A California produce company recalled a lot of tomatoes, and the salad kits they come in over the weekend, you know, because salmonella doesn’t make them taste any fresher. [More]

Organic Peanut And Almond Butters Recalled For Possible Salmonella
It’s time to head to the pantry and check your jars of almond and peanut butters. Products sold under the brands of Arrowhead Farms and Maranatha, and private-label products sold in Kroger, Safeway, Trader Joe’s, and Whole Foods stores may be contaminated with salmonella, and consumers should dispose of them and seek a refund or replacement. [More]

Have Fun Breaking Down This Year’s Worst Company In America Bracket
The above bracket will be updated at the end of each day of WCIA competition to reflect that day’s results.
After going through all of your nominations, then having y’all rank the contenders and eliminate the chaff from the wheat, we’re proud to present the first round match-ups for this year’s Worst Company in America tournament! [More]

Here Are Your Worst Company Contenders For 2014 — Help Us Seed The Brackets!
After sorting through a mountain of nomination e-mails, we’ve whittled down the field of competitors for this year’s Worst Company In America tournament to 40 bad businesses. Here’s your chance to have your say on how these players will square off in the bracket, and which bubble teams will get left out in the cold. [More]

Safeway Has Limits For Soft Drink Purchases, Isn’t Sure What They Are
For some time now, we at Consumerist have been worried about Target, since the retailer’s pricing shows little to no grounding in reality. Now the disease has spread to Safeway, maybe. Reader David is still scratching his head over this shelf tag that he found last week. [More]

Albertsons Owner Will Pay $9B To Walk Down The Aisle With Safeway
Prepare for the “save the date”, because there’s another marriage on the way. This time between the second- and fifth-largest grocers in the United States. [More]

Survey Says: Walmart Is Worst Discount Retailer & Worst Supermarket
Walmart may be the nation’s largest retailer and its biggest supermarket chain, but the latest results from the American Customer Satisfaction Index once again show that Big W continues to lag far behind all of its competition. [More]

Safeway’s “Gluten Free” Shelf Labels Could Use Some Work
We commend Safeway for making it easier for customers with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity to find products that they can eat on the store shelves. However, it’s probably not such a good idea to just go around printing any old shelf tags on the “Gluten Free” paper once you run out of other paper. [More]

Man Stuffing Steak And Lobster Down Pants At Safeway Is Hilarious Again: Amber Alert Is Off
Good news if you like to laugh at people stuffing frozen meat and seafood down their pants! It turns out that the suspect in Tuesday’s steak-and-lobster-down-pants incident may not have carjacked and kidnapped an older man and a teenage girl. That’s what witnesses thought they saw, prompting an Amber Alert on the vehicle, but no one has reported anyone matching that description missing. [More]

Get A Flu Shot, Get A Giant Grocery Or Drug Coupon
Retail pharmacies really, really want customers to get their flu shots there this year. How badly? They’re offering giant coupons to customers who get their shots there, ranging from 10% at grocer Safeway to 20% at pharmacy chain CVS. [More]

Man Celebrates Court Date By Gobbling Child’s Birthday Cake
You have to go inside a courthouse, and in the car you have a dog and a birthday cake for your daughter. You don’t want the dog to eat the cake. To keep them apart, you could put the cake in the trunk, bring the dog in the courthouse, or bring the cake in the courthouse. A woman in Washington State chose that last option, which was bad news for the cake. [More]

I Left My Phone At Safeway, Then Things Got Weird
Rachael absent-mindedly left her phone at Safeway, a grocery store chain. Leaving things behind is a normal thing: it happens to everyone, even if you won’t admit it. What isn’t normal is what happened between Rachael and Safeway in the days afterward. She was lucky that no other customers wandered off with her phone, and that the store held on to it for her in their safe. At least, that’s what they said part of the time. [More]

Safeway Doesn’t Seem To Care That It Repeatedly Overcharged Customer
Safeway is no stranger to overcharging customers. In fact, the supermarket chain has twice been sued by the state of California for failing to have the prices on the shelf match what shows up at the register — and even a court order, it’s continued to screw up. And while Safeway corporate claims to care about accurate prices, that message is not getting through to some stores. [More]

Too Bad You Missed This Amazing Members-Only Sale At Safeway
“Man oh man, I’m sure glad that we have a Safeway Club Member loyalty card!” writes reader Richard. Even if you have a card, dearest readers, you’re going to miss out: the sale ended on Saturday.

Colorado Dad Goes Out For Ice Cream, Thwarts Robbery
Staying with her dad for the weekend, a Colorado girl wondered why it took so long for her dad to run to Safeway for some ice cream. When he got back, she asked him what the delay was all about. “I had to break up a robbery,” he said. Yeah, right. But unlike when your dad kids about being a superhero, it was true! [More]

Hey, Look, Basic Math Can Be Really Useful!
The retail environment takes a huge toll on people who can’t do math. Sort of. This Safeway display is fairly typical: identically-sized packages of the anti-histimine loratadine (generic Claritin) sit side by side, with one price a little higher than the other. Look more closely: those boxes are the same size because the pills are impossibly tiny. One bottle offers more than twice as many as the other. [More]