Marc noticed this onion sign at Safeway, which is a grocery chain. So are were these vegetables imported? Are they from the USA? Did Marc secretly pass through a wormhole and end up in an alternate-universe Safeway where his state has seceded from the United States, or just this Safeway? Maybe all Safeways have seceded, and this is how they’re letting us know. [More]

This Safeway Select Shepherd’s Pie Tastes As Good As It Looks
We know that packaged food doesn’t always come out the way it’s supposed to look on the box, but this Beef Shepherd’s Pie that Consumerist reader PR bought from Safeway looks more like a pie that’s already passed through the shepherd. [More]

Is 98% Price Accuracy Acceptable For Grocery Stores?
Odds are that you’ve been overcharged at some point in your life. Mistakes happen. The big question is: Is there any acceptable level of overcharging? [More]

Report: Safeway Overcharging Even After Court Order
Supermarket chain Safeway and its Vons stores have been sued twice in the last decade by the state of California for overcharging customers. Yet, in spite of a court order that penalizes the stores each time it’s caught overcharging, a new report says that customers say it’s still going on. [More]

Safeway Now Stocking “Environmentally Preferable” Canned Tuna Without The Hefty Price Tag
Attention, fish fans — no, not Phish, the other kind — good news for those of you who want to eat canned tuna but don’t like the possible guilt of eating an animal that wasn’t sustainably caught. Safeway says it’s started stocking “environmentally preferable” tuna with the extra benefit of that product not costing consumers any more cash than the other kind. Score! [More]

Yep, The Easter Candy Is Out Already At Safeway And Kroger
In 2008, we published the first reports of Easter candy in stores on December 31. In 2009, they were spotted on shelves on December 23. Last year, the first appearance crept back to December 16. This year, our first reports came from Safeway and Kroger stores as early as December 2. [More]