Remember when Elon Musk said humankind would have to somehow merge with machines if we want to stay relevant in the face of the inevitable war between us and our robot overlords? He wasn’t kidding, and he’s formed a new company dedicated to figuring out how to do just that. [More]
robot overlords

Elon Musk: Humans Need To Merge With Machines To Avoid Becoming Irrelevant
Does the idea of humanlike machines or machinelike humans freak you out? Maybe, but if we want to stay relevant in the face of the coming robot revolution, Elon Musk says we’ll have to become more cyborg-like. [More]

Will Our Robot Overlords Work Together Or Work Against Each Other?
One day, robots and computers with artificial intelligence will inevitably be tasked with managing everything from our economy to our traffic systems. But will these man-made managers have the empathy, reasoning, and emotions needed for cooperation? [More]

Mall Security Robot Knocks Toddler To The Ground, Keeps On Going
A wise man once declared: “A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.” But a mall security robot apparently hasn’t been reading up on his Isaac Asimov, as parents of a 16-month-old boy in Palo Alto, CA say the bot knocked their son to the ground and just kept on rolling. [More]

Could Artificial Intelligence Learn How To Brew A Tasty Beer?
Because we’ll need something tasty to swill when our robot overlords finally come into their full artificial intelligence, a company in the UK is attempting to figure out if robots can help humans brew a better beer. [More]

Autonomous Robots Will Be Delivering Food In London, Packages In Germany
If they come bearing hot French fries and gooey pizza, I, for one, will welcome our new robot overlords with open arms. The artificial intelligence revolution is one step closer to that reality in Europe, where a food delivery service, a package delivery company, and a retail chain are testing out autonomous robot couriers. [More]

McDonald’s CEO To Shareholders: No Plans To Replace Employees With Robots Yet
As governments and traditionally low-wage jobs raise their minimum wage or starting pay for employees, McDonald’s will be forced to pay higher wages to employees. That might cause the company to use more automation, perhaps replacing employees with robots, right? At today’s shareholders’ meeting, CEO Steve Easterbrook assured employees that robots will not be taking over. Probably. [More]

Pizza Robots Continue To Proliferate As Pizza Hut Tests Order-Taking Humanoid
It seems our future overlords are trying to butter us up before they dominate the human race, and by butter I really mean hot cheese, tomato sauce, and crust: Pizza Hut is the most recent pizza chain to have fallen under the sway of robots, with the test of a humanoid AI machine known in the robotics industry as Pepper. [More]

Robot Driver Continues Time-Honored Tradition Of Totally Freaking Out Drive-Thru Workers
Do you know why we’re so certain the robot uprising is in the future? Because humans just can’t resist the lure of artificial intelligence, even if it’s just to freak out fast food workers at the drive-thru. Which, we must admit, is pretty funny. [More]

Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak: “Eventually Computers Will Get Rid Of The Slow Humans”
It isn’t just Elon Musk and your neighbor with the fully functioning bomb shelter who think the robot revolution is not only inevitable, but that computers will win and ultimately, could possibly enslave humanity as a result: Apple co-founder Steve “The Woz” Wozniak is fully confident that artificial intelligence is going to triumph over mankind someday. [More]

Just Because This Cute House Robot Is Limbless Doesn’t Mean We’re Safe From The A.I. Revolution
I’ll be the first to admit that I always wanted Rosie from the Jetsons to be my best friend and confidante — so sassy, and she brings snacks! — but that doesn’t mean I’m afraid we’re living on the cusp of the robot revolution that will eventually mean the end of all humans. So yes, this robot for the home seems innocent enough, with its lack of limbs to run you down and grab you, but still… [More]

Elon Musk Cites ‘Terminator’ As A Reason To “Keep An Eye On” Artificial Intelligence
Worried about the always looming, definitely gonna happen robot revolution? You’re not the only one imagining the insufferable chains of slavery our robot overlords are going to slap on us someday. Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors, is also worried robots are up to no good, so he’s keeping an eye on the artificial industry just in case. [More]

Panera Bread Replacing Some Cashiers With Kiosks — So Yes, The Robots Have Already Won
No one panic, but it appears we’re already too late to stem the inevitable tide of robot overlords waiting to take over our planet and suck out our souls via some as yet unimagined technological terror. Because clearly, adding more kiosks and taking away a few cashiers at Panera Bread is a clear sign of that impending doom. [More]

Does Your Home Need A Window-Cleaning Robot? Good News!
As predicted, there isn’t a whole lot of exciting news out of this year’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. As a person who looks forward to our future total dependence on robots, however, I was excited to see footage of the Ecovacs Winbot 7 in action. The Winbot is like a Roomba that sticks to windows, and supposedly zooms up and down them, cleaning all the way. [More]

Robot Will Help Bring Hair To The Bald — Unless You're Blond
Minoxidil, toupees, hair weaves and extensions… Soon joining this list of hair-loss solutions? How about a robot that automates “harvesting” hair from balding men for use in transplants later? [More]