If you like viewing and ordering prints of your digital photos from the comfort of your own home and then traipsing to the local Costco to pick up your memories, then we’ve got good news: Costco has finally relaunched its online photo services website after taking the site down upon discovering a breach in July. But there’s also a bit of bad news: some customers’ credit card information may have been captured in the year-long hack. [More]
rite aid

Costco’s Online Photo Services Back Up After Breach, Customers’ Cards May Have Been Compromised

Costco Pushes Back Relaunch Of Online Photo Services Another Month Following July Hack
Fans of Costco’s photo services will likely be waiting another month before they are able to order pictures though its website, as the company that manages the site continues to recover from a July breach. [More]

Rite Aid Changes Its Tune, Will Now Accept Apple Pay
In a reversal from its sudden decision in October last year to stop accepting Apple Pay at its stores after just a week of offering that option to shoppers, Rite Aid has announced it’s going back, and will allow it as a form of payment starting Aug. 15. [More]

Costco, Three Other Retailers Suspend Photo Sites After Third-Party Host Suffers Possible Breach
Less than a week after CVS took down its CVSphoto.com site while it investigates a possible credit card breach, at least four other retailers including Costco and Sam’s Club have suspended online photo services following notification by the company that manages or hosts photo services for the sites of a possible data breach. [More]

American Express Partners With Macy’s, Exxon Mobil & Others For Coalition Loyalty Program
Forget about Costco, American Express seems to have moved on from being dumped by the warehouse club, announcing its partnership with a plethora of retailers and companies for a new venture: a coalition loyalty program. [More]

Rite Aid Settles Whistleblower Lawsuit Claiming It Used Gift Cards To Lure Pharmacy Customers
The feds say they’ve settled a lawsuit against pharmacy chain Rite Aid filed by a whistleblower who claimed the company used gift cards to lure Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries to switch their prescriptIons in a bid to gain business. [More]

Why Did CVS & Rite-Aid Stop Taking Apple Pay?
After nearly a week of accepting payment via the recently launched Apple Pay system, both CVS and Rite-Aid suddenly stopped offering this option to shoppers over the weekend. And neither retailer is giving a reason why, though it appears to be part of a retail-industry effort to eventually roll out its own payment system. [More]

Lone Bear Cub Seals His Fate To Forever Live Among Humans After Strolling Through Rite Aid
Listen, denizens of the animal kingdom: I know it looks like we humans have got it made, what with large roofed structures filled with food and other sundries a wild creature might want to get into. But beware, little bears, because once you stroll through a Rite Aid, you can never go back to the wild. [More]

Police Arrest Rite Aid Customer Because Shooting Up Heroin At The Pharmacy Isn’t Okay
Sure, waiting in line at the pharmacy can feel like a test of one’s patience during what feels like an insufferable amount of time. But while I’m not sure shooting up with heroin while you’re there makes the line go any faster, I do know it’ll get you kicked out of the pharmacy pretty darn quick, no matter how long you’ve been waiting. [More]

Physicians Say Rite Aid’s Early Alzheimer’s Detection Test Can Cause Needless Fear
A test being used at Rite Aid stores to test for early warning signs of Alzheimer’s may be doing more harm than good, some medical professionals say. [More]

Rite Aid Is Hoping You’re Really Bad At Math
Most shoppers understand the general idea that buying in bulk results in lower unit costs. But there is also that point at which any further unit discount isn’t worth the risk or hassle of being stuck with stuff you won’t use. [More]

Rite-Aid Sells Your Favorite Celebrity Colons At Clearance Prices
Have you ever been ogling Usher, or Faith Hill, or Beyonce, Halle Berry, Celine Dion, or Britney Spears and thought, “I would just love to have some of this celebrity’s colon, but I simply can’t afford it”? Well, you might want to check out this offering from Rite-Aid. [More]
Rite Aid Retail Archaeologist Uncovers Full-Price VHS Movie
It’s not out of the question that someone might want to purchase a copy of the film version of “A Series of Unfortunate Events. It’s not difficult to imagine that they might even pick it up at Rite-Aid, and that they might be willing to pay $20 for an eight-year-old movie. What caught reader Jay’s attention, though, was that the film was in his local pharmacy’s discount DVD bin, at full price––and on VHS. [More]

Rite-Aid Delivery Guy Saves Elderly Customer's Life
Automated prescription refills and deliveries have probably saved patients’ lives by insuring that they got their medication on time. But this time, it wasn’t the pills in the bottle that saved a Pennsylvania woman; it was the man who delivered them. [More]

Drunkenly Groping A Cardboard Display Woman Will Get You In Trouble
Can we just say right off the bat it’s a better a cardboard woman than a real one? A convicted sex offender in Pittsfield, Mass., has been fined after he reportedly kissed and fondled a cardboard cut out of a woman at a Rite Aid. [More]

Rite Aid Sells Video Chats With Doctors
Drugstores are fast becoming outlets for quick, relatively cheap medical care. Many CVS stores have MinuteClinics inside, and now Rite Aid has started offering video chats with doctors in a service called NowClinic Online Care. For $45, customers get 10 minutes of virtual face time with medical pros. Patients can also opt for voice chats or instant messages. [More]

Target, RiteAid, And Publix Change Policies To Cripple Extreme Couponers
In the past few weeks, three big stores have changed their coupon policies in ways to curb some of the more lucrative coupon tactics. It appears to be fallout over noob extreme couponers inspired by the TLC show Extreme Couponing, who are ruining the game for everyone else. [More]

Man Buys 1 Powerade At Rite Aid, Gets 21 Inch Receipt
Josh bought a singular Powerade from his local Rite Aid. He handed over one dollar and thirty-six cents. In return, he received not only his Powerade, but a 21 inch-long receipt. [More]