
Best Buy Too Lazy To Find Your Item Unless You Order It Online

Best Buy Too Lazy To Find Your Item Unless You Order It Online

Reader Michael went to Best Buy to pick up a hard drive that he saw on sale. The website said that the item was in stock, but when he got to the store there were none on the shelf. The employee he questioned said that the item was out of stock but explained that the website was slow to update. So Michael went home, ordered it for in store pick up and… can you guess what happened next?

Walmart Puts Doritos, Pepsi In The Toy Aisle

Walmart Puts Doritos, Pepsi In The Toy Aisle

Reader Edd was shopping at his local Walmart when he noticed something annoying. There’s a Pepsi & Dorito display in the middle of the toy aisle. Not at the end of the toy aisle. In the middle of it. Update: Mystery solved.

Retail Return Databases: Fraud Deterrent Or Privacy Nightmare?

Retail Return Databases: Fraud Deterrent Or Privacy Nightmare?

No shopper wants higher prices because of excessive return fraud, but many people aren’t comfortable having their driver’s license scanned when making a return at the store, either. We’ve covered the reasons for this before, but Retail Customer Experience took a closer look.

Banana Republic Sends Customer Mysterious Package Of Security Tags

Banana Republic Sends Customer Mysterious Package Of Security Tags

Jonathan’s wife ordered some clothes from Banana Republic, and was confused when another, similarly-sized box arrived on their doorstep from Banana Republic a week later. This box was clearly not destined for her, since she had not ordered the exciting new “Open Your Own Banana Republic” playset.

Broke Consumers Are Filling Up Carts And Leaving Them

Broke Consumers Are Filling Up Carts And Leaving Them

This is a depressing phenomenon, if it’s real. According to the Associated Press, consumers are ditching items before they buy them. They’ve always done this, of course, but now they are supposedly doing it more.

Microsoft Favors Braun Over Brains In Store Employees

Microsoft Favors Braun Over Brains In Store Employees

Thinking about going for a job at one of those snazzy new Microsoft Stores? Time to stock up on the Creatine and start pumping iron, because Microsoft will need you to be able to lift 75 pounds. That’s like two Paris Hiltons!

What Do Sales Data Show About This Recession?

What Do Sales Data Show About This Recession?

People aren’t buying: Large appliances, furniture, and durable household goods

One-Armed Abercrombie & Fitch Worker Wins Wrongful Dismissal Case

One-Armed Abercrombie & Fitch Worker Wins Wrongful Dismissal Case

A former UK Abercrombie & Fitch employee whose prosthetic arm didn’t comport with the store’s “look policy” has won a case against the clothier for wrongful dismissal and emotional trauma.

J.C. Penney In Manhattan Harbinger Of Fashion Apocalypse, Fat Suburbanites

J.C. Penney In Manhattan Harbinger Of Fashion Apocalypse, Fat Suburbanites

Cintra Wilson set out to write a lighthearted, snarky article about the arrival of J.C. Penney in Manhattan for her “Critical Shopper” series, and somehow ended up insulting nearly everyone who read the article. Those who took offense included, but were not limited to: overweight people, tourists, plastic mannequins, people who are attuned to rampant classism, residents of “middle America,” diabetics, and anyone who has ever found an attractive article of clothing at a J.C. Penney.

Radio Shacks Rebrands As "The Shack"

Radio Shacks Rebrands As "The Shack"

Radio Shack will soon be known as “The Shack,” because not many people are tinkering with electronic parts to make experimental hobbyist radios anymore. But shacks themselves are still hot, it seems. [Engadget] (Thanks to William!) (Photo: The Joy Of The Mundane)

Walmart To Rate Product Sustainability

Walmart To Rate Product Sustainability

Walmart is developing a universal rating system to help consumers determine which products are truly sustainable. The rating system would scrutinize a product’s entire life-cycle by focusing on broad factors, rather than the usual marketing gibberish that extolls isolated virtues. So why is Walmart, of all companies, deciding which products are environmentally sound?

Microsoft Retail Stores Prepare For Sensory Overload, Global Domination

Microsoft Retail Stores Prepare For Sensory Overload, Global Domination

This is old news to some of our readers, but not all: Microsoft is planning to open their own retail stores. What would such a wondrous place look like? Gizmodo has a concept Powerpoint presentation (what else?) that shows what the stores could look like.

Craftsman Doesn't Have The Ability To Cancel A Duplicate Order

Craftsman Doesn't Have The Ability To Cancel A Duplicate Order

Reader C.W. is wondering why Craftsman (which is part of Sears) doesn’t have the ability to cancel a duplicate order. Especially since there appears to be a “cancel” button on the website.

Retailers Ready To Rebel Against Credit Card Fees

Retailers Ready To Rebel Against Credit Card Fees

You’ve all seen the $10 minimum signs at Mom & Pop stores, and while these stores aren’t supposed to be placing this type of restriction on their customers (it’s a violation of their agreement with the credit card companies) it’s important to understand why the signs are there in the first place. Fees.

The 7 Types Of Employees You Meet At Best Buy

The 7 Types Of Employees You Meet At Best Buy

Gizmodo paired up a former Best Buy employee with a professional illustrator and created a taxonomy of seven Best Buy employees you’re likely to meet whenever you shop there. The two who probably get the most coverage on our site (and who are probably the most annoying in general): Pervy Geek Squad Guy and Slick Careerist Manager.

Teavana Salesperson Throws Involuntary Tea Party

Teavana Salesperson Throws Involuntary Tea Party

When you think of “boutique tea,” you probably don’t associate it with obnoxious upsells and sneaky add-ons. If you do, perhaps you’ve visited the same Teavana outlet as one of our readers. Michael was so annoyed with his recent visit to the Willow Grove, Penn. store that when he realized what had happened, he had to share it with Consumerist over a nice cup of white needle tea.

The Duct Tape Shoplifters: Coming Soon To A Mall Near You?

The Duct Tape Shoplifters: Coming Soon To A Mall Near You?

Watch out for organized, highly trained teams of shoplifters in your local mall. They aren’t small-time operators—they stole $23,000 worth of bras and panties from a West Virginia Victoria’s Secret. No, really.

Kmart Launches Christmas Site In July

Kmart Launches Christmas Site In July

You know “Christmas in July?” Kmart does. They sent a mailing out to customers today about their new site, Christmas Lane. It promises “the best deals for Christmas, 5 months early.” To us, that’s more of a threat than a promise.