While some states and cities consider rules regarding who can or can’t use which public restrooms, Target has confirmed that its policy is that customers can use whichever fitting room or restroom best reflects their gender identity. [More]

Chicago Cubs Apologize After Long Bathroom Lines On Opening Day Led Fans To Pee In Plastic Cups
Opening Day crowds proved too much for Wrigley Field’s bathrooms, only two of which were open on the main concourse yesterday. The Chicago Cubs are now apologizing to fans, after the long lines prompted some people to seek other means of relieving themselves. [More]

Police: Active Meth Lab Discovered In Backpack Abandoned In Walmart Bathroom
While running a successful meth lab isn’t easy even under the best circumstances — and this is coming entirely from watching Breaking Bad, obviously — keeping an active operation going in a Walmart bathroom doesn’t seem like a guarantee for success. To that end, police say they’ve discovered an active meth lab, hidden inside a backpack, abandoned in an Indiana Walmart’s bathroom. [More]

Pregnant Woman Claims Starbucks Worker Wouldn’t Let Her Use The Bathroom
When you’ve gotta go, you’ve gotta go. And when you’re eight months pregnant with a small human inside you, pressing on your bladder like the most relentless of torturers, you have to go right this freaking second or you will unleash what is not meant to be unleashed in public. But despite that obvious necessity, one pregnant woman says a Starbucks worker wouldn’t let her into the locked bathroom, even after she offered to buy something. [More]

Couple Sues Alaska Airlines After Alleged Bathroom Altercation Gets Them A Police Escort From Plane
Consumers generally fly first class for the perks: more leg room, bigger seats, a restroom shared with fewer people and being escorted off the plane into police custody. Wait, that last one doesn’t sound right, yet a couple flying from Las Vegas to Portland received just that after an alleged squabble with an Alaska Airline flight attendant over the use of the first class restroom. Now, the couple is suing the airline for humiliation, among other things. [More]

Hotel Desk Guy Won't Let My Wife Use The Bathroom
Matt and his wife got into a power struggle with a hotel desk clerk at a Howard Johnson who refused to allow a non-employee to use a hotel bathroom. The couple ended up storming off and HoJo kept their money. [More]

Connecticut Bathroom Access Law Now In Effect
Connecticut shoppers with bowel disorders, rejoice! Now, there’s a sentence we never expected to write. In order to prevent humiliating and undignified restroom access debacles for people with verified medical conditions, Connecticut has passed a law guaranteeing their access to otherwise off-limits restrooms in public places. The law went into effect on October 1st.

Man Goes Crazy, Gets Tasered After Store Refuses To Let Him Use Bathroom
Village Lighting in Bellingham, Washington refused to let a 29-year-old man use their bathroom, and the man retaliated by going completely batshit insane on them.

Washington State Says Stores Have To Let You Use The Bathroom
Starting July 26th in Washington state, stores with three or more employees working at the same time must allow customers access to an employee restroom so long as it doesn’t pose a security threat. Businesses also have to provide bathroom access to anyone with an inflammatory bowel disease who can present a card or signed statement from a doctor saying they’ve got a condition.

This Coffee Shop’s Restroom Policy Is Extremely Subtle
We were talking about pay toilets and restroom policies yesterday, which we can only assume is what prompted reader Stephen to share this photo of a sign he noticed at a coffee shop in Denver, CO. Stephen thinks it’s a “real thirst whetter.” We couldn’t agree more. [More]

Burger King Launches The "Token-Powered Pay Toilet"
A Burger King in Houston, TX has had it with bathroom vandalism, so they’ve installed a pay toilet. You can operate it with your own quarters, or you can request a token– but either way you have to feed the machine in order to… you know… says the Houston Chronicle.

NYC's New High-Tech Public Bathroom Is Freaky, Robotic
For years, New York City was a grim place to be when you had to use the bathroom, since there are almost no public facilities (not counting Starbucks). But earlier this month the first of 20 high-tech pay toilets opened in the city, in Madison Square Park just north of 23rd Street. Now the next time you visit the city and need to answer nature’s call, grab a quarter and head over there to experience the strange combination of a $100,000 prison cell/car wash/elevator/Louvre. It’s the cheapest “experience” you’ll probably find in the city.

New Texas Law Guarantees Access To Restrooms
Under a new law signed by Texas Governor Rick Perry, retailers can’t deny restroom access to any consumer with a valid medical condition. Stores with less than two employees on duty are exempt, and mistrustful employees can ask to see a doctors note. The Texas Retailers Association had no objection to the law, which for some consumers, is a godsend:

Lawsuit: American Airlines Let Dead Body Sit In Locked Bathroom For 2 Hours
The passenger, Taisuke Matsuo, 66, apparently had a heart attack on an American Airlines flight from Tokyo to Chicago during the first leg of a trip home to Indianapolis, according to the lawsuit filed Monday by his wife, Carolyn D. Watts.

Battle to be America’s Cleanest Toilet
Cast your vote for America’s cleanest restroom at bestrestroom.com.