
Fake Waitress Steals Diner’s Credit Card, Goes On Spending Spree Next Door At Target

Fake Waitress Steals Diner’s Credit Card, Goes On Spending Spree Next Door At Target

How many times have you put your credit card out to pay for a restaurant meal and had an employee other than your server pick it up? It’s not uncommon, especially in busier eateries, so some diners wouldn’t think twice when it happens. At least until the card hasn’t been returned because the helpful “waitress” who took it is actually at the Target across the parking lot making purchases with it? [More]


Wendy’s Selling 640 Restaurants In U.S. And Canada

It seems selling fast food restaurants to franchisees is somewhat de rigueur these days: After McDonald’s recently said it’s using that plan to steer its big turnaround plan, Wendy’s announced today that it’ll be selling a total of 640 restaurants in the U.S. and Canada this year as well as its baking operation in Zanesville, OH. [More]


Musical ‘Mamma Mia!’ Is Going To Be A Restaurant Because Even Former ABBA Members Need Hobbies

It could get kinda boring, retiring from your day job and trying to figure out how to fill the minutes, hours and days that stretch emptily before you. Especially after touring the globe as part of a Swedish supergroup and performing for hordes of rabid fans. Perhaps that’s why one former ABBA member has decided to open up a restaurant based on the band’s song and the musical it gave birth to, Mamma Mia!. Because hey, ABBA fans really like ABBA, so why not? [More]

(Cpt. Brick)

Americans Are Spending More To Dine Out Than On Groceries For The First Time

In a first for Americans, a new study says we’re spending more as a country eating away from home than we are on groceries. Why slave away over a hot stove creating something that may or may not end up tasting good when you can pay someone else to do it for you? [More]


Utah Restaurant Owner Removes Over-Sized Genitalia From Bull Sign After Uproar

The owner of a steakhouse who added an extra-large genital enhancement to the bull on the restaurant’s sign says he’s removing the nether bits that caused a slew of complaints from residents, but he’s not doing it because of the controversy. [More]

Restaurant Uses Surveillance Footage To Disprove 1-Star Yelp Review

Restaurant Uses Surveillance Footage To Disprove 1-Star Yelp Review

Being unable to get a seat at a busy restaurant where you don’t have a reservation is probably not a justifiable reason to give the place a one-star writeup on Yelp. But if you are going to put that negative stamp on a restaurant, at least tell the truth. [More]

(Alan Rappa)

Accused Dine-And-Dashers Arrested For Allegedly Running Over Waitress Who Confronted Them About Bill

As if it isn’t bad enough to deliberately avoid paying a restaurant tab, a group of diners is accused of not only skipping out on the bill, but then allegedly running over the waitress who confronted them. [More]


Texas Roadhouse Serves Up Sangria To 2-Year-Old Girl

When you order a cranberry juice for your 2-year-old daughter and the server brings her a glass containing a dark red beverage, you probably wouldn’t think to sample the drink to make sure she hadn’t been given a glass full of boozy sangria. [More]

(via ABC News)

Allegedly Armed Intruder Chooses The Wrong Wrestling-Themed Restaurant To Mess With

When presented with a list of businesses that you might not want to mess with, one that has a wrestling theme and is run by a former WWE star and her husband would probably be right at the top of that list. Nonetheless, police say an armed man got into a tussle at a Chicago wrestling-themed restaurant, and let’s just say he was not successful. [More]


Man Claims Restaurant Told Him To Leave Because He Has Facial Tattoos

A Houston man says he was refused service at a local restaurant because the establishment has a policy barring people with facial tattoos, linking the ink with gang activity in the area. But he says he’s just a person, same as everyone else. [More]


5 Reasons Restaurants Should Think Twice About Shaming Bad Customers

Running a restaurant — which is often a narrow-profit, high-risk operation with frequent staff turnover — is not easy, and those employees and owners who do work hard sometimes feel like they only hear complaints from customers. So it’s not entirely surprising that some restaurant folks choose to use social media to shame bad customers, especially those who don’t tip well. [More]


Solo Diner Sues Portland Restaurant For $100K Claiming Staff Refused To Serve Her On Valentine’s Day

On the one hand, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a table for one for Valentine’s Day, or any day. On the other hand, restaurants want to fit as many patrons as they can on busy nights like Feb. 14. So is it wrong to boost a patron when the other half of her reservation can’t make it? [More]


Man Celebrating 101st Birthday At Restaurant That Gives Discounts Based On Age Gets $0.07 Refund On Meal

There are many perks of growing old — seeing your kids have kids, wearing shirts that say “World’s Best Grandma,” calling rowdy youngsters “whippersnappers” and more — and getting discounts on things is definitely not the least of those. But one centenarian learned that he’d reached a point where you can actually get a free mail and get paid just for your age. [More]

Just a bit of the harsh critique that ownership left for its former servers and kitchen staff.

Shuttered Restaurant Lashes Out At Former “Incompetent” Staff In Yelp Farewell

Yelp is usually a place for restaurant diners to vent about bad service and food — and occasionally for restaurants to start ill-advised social media wars with those who complain. But it’s rarely the place for a restaurant to publicly point the finger at its own employees. [More]

(C x 2)

Restaurant Co-Owner Accused Of Creeping On Women With Camera Hidden In Bathroom

Police in Maryland say the co-owner of a local restaurant group took advantage of his customers in one of the most invasive ways possible, by allegedly setting up a video camera in the women’s restroom at one of his restaurants so he could secretly film them going to the bathroom. And cue those shudders, folks. [More]

Morton Fox

70% Of Americans Want All-Day Access To Breakfast So Why Can’t It Happen?

It’s 1 p.m. as I write this and I haven’t eaten since early yesterday evening. I’m consumed with mental images of syrup-slathered waffles and piping-hot savory sausages, and the data says I’m not alone in craving breakfast in the afternoon. So why aren’t more fast food places making this a reality? [More]

(Don Buciak II)

FTC Challenges Sysco Acquisition Of US Foods

Sysco’s in-person meetings with the Federal Trade Commission didn’t have the desired effect. The foodservice supply giant wanted approval for its planned acquisition of competitor U.S. Foods, but the FTC thinks that Sysco wants to gobble up too much of the market. The commissioners voted 3-2 to block the merger. [More]

(Cpt.  Brick)

Eatery Surprises Diners By Picking Up The $5,182.19 Tab For Entire Restaurant

What’s better than a night out on the town? A night out on the town that involves a surprise free meal. In a move that’s good for the business’ image and definitely welcomed by diners, a restaurant in a Detroit suburb told patrons the owners were picking up the tab… for everyone. [More]