It used to be that your new car came with two infotainment systems: a radio and a tape or CD player. (8-tracks were briefly a thing, too, though record players in cars didn’t quite catch on.) Now even basic-model cars come with complex infotainment systems, but they also come with a catch: subscriptions to services that you’ll have to renew if you decide to keep them. [More]

Allegedly Armed Intruder Chooses The Wrong Wrestling-Themed Restaurant To Mess With
When presented with a list of businesses that you might not want to mess with, one that has a wrestling theme and is run by a former WWE star and her husband would probably be right at the top of that list. Nonetheless, police say an armed man got into a tussle at a Chicago wrestling-themed restaurant, and let’s just say he was not successful. [More]
Mark Your Calendars: Massive Cosmetics Giveaway Set For Inauguration Day
Americans face a tough choice Tuesday morning: watch Barack Obama’s historic inauguration, or storm department stores to take advantage of a first-come, first-serve cosmetics giveaway worth $175 million.

Freaky Thursday: Comcast & TWC To Sell Cellphones, Verizon To Sell Cable TV
The crumpet dropped from our gnashing maw when we spied these portents.
Malcom Gladwell on Why Too Many Choices Is Bad
Here’s a link to a NY Times article from 2001 about the research Gladwell referrs to in the video. (Thanks to Frederick!)