
Mysterious Black Hole That Is HP's Repair Division Swallows Yet Another Laptop

Mysterious Black Hole That Is HP's Repair Division Swallows Yet Another Laptop

We’re starting to suspect that HP’s repair department consists of a giant warehouse inside of which is a nothing but a black hole that eats laptops. Stephen Hawking is their receptionist, and he makes sure the techs don’t accidentally cross the event horizon when they’re chucking your computer into oblivion.

UPDATE: Sony Reads Consumerist, Decides To Replace Your PS3

UPDATE: Sony Reads Consumerist, Decides To Replace Your PS3

Reader Dustin was upset that Sony responded with form emails no matter what he wrote, now he “has a smile on his face” because Sony contacted him and would like to replace his broken PS3.

$54 Million Best Buy Lawsuit Over Lost Laptop Dismissed

$54 Million Best Buy Lawsuit Over Lost Laptop Dismissed

It Took 10 Emails, 4 Faxes, 40 Phone Calls and 7 Months To Get Acer To Replace Laptop

It Took 10 Emails, 4 Faxes, 40 Phone Calls and 7 Months To Get Acer To Replace Laptop

Scott in Ireland writes in with proof that it’s not just American/Canadian consumers who get screwed by bad customer service. When his new Acer laptop went kaput, it took him over half a year to finally get a working, equivalent replacement—and after all that, Acer told him they wouldn’t extend his warranty for the time he was without a laptop.

Geek Squad Replaces Soaked Computer For Free

Geek Squad Replaces Soaked Computer For Free

Nicole’s computer seemed to have developed water damage after she sent it in to Geek Squad, a favor for which they wanted to charge her $730. After her story posted to The Consumerist, some higher-ups cattle-prodded Sam, in charge of Geek Squad’s “Public Defender” team, and he jumped into action. Now Nicole has her computer back, completely repaired, free of charge. She says, “Sam at Geek Squad corporate was really helpful.” Woot, internet pillory wins again! [More]

"Apple Gave Me Back The Wrong Laptop!"

"Apple Gave Me Back The Wrong Laptop!"

Jeff says an Apple Genius gave his girlfriend back the wrong computer!When my girlfriend encountered problems turning on her laptop, she was frustrated with yet another problem.

I have found the thief and its name is kitty

Microsoft Keeps Your Repaired XBox For 4 Months, Calls You A Thief For Wanting It Back

[protected-iframe id="b8f18f624db3162ddc3edeca28b1ece8-40783744-40309798" info="" width="55" height="82" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"]Microsoft hasn’t returned Tiffany’s XBox 360 for four months because they think she is a thief, even though she has her original receipt and a credit card statement proving that she is the console’s rightful owner. Microsoft repaired the XBox back in January and tried to return it via FedEx, but a shipping snafu landed the box back at Microsoft’s service center. Tiffany has called repeatedly. She even sent a letter to Microsoft’s legal department, after sending her receipt and statement, asking how else she could prove ownership. That was 22 days ago. She has yet to receive a response.

Comcast: Repair Techs On-Time Or You Get $20

Did you know that Comcast has an “on-time guarantee?” That’s right, if your tech arrives outside the time window for a repair, you’re entitled to a $20 credit. For installs, you get one free cable outlet installed. A former Comcast worker says, “Only dispatchers have the ability to put this credit on accounts, however,” which makes us wonder how easy it is to actually get these applied to your account. Maybe if you use these numbers to call dispatchers directly you’ll get somewhere. [Comcast]

Drunk Dell Tech Repairs Laptop With Hammer

Drunk Dell Tech Repairs Laptop With Hammer

A boozy Dell tech tried to repair the headphone jack on Andrea’s Inspiron 9100 with a hammer. Andrea’s sense of propriety kept her quiet when Joel arrived reeking of booze and cigarettes, and neither she nor her boyfriend spoke up when he started wielding a hammer to install parts that wouldn’t fit onto the motherboard. Joel ended up cracking the case and putting nail holes through the wrist pad. When he left, Andrea called Dell to complain and asked for a new tech. Who did Dell dispatch? Joel!

Dear HP: It's Been 6 Weeks Since I Last Saw My Laptop Can You Please Return It?

Dear HP: It's Been 6 Weeks Since I Last Saw My Laptop Can You Please Return It?

Reader D misses his laptop. A lot. He hasn’t seen it in 6 weeks. Despite tirelessly working to escalate his complaint up the ladder at HP, he keeps getting shuffled back around to “Jim,” an executive customer service rep who just keeps repeating the same old story about a delayed part.

Geek Squad Soaks Your Computer, Blames You

Geek Squad Soaks Your Computer, Blames You

Still think using Geek Squad to repair your computer isn’t such a bad idea? That’s what reader Nicole thought when she took her laptop in for a warranty covered repair. The laptop was sent off to a service center, “repaired”, then sent back. She immediately noticed it had the same exact problem and sent it back 48 hours later. This time, she was told the warranty wouldn’t cover it, as the Blue Screen of Death was now being caused by water damage. Nicole pointed out that there wasn’t water damage the first time it was repaired for the exact same problem two days ago. Geek Squad responded by quoting her $775 for the repair. The details, below.

UPDATE: Geek Squad Replaces Soaked Computer For Free

Apple's MagSafe Adapters Still Fraying, Melting, Sucking

Apple's MagSafe Adapters Still Fraying, Melting, Sucking

Apple’s perpetually melting and fraying MagSafe adapters—apparently these things are made out of Styrofoam and rice paper—continue to cause trouble.

Dear Microsoft, Please Send This Man A Shipping Box

Dear Microsoft, Please Send This Man A Shipping Box

He just wants to send his Xbox in for repair, and you keep losing his request. He swears he’s not a “crazy blogger,” but despite that, we still want to help him. So please? You’ve got all his phone numbers and contact info now. Can you send a box?

Time Warner Sends 12 Techs To Home, But "High Speed" Cable Remains A Fantasy

Time Warner Sends 12 Techs To Home, But "High Speed" Cable Remains A Fantasy

Thomas writes in to ask why Time Warner needs to send 12 different technicians to his home to get his Roadrunner speed up to the 10 mbits/sec that they promise in their advertising, as opposed to the 2.5 mbits/sec that he averages.

Circuit City Tries To Install Navigation System, Causes $12,119 Of Damage To Your Car

Circuit City Tries To Install Navigation System, Causes $12,119 Of Damage To Your Car

Geek Squad Laptop Comedy of Errors

Geek Squad Laptop Comedy of Errors

Reader George is having serious trouble with Geek Squad. It started when he bought a laptop from Best Buy a few years ago. He sent it in to get a loose AC jack replaced. They replace it. Two months later, it’s loose again. It’s replaced again, but this time, when his picks it up, the door to the DVD/CD drive is warped and won’t open. George’s in a hurry, so he asked the Geek to make a note about the damage, and he’ll bring it back for repair. From here on out, nothing goes right. First they can’t find his account, then they can’t find the note, then they can’t find his computer, then they can’t work their own computers. His full story, inside.

We Post, SONY Replaces Long-Languishing Laptop

We Post, SONY Replaces Long-Languishing Laptop

After Daniela’s SONY laptop was stuck in a warranty repair purgatory for months and a SONY tech screamed at her over the phone accusing her of warranty fraud, her story appeared on The Consumerist. Now she happily writes:

Almost immediately after my article was posted on the consumerist, I received a friendly and extremely apologetic call from a Sony exec. Before even calling me, he had reviewed my case and agreed fully that they were in the wrong. He apologized and offered to have my notebook repaired immediately!


12 tips for repairing your furnace or central AC [FurnaceCompare]