Bank of America has agreed to pay $2 million to settle allegations that it violated California law by failing to alert some customers that their phone calls to the bank were being recorded. [More]

What Do The Notes On Your Account Really Say?
Pretty much every problematic customer service story these days includes some reference to the Notes—that unseen record of what you’ve been told, and by inference what you’ve agreed to, on previous calls. The funny thing is, you never get to see them.

HBO Using Tivo's Macrovision DRM To Restrict "John Adams" Miniseries?
When Dean recorded HBO’s new Tom Hanks-produced miniseries “John Adams”—which is not a pay-per-view or on-demand program—he was surprised to see it was flagged by Tivo’s Macrovision software, which controls how many times you may watch a program and how long you can store it before it’s automatically deleted. Now the question is, was this a mistake on the part of HBO or Dean’s cable provider Comcast? Or—considering HBO’s infamous anti-consumer stance on time-shifted programming—is it the beginning of a sneaky “back-door” approach to locking down all their content, something Tivo’s own people said would probably not happen when they added Macrovision to their recorders in 2004?

Is it Legal To Record Your Own Customer Service Calls?
Whenever we talk about recording customer service calls, someone always chimes in about wiretap laws. While far from being lawyers, we think it’s okay and here’s why.

The Real Dope on Recording Customer Service Calls
It’s totally legal to record conversations across state lines and you don’t have to tell the company at all.