If you’re the kind of person who loves the taste of a char-grilled steak but are intimidated by anything that involves more than flicking a switch, don’t despair: There are experts who can tell you exactly how to grill with charcoal at home. [More]

3 Things To Consider Before Cleaning Your Grill With A Wire Brush
For all those folks getting ready to fire up the grill for the holiday weekend, there’s one thing you might do before you break out the hamburgers, hot dogs, and donuts — clean your grill. But before you set to scrubbing, consider this: an estimated 1,700 Americans went to an emergency room between 2002 and 2014 after having ingested wire bristles hidden in grilled food. [More]

Grilled Guacamole, Donuts & 7 More Out-Of-The-Ordinary Grilling Ideas For Your Fourth Of July Cookout
While no one will fault you for grilling up hot dogs and hamburgers at your Fourth of July cookout, these and other traditional grill fare are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to yummy things you can cook over an open flame this weekend — so why not celebrate by grilling something a little more unexpected? [More]

8 Gadgets Devoted Solely To Spreading Butter On Stuff
You know what would make that bread better, that corn on the cob more delectable, that muffing more muffin-y? Butter. Yet apparently so many people have difficulty spreading butter evenly that multiple companies have come up with supposed solutions to this age-old problem. [More]

For $628 A Night You Can Cook In The French Cottage Where Julia Child Cooked
If you’re the kind of person who’s read and tried every recipe in Mastering the Art of French Cooking (or you’ve at least seen that movie about the woman who did) you’ve already gotten pretty close to the legendary Julia Child. But now you can get even closer: you can rent out the chef’s cottage in Provence and cook in her kitchen (or sleep in it, if you want). [More]

5 Pro Tips For Making A Juicy, Delicious Burger This Memorial Day
You can see it now, can’t you, in your mind’s eye? It’s juicy, it’s delicious, it’s cooked perfectly, and you made it: it’s your ideal Memorial Day burger. Let us help you get there with a few handy tips that will help your fantasy burger become a reality this holiday weekend. [More]

Researchers Who Probably Hate Pizza: Living Alone Is Basically Terrible For Your Diet
Living by yourself can be great — it means you have the option of never wearing real pants at home, guilt-free Netflix binges on sunny days and the ability to eat your meals in front of the open refrigerator by picking through whatever it is you happen to have in there. On that last note, researchers say living solo has a downside: it means you eat like crap. [More]

If You’re Not Cooking With Hot Lava Or Lightning, Just Quit Calling Yourself A Grillmaster Now
I’m not here to burst your happy grilling bubble, but come on — can you really consider yourself a master of the art of grilling if you haven’t tried cooking with hot lava? What about lightning? Maybe. But bending the forces of nature to do your culinary bidding? There’s no topping that, at least not yet. Call me when you beat an egg with a tornado. [More]

Coffee Maker Meals Mean You’ll Never Go Hungry In A Hotel Room Again
Who knew the average kitchen would be filled with so many appliances capabale of cooking food? And no, not just your electric grill or the toaster oven, but your dishwasher can whip up culinary delights and now people are apparently even cooking in coffee makers. Say what? Yup. Salmon in a coffee maker. It’s the fishiest part of waking up…? [More]

Dunce In The Kitchen? If You Can’t Make It, At Least You Can Fake It
The gap between tying on your apron springs and producing a family feast from scratch after a few hours and slapping down some fast food on the table and calling it dinner is narrowing. That’s good news for anyone who likes the idea of a homemade meal but isn’t exactly Julia Child in the kitchen, and it’s partly due to some crafty research by the big food companies. [More]

You Need An Automatic Egg Tube On A Stick Maker
If there’s anything that I need in my life, it’s eggs cooked in a flexible tube like a sausage without casing. Here I am, cooking my eggs in a frying pan like a sucker. Then I learned about the Rollie. [More]

How Far Off Were The Predictions Of 1967’s Home Of The Future?
Faced with an amazing array of new technology, post-World War II America was obsessed with “the future” and how, within decades, we’d be living in geodesic colonies in the desert with self-sustaining farms. Not all of that has come true. [More]

Electrolux Introduces $100K Kitchen Range Because Some People Have Enough Money To Actually Burn
The next time you feel like burning some money, you could just grab a wad of cash and light it on fire. Or you could get super fancy about it and fork over $100,000 for a new deluxe kitchen range from Electrolux. Yep, a stovetop and oven for more money than some of the priciest luxury vehicles out there. Hey, we’ve all got hobbies. [More]

People Are Allegedly Preparing Salmon And Potatoes In The Dishwasher
Real Simple has a list of things you can and cannot put in your dishwasher (Caution: annoying slideshow.) One of the suggestions stood out. Potatoes…? [More]

How Do You Stretch The Contents Of Your Kitchen To Create Culinary Delights?
Our delightfully crafty siblings at ShopSmart Magazine are always coming up with creative ways to stretch a dollar. And when it comes to getting the last bit of food from the bottom of that peanut butter jar or the final swig in a wine bottle, they’ve discovered some very hand tips for turning kitchen dregs into culinary delight. Check out a few of their suggestions and let us know — have you devised any tasty uses for those otherwise used up bottles, jars and bags? [More]

You Don’t Need The Perfect Tortilla Pan. No One Does.
Every time I look at a TV during the last few weeks, I see ads for the Perfect Tortilla, a wavy mold designed to help you make lovely edible bowls out of a regular store-bought tortilla. At home, visiting family, even at a sports bar: the ad is everywhere. What makes it annoying isn’t the spokesman who resembles a bald Billy Mays. It’s that this product is useless, even by the rarified standards of as-seen-on-TV merchandise. [More]