
Friendly's Burger Has Grilled Cheese Sandwiches For Buns

Friendly's Burger Has Grilled Cheese Sandwiches For Buns

Yes, the latest assault on America’s waistline comes in the form of Friendly’s recently launched Grilled Cheese BurgerMelt. Move over, Double Down, there’s a new “something with far more calories than bread as a bun” sandwich in town. [More]

Drunk Driver Catapults Car Over Tollbooth

Drunk Driver Catapults Car Over Tollbooth

This is not how you avoid paying an airport toll. Repeat, do not hit the concrete barrier at a high rate of speed and go all General Lee over the tollbooth. Your car may burst into flames and you might die. [More]

Giant List Of Data Brokers To Opt Out Of

Giant List Of Data Brokers To Opt Out Of

Everyone is freaking out about Facebook having/owning your data, but they’re NKOTB (New Kids On The Block). There’s a slew of guys that have been carving up, packaging and reselling your personal information since before “Please Don’t Go Girl” started assaulting our ear canals. Here’s a cubic ton of data brokers, direct marketers and data aggregation services, with links to how you can opt your digits out of their databases. [More]

Emailing Logitech VP Gets Out-Of-Warranty Remote Fixed

Emailing Logitech VP Gets Out-Of-Warranty Remote Fixed

Chuck was stuck with a broke remote. Out of warranty, it was a joke, its LCD screen croaked, its buttons he blindly poked. Customer service offered him reimbursement, 50%, on his next purchase. Not good enough, he puffed! He did not want to fill a landfill with more stuff! So he leapt over the minions and emailed a man who had hand, like pinions he spun gears and he won Chuck a repair and now Chuck no longer rips out his hair, no longer stuck with a joke of a broken remote, his tale I now share: [More]

Continental Takes Three Days And Counting To Fly Passenger From Texas to New Hampshire

Continental Takes Three Days And Counting To Fly Passenger From Texas to New Hampshire

Poor Ashley, all she wanted was to fly from Houston to Manchester to visit her friend for the weekend. She planned to leave on Thursday, but Continental apparently overbooked a whole mess of flights and could only get her to Detroit the next day. From there Continental planned to send her onto Manchester with Delta, but that didn’t work out either. After spending a night stuck in Detroit, Ashley made it to Atlanta, where Delta figured she would manage to catch one of their many flights to New England. Nope! Instead, things got much, much worse. [More]

It's June, Time For Hobby Lobby To Kick Off The Christmas Creep Season

It's June, Time For Hobby Lobby To Kick Off The Christmas Creep Season

People, it’s June! Why is Hobby Lobby selling Christmas wreaths?! Two years ago Hobby Lobby rolled out the trees in August. Last year they decked the halls in July. We’re going to celebrate Christmas all through 2015 at this rate. Seriously Hobby Lobby, call us if you ever decide to throw one of those “We’ve Gone Crazy!” sales. We’ll totally vouch for you. Hit the jump for some unreasonably unseasonal pictures. [More]

UPS Overcharges Art Gallery $650, Offers $160 Refund

UPS Overcharges Art Gallery $650, Offers $160 Refund

Hang needed to ship three large pieces of art to Japan in time for a gallery opening, but UPS had other plans. Rather than weigh the boxes properly or fill out the right customs forms, UPS decided to charge Hang $1,600 for a job that should’ve cost $950. Because the customs forms were improper, one of the boxes was returned as undeliverable, while another was stuck in customs and didn’t arrive until after the opening. Hang only wants UPS to refund the $650 overcharge, but UPS thinks Hang is being greedy. [More]

Is The Dominican Republic An International Destination? Airlines Disagree

Is The Dominican Republic An International Destination? Airlines Disagree

American Airlines told Bill that he couldn’t acces their international lounge because his flight from the Dominican Republic to Houston, which required a passport and a customs form, didn’t count as an international flight. Bill’s wife had paid $300 to upgrade Bill’s ticket to first class expressly so he could access the lounge, and Bill wasn’t sure what part of “international” American didn’t seem to understand. Yet it turns out American might be right. [More]

Banks Luring You Into Signing Back Up For High Overdraft Fees

Banks Luring You Into Signing Back Up For High Overdraft Fees

Banks are mad they can’t just automatically charge you a $35 overdraft anymore if you happen to try to buy a candy bar without enough cash in your account. Newly enacted legislation says they have to get you to opt-in to such overdraft programs. So, what they’re doing is renaming the overdraft programs something else, making them sound awesome, and then blitzing your mailbox and inbox with up-sells. Some banks are even calling people up! [More]

Buy Solar Power System, Get Free Gun

Buy Solar Power System, Get Free Gun

“Buy solar. Get a gun.” Perfect for off-the-grid survivalists, Bland Solar and Air Inc has a new deal offering every customer who buys a 3kW+ solar system a free firearm. Best. Cross-promotion. Ever. [More]

Unpublished Phone Number For Bank of America Online Banking Support

Unpublished Phone Number For Bank of America Online Banking Support

If you need to reach phone-based support for your Bank of America online account, it might be hard. You won’t find the number listed anywhere on their site. But we’ve got the unpublished number: [More]

Get $1 Jamba Juice Smoothies Today

Get $1 Jamba Juice Smoothies Today

Today only you can get a $1 Jamba Juice smoothie at participating locations. It’s a push to promote their new Superfruit Smoothie flavors, Super Yumberry and Berry Yumberry. You know, when I was growing up, we had a Yumberry tree in our yard but we had to chop it down because the neighbor was complaining about all the Yumberries that kept falling into his yard. [More]

Kraft's Amusing Capri Sun Mold FAQ

Kraft's Amusing Capri Sun Mold FAQ

Last week we told you how Melissa found a giant scary mold in her Capri Sun juice pouch. After she posted pictures on her Facebook, sections of the internet went totally apesh*t. This is probably because the mold looked like a giant horse eyeball and Kraft’s initially slow response only fueled the flames of hysteria. As part of getting up to speed, Kraft even put up a whole FAQ devoted specifically to this one issue. Between its lines, though, you can read their frustration with the blowup. Their answer to the last question “What kind of mold is it?” is both honest and funny: [More]

Walmart Deodorant Pricing Scheme Smells Off

Walmart Deodorant Pricing Scheme Smells Off

Something is funky about how Walmart is pricing these two deodorants. [More]

You Could Opt Out Of T-Mobile's Arbitration Clause… If Their Site Wasn't Broken

You Could Opt Out Of T-Mobile's Arbitration Clause… If Their Site Wasn't Broken

Consumerist is no fan of mandatory binding arbitration, a clause in many consumer contracts that forces you to give up your right to sue in small claims court and have all disputes resolved by a professional arbitration firm that gets paid directly by the companies. So when I saw that there was an way to opt-out of T-Mobile’s arbitration clause online, I was stoked. Then I tried to go there, and the site was broken. Fail phone! UPDATE: T-Mobile Fixes Broken Arbitration Opt-Out Site [More]

What's This Giant Mold Monster Melissa Found In A Capri Sun Pouch?

What's This Giant Mold Monster Melissa Found In A Capri Sun Pouch?

Melissa found a nastiness in her pouch of Capri Sun, a nastiness even nastier than Capri Sun. A giant mold monster that grew inside the pouch after it was punctured slightly, perhaps? UPDATE: Kraft’s Amusing Capri Sun Mold FAQ [More]

Will The iPhone 4 Cripple AT&T's Network?

Will The iPhone 4 Cripple AT&T's Network?

AT&T’s network is notorious for the connectivity issues surrounding the iPhone, and Silicon Alley Insider thinks that the iPhone 4 is only going to compound them. Steve Jobs’ assurances that AT&T has assured him the network is going to get better by the end of the summer won’t be enough, because of specific changes Apple made to the phone itself. [More]

Get Off Junk Mail Lists With Blitz Calling

Get Off Junk Mail Lists With Blitz Calling

This is an awesome new tactic for getting off junk mail lists. I just learned it from Phillip, a Consumerist reader I met at the Consumers Union Activist Summit, who is eating a sandwich next to me. He calls it “Blitz Calling” and he’s used it to successfully get off seven different junk mail lists that initially tried to ignore him. [More]