The power button on a woman’s iPhone 4 failed, and she’s not able to turn the phone on or off. That pretty much renders it useless, so she ditched AT&T and got a new phone. But she never forgot that shiny, shiny iPhone that broke down shortly after its initial one-year warranty was up. She filed a class action on behalf of herself and other powerless iPhone users. What raised eyebrows is that she sued under the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, accusing Apple and AT&T of conspiring together to sell expensive two-year contracts on phones that break after one year. [More]
iphone 4

Report: Apple Store Employees Now Allowed To Price-Match iPhones
The worst kept secret in telephony is that there is a new Apple iPhone coming in the fall. Thus, some of the big box retailers that offer the current version of the device are starting to offer discounts to clear inventory. Apple stores are not advertising any such price drops, but a new report claims that employees have been given authorization to offer price matches. [More]

The Punishment For Selling An iPhone Prototype: $250
When a pre-release iPhone 4 prototype went missing at a beer garden last year and ended up being sold to Gizmodo, the stakes seemed high. Investigators seized an editor’s computers and charged two men with crimes connected to the alleged theft. But several months and an entire newer iPhone model release later, the drama turned out to be much ado about very little. Two men accused of selling the device were sentenced to a year of probation, 40 hours of community service and a not-so-whopping $250 restitution they must both pay to Apple. They pleaded no contest to charges of misdemeanor theft. [More]

New iPhone Causes Price Drop In Older Models
Apple’s revelation that the iPhone 4S is nigh has started a domino effect that sapped much of the value away from its predecessors. Those who have spent the past several months longing for the iPhone 4 will now be able to grab an 8GB model for $99 on a two-year contract. And the older iPhone 3GS now is free on contract. [More]

Two Charged In Swiping Of iPhone 4 Prototype; Neither Are Bloggers
When a pre-release iPhone 4 prototype wound up in the hands of Gizmodo last year, authorities began an investigation that led to the seizure of an editor’s computers. Authorities allege that an Apple engineer left the prototype at a bar. Gizmodo admitted paying someone to get the phone, stating it didn’t realize the prototype was stolen. Now Gizmodo editors can breathe easy, because the San Mateo County District Attorney has not brought charges against anyone from the site. [More]

Walmart Cuts iPhone 4 To $147
Walmart announced this week that they were chopping the price on 16 GB iPhone 4’s to $147, down from $197. The deal is only for a limited time and runs through June 30th. [More]

Users Complain iPhone 4 Secretly Taking Their Photo
Some iPhone 4 users are complaining that their devices are secretly taking photos of themselves. [More]

iPhone 4 Falls 1,000 Feet And Lives
An iPhone 4 fell from of the pocket of a U.S. Air Force Jump Master when he was looking out the plane and plummeted 1,000 feet to the ground, and was completely unharmed, reports iLounge. [More]

Study Finds Verizon iPhone Downloads Slower Than AT&T Version
Verizon customers waited for years to get their hands on the iPhone, and a new study finds they use those waiting skills more than their AT&T brethren, because the Verizon model takes twice as long on average to download data. [More]

AT&T's Response To Verizon's iPhone Snark Is A Yawner
Oh, snap…? AT&T has responded to Verizon’s snarky iPhone 4 ad, in which the “can you hear me now?” guy says yes, now he can hear you, on Verizon’s network, with one big yawner of an ad. [More]

Man Turns Water-Damaged iPhone 3GS Into New iPhone 4
Matt was able to turn his water-damage iPhone 3GS into a new iPhone 4 for only $200, even though he hadn’t reached his upgrade time yet, thanks to a lot of persistence, and a little bit of mercy. [More]

Teen Selling White iPhone 4 Kits Accused Of Selling Stolen Goods
While Apple can’t seem to get around to releasing the elusive White iPhone 4, a teenager in New York City has made over $100,000 in the last few months selling kits to convert iPhone 4s from black to white. Now he says he’s being accused by an investigator of selling stolen property. [More]

Lawsuit: Apple's New Operating System Intentionally Slowed Older iPhones
Some iPhone owners say Apple’s iOS 4 tossed some sand in the gears of their older iPhones, and at least one angry customer thinks it was all part of Apple’s plan to make iPhone owners sour on their devices and upgrade to the iPhone 4. [More]

AT&T Won't Give My iPhone, Microcell Service, Nor Let Me Out Of Contract (Updated)
UPDATE: Courtney said AT&T let her out of her contract without having to pay an early termination fee after seeing this post. [More]

White iPhone 4 Delayed Once More
If you’re sick of your white headphones not matching the black shell of your iPhone, you’ll now have to wait until spring. [More]

Will This $8 Million iPhone Still Have Death Grip Issues?
Just in time for Christmas, the world’s most expensive phone. At least that’s what the designer of the $8 million dollar diamond-rimmed iPhone 4 claims. [More]

Is The iPhone 4 'GlassGate' News All It's Cracked Up To Be?
The iPhone 4’s “death grip” antenna issue has been well-documented on the pages of Consumerist and our sister publication Consumer Reports. But now comes news of a possible second design flaw, already dubbed “GlassGate” by some, in which slide-on iPhone 4 cases are reported to have a shattering effect on the device’s rear glass covering. [More]

Apple Pulling Plug On Free iPhone 4 Bumper Program
If you’re an iPhone 4 owner and haven’t scored your free bumper case, you’ve only got a couple weeks left to get one. Apple has announced that it is pulling the plug on the free bumper program at the end of September. [More]