
P&G Coupon Book Full Of Delightfully Stereotypical "Mom" Imagery, And Savings!

P&G Coupon Book Full Of Delightfully Stereotypical "Mom" Imagery, And Savings!

A packet of “mom”-centered P&G coupons landed in Post Punk Kitchen forum member raspberrycomplaint’s mailbox and she found the ad copy and images pretty amusing. She posted several of the pages along with her commentary, like the one of a wife feeding her husband snacks. “At the end of the day, I get supper on the table. My husband refuses to use utensils. He says that’s what I’m here for, and makes me hand feed him his supper, one bite at a time. I just feel so proud that I can be useful to him. That’s a woman’s job.” It’s all very facetious and snarky and worth a good chuckle, but it makes you wonder who comes up with this stuff. [More]

Toshiba Won't Repair Faulty Hard Drive Because You Sharpied "Faulty" On It

Toshiba Won't Repair Faulty Hard Drive Because You Sharpied "Faulty" On It

Chris was fixing his neighbor’s Toshiba laptop when he discovered that the hard drive was defective. Just like how he does at his job where he is a professional computer technician, he wrote “FAULTY X” on it to indicate it shouldn’t be used again. When he sent the computer, which was still under its 1-year warranty period, in to Toshiba, he was dismayed by the reply he got back. They refused to replace the hard drive because “the label was written/torn” and “Toshiba does not cover the cost for this type of damage.” Now they $417.58 for the repair. [More]

FitBit Replaces Gizmo For Free After You Drown It

FitBit Replaces Gizmo For Free After You Drown It

Daryl killed his FitBit, a device that is essentially a fancy pedometer and sleep tracking gadget, by letting it go through the wash. Normally this would be a time of sadness and woe and would necessitate shelling out for another one. Instead, after contacting customer service, he received some surprise and welcome news. [More]

What If Someone Told Edison About The iPhone?

What If Someone Told Edison About The iPhone?

What would have happened if someone from the future traveled back in time to tell Thomas Edison about the iPhone? What would he have done? This cute comic from reader Ken Fager explores the possibilities… [More]

Pump Price Keeps Rising Even Though You Stopped Filling Up

Pump Price Keeps Rising Even Though You Stopped Filling Up

Seems like gas prices want to rise so bad, they’re even doing at the pumps themselves. Kirkster captured on video a fuel pump where the gallons and cost on the meter kept rising even after he stopped filling up his car. As if $4 gasoline wasn’t bad enough! [More]

Scammer Cracks Your Facebook Account, Live Chats With Your Friends That You're Mugged In London And Need Cash

Scammer Cracks Your Facebook Account, Live Chats With Your Friends That You're Mugged In London And Need Cash

Last week we told you about a guy who thought his friend was mugged in London and trapped without cash and was hitting him up for help via Facebook IM. Turns out his friend’s Facebook account was hacked and he was live-chatting with a scammer who had taken over the account. It’s not an isolated incident, other readers chimed in to say it had happened to them too. We’ve heard of this scam before, but the fact that they are live chatting on Facebook with the victim’s friends, pretending to be a friend who is in trouble, is a new twist. Here is another transcript of such an occurrence, courtesy of commenter MyopicRaiderfan. They have a little fun with the scammer by asking them why they slept with their stepfather in high school. [More]

Delta Warned About Mice Feces On Plane

Delta Warned About Mice Feces On Plane

Most people are worried about a seatmate that takes up more than their fair share of the seats, but on one Delta plane they should be more concerned about a far tinier co-passenger. CNN reports the FDA has sent Delta a warning letter (read it here) about mouse droppings “too numerous to count” onboard one of its planes. [More]

Before Taking That Hotel Towel Home, Check For An RFID Chip

Before Taking That Hotel Towel Home, Check For An RFID Chip

If one of your favorite parts about staying in a hotel is loading up on all the free towels, you may want to take a pause before stuffing your suitcase next time. A few hotels, which don’t want to be named, have started to use a new washable RFID chip that can be sewn into towels, robes and bedsheets. [More]

Debt Collector Can't Harass Through Facebook Friends, Court Rules

Debt Collector Can't Harass Through Facebook Friends, Court Rules

In a precedent-setting case, a court has ruled that a debt collector can’t continue to contact a debtor’s friends and family on Facebook about her car payments, reports the Orlando Sentinel. The debt collector had already emailed, texted her, and called her at home and work, according tot he lawsuit, 23 times in one day. [More]

Block Cuts Electricity Use By 15% By Chalking Meter Readings On Street

Block Cuts Electricity Use By 15% By Chalking Meter Readings On Street

Residents of one block in Brighton in the UK are tracking their electricity usage via a giant infographic graffitied onto the street. In the three weeks the project has been running, electricity use has dropped 15%. Amazing the great good a little bit of feedback can do! In America people would probably just compete to see how big they could make the electricity drain go. [More]

Annoy Telemarketers Into Leaving You Alone

Annoy Telemarketers Into Leaving You Alone

Larry’s company was deluged with calls from this one telemarketing scam outfit. They tried everything to get rid of the buggers but they wouldn’t quit. So his company decided to annoy them. [More]

Brian Regan Doesn't Know How To Use UPS

Brian Regan Doesn't Know How To Use UPS

Comedian Brian Regan talks about how he’s really bad at using UPS. If you’ve ever wondered why UPS operators sound like they’re both bored and on the verge of killing you, it’s because of jackasses like this who call up and give fake information because they’re too lazy/stupid to figure out how to perform basic measurements. Is it really that hard to weigh yourself on a scale, then weigh yourself on a scale holding the box, then subtract your weight from the you + box weight? But once you get past the basic “customer is a moron” premise, the bit is pretty funny. [More]

Scammer Cracks Into Facebook Account And Hits Up Chat List For Cash

Scammer Cracks Into Facebook Account And Hits Up Chat List For Cash

Kevin was worried. His friend Mike said over Facebook chat that he and his wife and kids were stranded in London after getting mugged. They needed money wired immediately to settle their hotel bill. This was especially worrisome because Mike was supposed to be recuperating in the hospital from head surgery… Then Kevin realized that someone had cracked his friend’s Facebook account and was impersonating him. Here is the transcript of their conversation: [More]

McDonald's Canada Accepts Monopoly Money

McDonald's Canada Accepts Monopoly Money

Paying “in Monopoly money” may cease to be a pejorative after McDonald’s Canada started selling fast food in exchange for bills from the classic board game. [More]

Tajazzle Bedazzles Your Intimate Areas

Tajazzle Bedazzles Your Intimate Areas

This is an incredible infomercial for “Tajazzle,” a “3-step system of personal confidence” whose third step is a crystal tattoo that you place in an area “only your lover can find.” Everything from the product itself, to the cheesy actors super committed to being super sensuous, is hilarious. [More]

Video: Driverless Tractor Rampages Cars In Walmart Parking Lot

Video: Driverless Tractor Rampages Cars In Walmart Parking Lot

It’s demolition derby time at this Walmart parking lot where a tractor without anyone behind the wheel drives around in a circle of death, plowing through minivans and raising sparks as its blade gouges the side of the building. [More]

Concept Of Emerald Nuts Breakfast Pouches Fry Robots' Circuits

Concept Of Emerald Nuts Breakfast Pouches Fry Robots' Circuits

Emerald Nuts have a series of new ads pitching their pouches of breakfast nuts as more “human” than a traditional breakfast bar. To convey this message, “Cubebot,” “Mombot” and “Commuterbot” disdainfully decline the nut blends offered by their human counterparts, preferring instead to force a breakfast bar through their wood-chipper-like mouth-grinders. Pretty high concept for pre-packaged trail mix! [More]

The Magical Chinese Hard Drive

The Magical Chinese Hard Drive

A customer walked into a Russian hard-drive repair center complaining about his broken 500Gb USB-drive. He had bought it dirt cheap in China but it had a problem. If you saved a movie to it, it would only play the last five minutes. They opened up the case and found inside a 128-MB flash drive working in looped mode. It displays the correct capacity when you plug it in but when you write to it and run out of space, it just overwrites the old data. Two nuts make it feel like it has the right heft. Crafty, crafty counterfeiters! Caveat emptor, if the price is “too good to be true,” it is. [More]